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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. So what's the direct IP address of OCR? As I understand it, the bill only provides means of removing the DNS entry from your internet service, not removing the site itself, so getting to a site by the IP address would still work. I've taken to gathering up IP addresses for many of my frequented sites just in case. What's OCR's?

  2. No, but you only have a few days left to submit if you're going to. Submission ends on the 14th, and only because I don't want to see this competition wither and die; it should've ended on Nov. 30th. Regardless, we need two more submissions to even have a vote this round, and I'm too bogged down in job applications to even think about something to write. Not that I write poetry, anyway.

  3. Not like that hasn't already been enabled by most people since day one...

    What I'd like to see is larger amounts. They know the game is going to get modded to hell for years to come, which is what will give the game its longevity, and having that extra RAM available beyond just 4GB would help that along immensely.

  4. No. It isn't GPU reliant very much at all. If anything, it's CPU reliant. A modern CPU clocked at around 3.5GHz will get you a maxed out 30FPS in Skyward Sword, maybe a dip or two here. 4GHz intel processor? forget about it, 60FPS Mario Galaxy @ 1080p glory.

    Out of curiosity (since I likely won't be able to get the game for a while and I have a Wii to play it on), do you think it would play well on a Quad-core 2.83 GHz with a GeForce 9800 GTX? I know next to nothing about Dolphin and I'm not sure where to look to get a straight answer (main project page doesn't say much). :???:

  5. i remember outlaw star being in the awesome toonami music videos i.e.

    Oh god I just nostalgia'd.

    I see Gundam 00 on there. If you liked that, you may like Gundam Wing (another show in that Toonami commercial). Similar feel to Gundam 00 in that it's got more emphasis on action than most other Gundam series (still recommend those, as well), and the plots a quite similar, too. I personally feel that Wing and 00 weren't as strong as those other Gundam series, but I tend to focus less on action and more on the characters, so you can somewhat base your decisions regarding the various Gundam series on that.

    EDIT: If you're liking Bleach and One Piece, then shows like Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star and Rurouni Kenshin are probably right up your alley.

  6. edit: i found this image anyone have any comments on it?


    What have you watched? I can't remember if you've seen some of these or not. Anyway...

    Of the things in the image, I can personally vouch for Kenshin (up through the second season; the rest beyond that is... um... yeah.), Outlaw Star, Slayers, Gundam 08th MS Team, Black Lagoon, Azumanga Daioh, Suzumiya Haruhi, FLCL, and Big O. Slayers, Azumanga and Haruhi may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they're generally good.

    I've heard good things about Zeta Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Sword in the Stranger, and Ergo Proxy, but I haven't gotten around to watching them yet.

    As far as things not on that image, Yu Yu Hakusho is a classic Shonen anime that has many cliches from the time period but is quite well done. I hear Gundam 0080 is good, and I'm currently watching Gundam 0083, which so far is good (if a bit odd with pacing at times). Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 is a really good one. Finally, Bubblegum Crisis and Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 are pretty good in my opinion, though they don't stand out in any particular way.

  7. Of course you aren't.

    Minecraft 1.0.0 has been officially released. If you're planning on playing on one of the servers here, though, don't update until the server has been updated; we'll tell you when that happens.

  8. 2 cores? So my 6-core won't do jack for me?

    Now hold on.. in recommended specs, they recommend a 4-core CPU. Why?

    It's because if you have more than two cores, the computer can essentially completely dedicate two cores to the game and use the rest for anything else running on the computer, including the OS. If you only have two cores, then some of at least one core will be taken up by those processes, leaving less for the game to use.

  9. Hnnghghghg Steam activation.

    Yeah, that part is bothering me as well.

    I lack money, but it's going to be hard to avoid purchasing this game at launch. I'm going to attempt it by watching someone else play it on launch day for charity instead. Of course, that will probably just backfire on me anyway, but hey, it's for charity!

  10. Results are in for the September 2011 Short Story Competition!

    1st Place: Savanna Dream by Simplicity

    Runner-Up: NOBODY by Jax Mandrake

    The vote tally:

    Savanna Dream by Simplicity - 10

    NOBODY by Jax Mandrake - 6

    Bobert's Boredom by Mirby - 2

    Good job, all, and I hope to see more submissions in the future! Tomorrow starts the November 2011 Poetry Competition! Also, NaNoWriMo 2011 is starting again tomorrow! Feel free to post what you write here.

  11. The voting period starts now*! We have three** entries:

    Bobert's Boredom by Mirby

    NOBODY by Jax Mandrake

    Savanna Dream by Simplicity

    Voting period ends on the 29th. Please, if you read this thread, do everyone a favor and vote.

    * Would have been earlier... like, a week ago, but... yeah, I have no excuse besides bad memory.

    ** Would have been four, but I 'completed' my entry just a little while ago, well after the deadline. Le sigh...

  12. I'd like to make a quick request that anyone playing on the server to try to avoid generating new chunks on the main world (the one we've been on since October) until after we have 1.9 running. The terrain generator is going to be changed again with that update, so I think we can all agree that we'd probably prefer having only one set of chunk discontinuities on the map, not two.

  13. that's because they're completely freaking broken in multi

    that's not how they're supposed to act

    Not completely broken. The problem in SMP is that the detection of when they're in your crosshairs is a little above their heads. So instead of not looking right at them, you need to avoid looking right above them.

    Hopefully that'll be fixed for 1.9.

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