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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. Crowbar, it seems the problem with MM is likely that it's not the latest version. Many problems with the signs were fixed between 1.03 and 1.04. MM has now been updated to 1.04f, and all the plugins are up to at least 1.04 base (signs is 1.04d). Let's see if we can't get them to update the server accordingly.

  2. I'm looking for suggestions on what to do next with my fortress town project. I've uploaded some pictures of what it currently looks like and the areas I plan on building in next.

    Pictures here.

    If you have any suggestions about what I should do in the undeveloped areas around where I've built so far, that'd be great. Also, that "castle" and my log home on top of the southern mountain are going to be TNT'd at some point and rebuilt from the ground up, just so you're aware.

  3. Because we have UNIONS, and those are soo much more efficient than your Japanese road-crews... right?

    Who's talking about unions or the workers themselves? I'm talking about the bureaucracy here that would delay any start to repairs significantly due to all the typical fuss in the federal and state governments about where the money would be coming from and things of that nature. It can be weeks before that gets resolved, in some cases. There, they have repairs started almost immediately. A stark difference.

  4. That's a shame, it would be so awesome if the situation were exactly as the before/after implied.

    Even so, the fact that they're so far along in starting to get things repaired is remarkable in itself. I'm sure that section of road that is shown to be in the middle of repairs wasn't much better than what was shown in the Before picture, after all. Imagine this had happened in the US. Imagine how long it'd have taken to get to the point of even starting repairs.

  5. But you made up for that with dropping two atomic bombs on Japan a few years later.

    Not to mention, prior to that, the firebombing of 65 Japanese cities, with the death toll from firebombing Tokyo alone equal to or greater than the combined death toll of the two atomic bombs.

    I don't blame anyone for hating these stupid people. This is an outright tragedy happening to Japan's people, and these idiots are trying to be all high and mighty by claiming this is vengeance for an attack we most certainly outclassed with attacks against civilians a hundred-fold greater in magnitude decades ago.

    Makes me sick.

  6. On the topic of the Nether, if you're concerned about a portal being placed in your buildings, place a portal somewhere nearby where it won't bother anything. Any portals that would have been created in that general area will instead be redirected to the pre-constructed portal.

  7. Man, I say one thing that wasn't accurate and everyone jumps on it. Which I don't think is bad, I'm glad to have the new information. If they did prepare it for a 7.9 quake, then I take back what I said about them not preparing. However, I will say this: it's freaking Mother Nature. If the largest quake you think it could release is a 7.9, prepare for much worse. And if they didn't prepare for a tsunami properly, as has been suggested, then that's just plain stupidity/ignorance right there. It's directly on the coast, for the love of whatever you find holy.

    Still, I won't hold it against them too much. It was built in the 60's, when the people holding the money for funding construction (i.e. not scientists) probably didn't understand the true nature of these disasters like they do now. Even scientists probably didn't know fully, but the knowledge gap between them and the non-scientists was far greater. I'm willing to bet that if it were built these days, it'd have been far better protected and probably would have suffered minimal damage, if any.

    Anyway, on the topic of ignorance and stupidity, I wish to point you guys to this picture: http://i.imgur.com/eFYYe.jpg

    I'm this close to giving up on humanity. Or at least finding a remote island somewhere.

  8. *insert more pseudoscientific anti-nuclear fearmongering here*

    Yeah... this isn't going to help efforts to convince the public that nuclear power is safe when done right. Which brings up my primary question at this point: This nuclear plant was constructed in a known seismic zone, so why didn't they build it with proper dampers similar to those used in skyscrapers in order to prevent exactly this scenario? I haven't found any evidence that it was built with dampers, so it seems that this entire issue right now is due to that oversight. But of course, the uninformed public won't see it that way...

  9. I hope for the best for those affected by this disaster. It's quite a horrible event.

    And also there's an emergency situation with evacuation warning at the Fukushima #1 Nuclear power plant, whose emergency cooling systems were damaged by the quake.

    Luckily, the situation with it is nowhere near the severity of, say, Three Mile Island. Which wasn't an extremely bad event, either, contrary to public notion. The situation doesn't look to get worse, so I don't think there will be a large problem.


    Again, reality overcomes fiction......


    This was pretty much one of my first thoughts after hearing about the quake.

  10. I reallllly wish they would port this game to another console and add online mode for amazing bomberman 64 multiplayer shenanigans

    Hell yeah. I can't even describe the fun we had back in the day just playing multiplayer for hours on end. All the yelling over sudden and unexpected death, all the cackling from trapping others between bombs... Ah, good times.

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