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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. MMZ4 pretty much dazzled me back in 05'. It's not so much how it gives a definitive ending for Zero's story but it just feels like a culmination of the previous titles and series. Starting from Mega Man on the NES, to the X series and finally to the Zero series. While fighting Weil I couldn't help but think back of all the previous Robot Masters, Mavericks and "variants" of both leading up to Weil's "shoggoth-ic" final form. It really did feel as it I witnessed and experienced a particular earth's history and watched/interacted with said history.

    Never had the chance to play the MMZX series to say anything about them and MML is supposedly waaaaaaaaaaaay past all previous titles in regards to time line; it's separate to me.

    I had the same experience when playing Zero 4. It also helps said feeling when you know that, despite the series continuing on, Zero 4 really does mark the end of a particular era: with ZX and beyond, the distinction between Robot/Reploid and Human is pretty much nonexistent, and it's the events in MMZ that help to facilitate this change.

  2. Yup. Roflstomped him, in fact. I watched it live. I was rooting for FruitDealer, but even I could see how easily F-BoxeR was exploiting the timing windows left open by the only build order Fruit seems to be going these days. Fruit's good, but when your strategy revolves around an essentially blind fast expand, you're going to get punished when your opponent figures it out.

  3. Same here. In a few days I'm going to go in and lay down the TNT for explodey goodness, but until the update, I'm not playing Minecraft, really.

    By the way, I don't know what sorts of mods we still have on the server, but we're going to want to check them for compatibility with the update. The mod that "fixes" buckets, for instance, might be rendered unneeded if the update fixes them. Gotta check everything out.

  4. I'm not participating in it, technically, but I am going to be using next month for reviving the novel I had to put aside in favor of college a few years back.

    On a different note, this competition needs more voting participation! I still haven't gotten any other votes from people! You can't just put in a submission and then disappear; the competition can't survive that way. If you're going to participate in submitting your work, please have the decency to vote as well!

  5. Damn it!

    Every time I join the OCR server my Minecraft client blows up :(

    What have you guys done there?

    Is this your first time playing? (I can't remember if you've been on the server before.) If so, it's probably that your view distance is set to Far. Set it to Normal or below; the client can't handle the Far view distance on multiplayer right now.

  6. As a word of caution, I recommend not setting too much in the way of TNT. The combined explosion across a large swath of land WILL cause severe lag on the server due to CPU usage, and may even crash it completely. Concentrate a little on areas that you wish vaporized, but not so much that there's a couple hundred in one pack, for instance, and then you can link the areas together with a single string of TNT. Set off the TNT at one place and let the chain reaction go. It should separate the massive explosions timing-wise enough to avoid a huge lag problem.

    I'm planning on stringing some TNT through my caverns as well as my structures.

  7. i haven't heard what other biomes are going to be around, but i'm thinking that i could do worse than a snow-covered cottage in the hills =)

    An obsidian monolith would also be much more visible in such an environment, should you wish to create another one. :wink:

  8. Well, I've more-or-less completed my first base. The aquadome is complete, and I'm mostly satisfied with how everything turned out. I'll be coming back to it from time to time to add things on and such, but for now, I'm moving on to my next project. Now, to find a location...

    Oh, and pictures of the base:





  9. The Genesis and the SNES both had a unique feel to them that, when done properly, could produce some amazing soundtracks. I've never owned a Genesis, but some songs are just better suited to the Genesis sound capabilities. I especially love the MMX3 conversions. Very, very well done. I wish that's the way it had sounded in the actual game.

    It seems when it comes to music discussions, it's always those who are least knowledgable about a subject who act like they are such a high authority on it.

    It's not just in regard to music, unfortunately.

  10. The general consensus after today's events, at least from what I saw, is that we need to whitelist the server. A few of us were griefed by a couple of random people today... fun. Anyway, I would think we should expect the whitelist to happen at some point, so making sure the player list is updated frequently is going to be more important.

  11. so, does this encompass enclosing water high up in a glass box that has nothing under it?

    I'm not sure. You definitely would be able to do it if you can get the water up there without using a bucket or spawning a source block. It seems to only really affect spawned/bucket-placed water. From what I understand, anyway. After all, my underwater buildings haven't had an issue so far.

    EDIT: I'm not mentioned on that list. Boo. Poor list. ;-)

  12. Only a few hours, but I got a LOT done in those few hours. Very tedious work, at that.

    Also, the cause of the crash was someone put glass under a placed block of water (or put the water on top of the glass) with empty space underneath. DO NOT DO THIS, it's bugged and causes the server to crash. This has been a friendly public service announcement.

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