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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. First, yes, I know, I'm late. Selling cars is more tiring than you might imagine. I'll try not to let it delay things here next time.

    Second, results are finally posted!

    1st Place: Liquidation by JH Sounds AND The Replacement by Zannick

    Runner-Up: Cause Ascension: Firsthand by Capa Langley

    The vote tally:

    Liquidation by JH Sounds - 8

    The Replacement by Zannick - 8

    Cause Ascension: Firsthand by Capa Langley - 4

    Untitled Chapter 1 by Mirby - 1

    When was the last time we had a tie for first? It's been a while. I think it was when Imagery was still in charge. Anyway, congrats!

    And third, the May 2011 Poetry Competition has started! So get writing/typing!

  2. BGC, that's pretty cool.

    I wish I had more time to devote to Minecraft these days. I miss being able to wake up every day, log into the server, and build until I got too tired to continue.

    By the way, Crowbar, any idea when MM is going to be fixed (or has it already)? We spent all that time setting up those signs, and last I checked, they no longer work after the update.

  3. I'm really trying to convince him to install Minecraft Mania :)

    It may not be completely necessary after the next update, if all you really want is the boosters, since official ones are being added. But if you're also desiring the other features of MM, well, then convince away!

  4. Oops. I think I crashed the server by doing /home from the old world...

    Let that serve as a word of warning to anyone who dares to try teleporting between worlds: it may only work if the destination chunk is already loaded by someone else, and may crash the server if it isn't already loaded.


  5. I have, but its been years. Elaboration?

    The most obvious example that comes to mind is when Jessica, being the story's equivalent of a psychic, drinks the Water of Life and is able to change the structure of the poison it contained so as to render it harmless.

    Basically, what Damned just said above about psychic energy purifying poison.

  6. Ah. Right. Voting.

    So we have 4 entries this time around. Would've been five, but I ended up scrapping what I'd been working on because I ultimately couldn't make my idea work properly. So four.

    Cause Ascension: Firsthand by Capa Langley

    Untitled Chapter 1 by Mirby

    Liquidation by JH Sounds

    The Replacement by Zannick

    Voting ends at the end of the day on the 24th. I at least expect all of you submitters to vote. Anyone else paying attention to the thread should as well. If you're rusty on the rules, be sure to refresh your memory by reading them in the first post. Good luck!

  7. When I had first set out on my trek to find a suitable location for my base, I had wanted to find one like the one I have now, except in a snow biome. However, since snow regen was broken and I didn't expect it to be fixed before we had another map reset, I settled on what I have now.

    Now I'm wishing I had continued looking. Oh well.

  8. Obviously the rate of rain/snow instances is extremely high for demo purposes. In addition, you can see at 48 seconds a lightning bolt hit the sand nearby and start a brief fire there. I imagine that, if it hit a flammable material, it'd spread a little bit before being doused by the rain.

  9. A number of confirmed and possible things announced today for future patches:

    1. It won't make it into 1.5, but the piston mod is confirmed for a future patch.

    2. Automated farm harvesting (using water) may also drop seeds as well as wheat in 1.5.

    3. Rain and snow are being put back into the game for 1.5, and Notch is working on adding thunder as well.

    4. In the same vein, snow and ice respawning will be fixed, and farms will auto-water with rain in 1.5.

    5. Notch is also looking to maybe cause rain to fill small holes with water, as well as make catching fish easier when raining.

    6. Sneaking and/or moving backwards might be used to reduce damage taken from mobs.

    7. Separate saplings for spruce and birch trees are confirmed for 1.5.

    8. A release date has been set for Minecraft. Should be up on a blog post in the future. EDIT: Release date is 11/11/11.

    9. Achievements and statistics will be in 1.5.

    10. Version 1.5 may be released sometime next week.

    Looks like the team is getting their mojo back. Let's hope it sticks around for a while.

  10. :o

    I'm going to add that to all my sp worlds!

    The great thing is, we may be able to bring it to our SMP server soon as well. Jeb is considering adding it to the core game (but only if the creator submits it to them for inclusion), and even if that doesn't happen, the modding API is what they're going to be focusing on now that 1.4 is out.

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