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Everything posted by Dexie

  1. Resident Evil 4's best version was on the Wii, I felt.
  2. They did that. Super Princess Peach on the DS. That's a whole other can of worms though.
  3. But that's not true at all, if this is to be believed. Women make up half the market! I've watched the video twice now, and...mmph. Trying to find the best way to say this without sounding like an ass. For a video that's eight months overdue and received thousands of dollars in crowd funding, I am not impressed. On one hand, twenty minutes seems pretty short to me for what she's trying to go for. On another, I felt there were some things that could have been cut out or explained in a better fashion. I think the thing that bothers me the most though, is how she either seriously downplayed certain things or outright left out details about others. Like the brief mention of Sonic CD. That part of the video has been really bugging me for the past couple days. She briefly mentions the game, as if to say "Even Sega is part of the problem with Sonic!" but then leaves out the fact that in most of Amy's other appearances, she's out fighting with Sonic or helping him in some way. Hell, in Sonic Adventure 2, she's the one having to save HIM at one point! I just...I understand what she's trying to do and trying to bring attention to, I just don't think this video did a good job of it. And looking at her list of other videos in the series? Can anyone explain what the difference between "Mrs. Male Character" and "Man With Boobs" is supposed to be?
  4. I always liked how Final Fantasy Tactics did it. When a unit dies, you have three rounds to try and revive them, otherwise you lose them forever. Seeing a unit fall in the middle of a heated, tough fight really made things more tense, changing your priorities from 'okay, let's take down this boss and try to keep our health up at the same time' to 'OH SHIT THE NINJA IS DOWN GET HIM BACK UP CRAP CRAP CRAP'. As far as actual plot death goes, I always thought Suikoden II handled the death of one of it's major characters really, really well. Then again, just about everything about Suikoden II was done really, really well, so.
  5. Sylveon is definitely a Flying type. The name 'Sylveon' probably comes from 'sylph', an air elemental. The French name for it is 'Nymphali', probably referring to nymphs, female elemental spirits. Then, take a look at this chart Nintendo made for us... Go counter-clockwise from Leafeon to Jolten. Each Pokemon has an advantage over it's opposite. Leafeon beats Vaporeon, Umbreon trumps Espeon, Flareon melts Glaceon, then wouldn't it make sense for Sylveon to be flying so that Jolteon has the advantage over it? Also, it's the lightest Eeveelution. It weighs less so it's easier for it to fly, perhaps? And finally, finally, look at released for it. See the way it's ribbons are waving and moving? Like they're being blown around by wind? Definitely seems like an aspect a Flying type Pokemon would have, no?If it's not a Flying type, I'll eat my hat.
  6. Oh yeah? Well Nintendo is, what Genesisn't! :V Seriously though, awesome presentation this morning. The Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem title has me SO excited!
  7. https://soundcloud.com/nintendopella I like these guys.
  8. It's the tail. It just looks really, really bad to me in-game and in the Sugimori art. Treecko I like. Grovyle's design I LOVE. Sceptile...ugh. The damn tail just throws the whole thing off.
  9. Sadly, Gen IV and Gen V didn't get a Pokerap. But Gen V got which still strikes me as both amazing and hilarious.
  10. Well, we're at 649 Pokemon right now. If I had to guess, I'd say we'll get 100~120 new monsters?
  11. Grass starters every gen for me but Gen III, because Sceptile is laaaaame.
  12. Just wait. The fire starter is going to stand up when he evolves and get a pair of boxing gloves. I just know it.
  13. Looks like a browser game to me.
  14. It's definitely on 360. Check out the website for Moby Dick Studio. http://www.mobydickstudio.se/en/ Got the 360 logo at the bottom.
  15. Assuming you two aren't kidding, check this thread out: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=503254 It's Kojima being Kojima, and trying to be secretive about things, even though it's completely obvious. I mean, it's Big Boss/Solid Snake in the trailer for crying out loud!
  16. for Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger uses Miku in it. Quite fitting and amusing.
  17. I'm in agreement with you, dude. It felt so half-assed and phoned in. The roster was mostly great, the game itself just felt so bare-bones and lacking compared to other modern fighters.
  18. The idiots that still visit their site and give them the pageviews they need to get paid. I swore them off after they dropped a major spoiler for Arkham City in the headline of one of their articles WEEKS BEFORE THE GAME CAME OUT and haven't looked back.
  19. The Wonderful End of the World has a pretty catchy vocal theme.
  20. Dragon Quest did monster collecting/battling before either Pokemon or Digimon, if I'm remembering correctly. And I'm pretty damn sure that the original Megami Tensei did it before Dragon Quest did. I bet if I looked hard enough, I'd find something that did it before Megami Tensei, too.
  21. Won't happen. Sony owns the rights to Lemmings. I *think* I heard something about Lemmings being in one of the stages of Playstation All-Stars in the background?
  22. Naughty Dog's Crash games had fantastic music. I remember playing the demo for Crash 2 (Which consisted of just the Snow Go stage) over and over again just to listen to this tune. It's catchy, funky, and all around a great ice stage theme.
  23. 'Dolphin' was the development name for the Gamecube, y'know. It's also a well-known Wii emulator. THEY MUST WANT TO ACTUALLY KICK GAMECUBES AND WIIS. IT'S A CONSPIRACY ZOMG.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Llk5Pq6aNUI&feature=g-u-u This sums up the general reaction of things pretty well.
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