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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. will the server be creating a new world as well for 1.8 terrain?

    Yes, but it will be temporary, since the terrain generator in 1.8 is an unfinished product (for instance, in 1.8, there are many biomes missing, including any and all snow biomes). The full generator will be released with 1.9. So when 1.9 comes out, we will likely be replacing the 1.8 map with the 1.9 map.

  2. I did. Still happened.I even went to see if I had to update, and nope, that's not it either.

    It's a common problem related to how many chunks are loaded at a time. Turn your view distance down a notch or two so fewer chunks are loaded at a time; that usually fixes it. Naturally, if you're using higher-res texture packs, that's going to reduce the number of chunks you can safely load even further.

  3. He means not to update your client to 1.8 until the server(s) you play on are updated if you want to actually play online.

    Which is true. Bukkit isn't yet released, so for at least the OCR server, it won't be updated until Bukkit 1.8 is released and Multiplay installs it to the server. We'll let you know when the server is updated.

  4. Voting's over, and the results are in for the July 2011 Freeform Competition!

    1st Place: The RPG Element by Jax Mandrake

    Runner-Up: Humanity Is Queer by Mirby

    Here's the vote spread:

    The RPG Element by Jax Mandrake - 8

    Humanity Is Queer by Mirby - 6

    No Xenoblade? by Capa Langley - 5

    CRACKTON, August 1-5 by JH Sounds - 5


    On a serious note, I'm not pleased by the decline in participation these days, particularly on the voting side. Only ONE of the submitters actually voted. ONE. The rest of the votes came from myself and a few people that haven't shown their faces in this thread as of yet. Without those people, we'd be looking at another no-vote situation.

    So, I'm asking everyone for their opinions on the state of this competition currently and suggestions on how to improve it. I'm all ears at this point. In the meantime...


    The September 2011 Short Story Competition is underway! Now accepting submissions until the end of the month! Don't forget to read the rules in the first post if you are unfamiliar with them or have forgotten.

  5. First day at MLG:

    Went up against a full-time pro (vvvCry) in the first round, got beaten 2-0 (though I came REALLY close to winning game 2, albeit with a 6 rax SCV all-in).

    Got my shirt signed by jinro, bomber, nada, tester, DongRaeGu, Noblesse, idra, huk, incontrol, and tastosis.

    Too bad on the loss, but OMG WIN on the signatures!

  6. Finished my placement league matches.

    Slaughtered the first two games, Terran, then Zerg (I'm playing random).

    Was Protoss games 3, 4, and 5. Literally slaughtered doing early void rays... though in game 5, i got DT'd, and it was a race to see who could take out the other's base first. I lost by a building or two *laughing*


    Gold, 37th in the league (out of 100)


    I still have to re-place myself. I was near the top of the Gold league when I stopped playing last (in the first season, no less), so I'm probably only mid-Silver now. But maybe not. I haven't had a chance to practice at all yet.

  7. I finally can play online. Going random just to learn.

    Question, should I play the practice league at all or just skip it?

    Definitely just skip the practice league. As was already mentioned, the surplus of rocks blocking entrances just completely changes the nature of the match. All it'll do it just teach you bad habits that'll need to be broken in order to learn the true fundamentals.

    Also, if you want someone to play against, I'd be game. I've been meaning to get back into playing after not touching the game since last year, so hit me up if you're interested.

  8. Here's the thing though. If they had said "We're gonna made a publishing company with the extra cash" right up front, that would be one thing. But they didn't.

    Of course they didn't say it up front. They didn't expect they would even get near enough money to have anything extra after the fact. By the time they figured out that, hey, they were going to have a sizable amount left over, they were well over the donation goal and people were still donating, even after they announced that they didn't need any more and they would be figuring out what other kind of project they would work on with the extra money. People even sent them suggestions and kept right on donating knowing full-well that it was going to be going to a purpose other than fixing Allison. Pretty much all the money that was donated after that point (which was still quite a bit) was done so with that knowledge. Presumably, anyway; you can't say for certain that every single person actually read the page after the initial call, but that's true for anything.

    As far as continuing to take in money, if I'm not mistaken you can't close down a donation page on RocketHub before the initially set time limit is up. That's how I understood it as it was happening, anyway. If so, there's not much EC could've done to actually prevent more people from donating other than saying "stop."

    Not going to start debating this myself after this post, just throwing that out there.

  9. Right. So job hunting is kicking my ass. No time to actually finish my entry, so once again I'm left not participating. I really wish my life would stabilize so I could get shit done again.

    Four entries this month!

    No Xenoblade? by Capa Langley

    Humanity Is Queer by Mirby

    The RPG Element by Jax Mandrake

    CRACKTON, August 1-5 by JH Sounds

    You have until the end of the 23rd to vote! Get to it, don't delay, or else you'll forget. Trust me.

  10. Well, if it came from Mojang, ya never know :P Maybe they didn't have everything running in the dev version.

    Also, Notch has said it's fake, and with Notch, well, we all know how he has trouble actually keeping things secret (said he'd not release the adventure update info until it was out, then a week later he starts releasing info, saying at the same time that he just couldn't keep it to himself). If it was actual footage, he'd have released it himself and confirmed it like with everything else. It's just how he rolls.

  11. It's fake.

    For one thing, the video doesn't have the new GUI that's already been revealed. Also, the version number where there isn't one anymore, the new nighttime color isn't there (from the new lighting system), the cursor not being directly over them to get them to stop, the fact that they don't run like they're supposed to... yeah, fake.

  12. Kerbal Space Program

    Kerbal SpacePort - Official Modding Site

    Version 0.18 released 11/30/2012

    Build your own rockets! Build your own spaceplanes! Build your own space stations! Explore the solar system! Try not to explode!


    Kerbal Space Program is a semi-arcade-style spaceflight simulator currently in development. From small space probes to manned spacecraft and spaceplanes, you can build just about anything that can fly or be flown withan ever-expanding collection of parts and accessories. The recently-introduced docking feature expands the possibilities even further, allowing you to ferry parts up into orbit and put them together once you've arrived at your destination. Space stations close to home or in the outer reaches of the solar system are possible, as are land-based outposts on other worlds.

    While it doesn't yet have a career-mode with specific objectives, the sandbox mode currently available is enough to satisfy those with an urge to build, explore, and just go crazy with the available parts.

    The game is also moddable, with an active community of contributors constantly adding new parts, accessories, and even new physics to the game for added complexity and enjoyment.

    The possibilities are practically endless, limited only by what you want to achieve. One man has attempted and succeeded in building an aircraft-based launch platform that flies a small rocket into the upper atmosphere before launching it into orbit;

    Another person sent a small probe to do a series of flybys of all the major objects in the solar system in a single trip,

    There is plenty more to see and do. So go, build your rockets, fly your planes, and explore the solar system. And just remember the Kerbal mantra: If it doesn't fly, add more rockets!


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