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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Disagree. Just in the direct, they showed off: Mario 3D World Mario Kart 8 Bayonetta 2 Super Smash Brothers Wonderful 101 DKC: Tropical Freeze Monolith Soft's new game Wind Waker HD No real surprises or anything here, but that's still a very solid lineup. Not to mention Pikmin 3 and Yarn Yoshi on the way. I'm probably forgetting some things, too.
  2. Doesn't Nintendo usually not go to TGS?
  3. We can all only hope that I, Mario will be a reality one day.
  4. Falco stays. Wolf can shove off, though. Holding out hope that we get Little Mac this time.
  5. He should have been called Jump'n'Shoot Man.
  6. Destiny's not exclusive though.
  7. You call her a joke character, but watch her end up being top tier.
  8. Here's the reveal trailer for her.
  9. This is kind of awesome. I wonder if she'll use like, a ton of yoga moves as attacks? Also her Final Smash looks just like Mario's but with YOGA.
  10. It's true. FFXV as well.
  11. http://kotaku.com/third-party-publishers-will-have-final-say-on-used-game-512643240 This is notable, I think.
  12. So, Fairy-type Pokemon are confirmed now. Gardevoir, Jigglypuff, Marill, and Sylveon are all Fairies. Also, there's these two guys: The Pokemon direct tonight should be interesting!
  13. Well, that's disappointing. I've stuck with the KH series for so long, only for the game that seems to be the conclusion to the storyline they've been building up to end up on a system I care nothing about. What a shame. :/ It's nice of Squeenix to put FF15 on PS3 as well as PS4, though. Though I still wonder if it's actually going to come out anytime in the next few years. ;P
  14. Has any of D3's patches added randomization of dungeons and maps to the game yet? Cause that's the whole reason I gave up on it.
  15. Totally digging your cover of Elm, dude! That's one of my favorite songs from the Cowboy Bebop OST. Nice work!
  16. http://kotaku.com/how-the-fantasia-game-plans-to-live-up-disney-s-animate-511284531 I dunno...I think it looks kind of neat, personally.
  17. Fun fact: When Miyamoto said that, he wasn't talking about Krystal. Dinosaur Planet originally had two lead characters, a male and a female. Miyamoto was referring to the male hero when he talked about how Fox should be the lead. How convenient that Anita left that bit of info out of her video, huh?
  18. I've asked several times in two threads now and still haven't gotten a proper response. What exactly does a female power fantasy consist of?
  19. I'd say Fighting should be weak to Fairy. How many stories and fables are there about great warriors getting cursed or jinxed by magical beings?
  20. That's a pretty big fantasy cliche though.
  21. Fairy being weak to Steel makes tons of sense to me. After all, fae creatures are weakened in the presence of cold iron, right?
  22. If the leaker is right and it is a Fairy type (Ha ha, no), then having a weakness to Steel is actually pretty clever of them.
  23. As far as Bayonetta goes, I would say that's a pretty good total for a brand new franchise by a Japanese developer these days.
  24. Waluigi and Isaac for Smash 4. That's all I need to be content. I'm hoping Sega will get around to doing a new F-Zero for the Wii U, too.
  25. So you didn't even make it out of the first cutscene?
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