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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Is Pikachu really not part of the rotation? Huh. That's a real shame. 1) Pikachu 2) Professor Layton 3) Bayonetta
  2. Y'know, just for comparison's sake, I would love to see a page like this made for all the times men have been in trouble in games. And I'll finally give her some credit. There's some obscure as hell things on here (Though, I'd argue that some of the examples listed aren't fair without context).
  3. Not saying they are or aren't. Just saying she'll cover Dead or Alive when she gets to the Fighting Fuck Toy video (Which is after Damsels in Distress).
  4. Pretty sure that'll be covered in the Fighting Fuck Toy video.
  5. I hope she brings up Infamous, at the very least. That's the biggest, most vile example from this console cycle that I can think of.
  6. No love for the music from Network Transmission?
  7. I didn't claim that, actually.
  8. Considering the entire series was meant to be done in December and no one complained then, I'm going to assume she's going to keep taking her time with these.
  9. But we have four maps!
  10. Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Metal Gear Solid V Alright, why did Kojima suddenly decide to switch to Roman numerals for the name? That 'V' is going to end up being important somehow, mark my words.
  11. A good response from KiteTales towards Anita, I think.
  12. I would agree with you, but then...most of the enemies, including Bowser himself are using the emotion based powers. Does it really count as sexist, if it's happening to every character in the game, including the main villian of the franchise? Besides, it doesn't change the fact that it's still a game where she's saving Mario and Luigi instead of the other way around.
  13. Super Princess Peach, where she's trying to save Mario? Super Paper Mario, where she's the second party member you get?
  14. That's actually a myth, and didn't really happen.
  15. I still don't get what the difference between "Mrs. Male Character" and "Man with Boobs" is supposed to be.
  16. I'm curious about one thing, concerning the Bros Before Hos issue. A woman came up with the name for the trophy. Not a man trying to sexist, not a man thinking it was clever and then accidentally offending people, but a female producer working on the game. Does this change your feelings about the situation any?
  17. ...when has Kratos ever raped someone?
  18. I still can't see it either. I watched the video several times, and I never got the sexual vibe that it supposedly has. I mean, I'm not trying to say the God of War series isn't sexist, but there's a LOT of better examples in the series that could be used, then trying to make a stretch about how it's a rape fantasy because he impales her on a spike. EDIT: Good news about the achievement name though: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/03/11/controversial-god-of-war-ascension-trophy-altered-in-upcoming-p/
  19. Just off the top of my head: Sonic Adventure 2: Amy has to rescue Sonic from prison. Beyond Good & Evil: The majority of the plot revolves around the main character Jade trying to rescue her father figure. Super Princess Peach: Peach has to save Mario and Luigi. Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure: The main character is trying to save the Prince from an evil witch who's turned him to stone. Final Fantasy VII: Not the typical rescue, but it's Tifa that has to save Cloud when he's in his coma and having his mental problems towards the end of the game. I'm sure there's more, these are just the immediate ones that jump to mind.
  20. Yeah, I'm not getting it. It really is no different than most of Kratos' other kills in the series, except in this case she actually gets away and lives. It's violent, yes, but it's far from being his most violent kill. I definitely don't see what the big deal is. Is it only because he's killing a woman this time in an ultra-violent fashion and not a male? Are we saying then, that women shouldn't be killed like that in games, but it's okay for it to happen to men?
  21. I won't try to argue against the achievement name. But I'm curious to see the actual scene. I honestly can't imagine it being any worse than some of the things he's done to past enemies, I really can't.
  22. I have to ask here. How is Kratos curb-storming the Harpy worse than any other ultra-violent act he's commited to countless male characters over the course of the franchise?
  23. I would have to argue that Midna is just as much a main character as Link is. She is, after all, the titular Twilight Princess, and most of the game's plot involves her and her story. She factors heavily into the actual gameplay too, moreso than a lot of Link's other sidekicks. That being said, if anyone in Twilight Princess is a disempowered female, it's Midna. I am curious to see if Anita actually brings her up in her video, though I don't think she will.
  24. Her only salvation isn't from a man. It's from a man AND a woman. Midna had just as much to do with saving Zelda (If not more!) as Link did. I'm going to have to disagree with your fun fact, too. Linebeck was possessed by Bellum in Phantom Hourglass, and I'm pretty sure there's been at least one other example elsewhere in the series.
  25. I'd argue for Twilight Princess at least partially averting the trope. Zelda's not 'kidnapped', she's imprisoned in her own castle. In the cutscene showing the taking of the castle, it also shows her entire royal guard failing to stop Zant and his forces. Yes, she ends up in Ganon's clutches towards the end of the game, ending up literally possessed by him, but only after she's sacrificed herself to save Midna. Then, after you break the possession, it's Midna that brings her back to life, then she immediately joins you in fighting off Ganon for the next part of the final fight. There's very little weakness shown in Zelda throughout the game, and personally I'd argue TP is the strongest representation of her as a character in the series.
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