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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. did girls generation... just sing bubble bobble?

    Okay, I quit. Everything. I don't need a job, a family, anything. I'll just sit at home and watch this until I rot.

    Your teeth will be the first to go, I suspect.

    Yeah, when he showed this to me I was like "dear lord, you HAVE to share this with OCR, it's too cute to keep from them!" And it is.

  2. Apparently it has its own Wikipedia page. That's... yeah. It's up to version 6.67c.

    I used to play a mean Prophet back in the day. I think I annoyed the hell out of many people I played against because I was quite good at predicting where they would go and thus use the Sprout spell to either trap them or immediately convert those trees to Treants for a quick kill. I don't know how effective that strategy would be these days, though.

    I don't have my WCIII discs with me, as I'm visiting my family right now, but if you guys want to play some DotA, I'll probably be up for joining in on it once I get back.

  3. Confirmed on all counts of them being OCR material. A couple don't explicitly say that they made them, but they don't credit the true authors, either, so... yeah.

    I don't have a Newgrounds account, so someone else can take up the task of exposing these people.

    (Also, it's amusing that some of them don't even change the name of the track, making them very easy to find!)

  4. And I think we were all too busy stuffing our faces to take any pictures of the epic food, but let it be known that it was delicious and there was a lot of it :razz:

    Strawberry Lemonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade!

    Also, is it just me, or do I look like a blind man in the second photo? Seriously, that's the impression I get from it, especially since you caught me when I was not directly facing the camera at that second. :-P

  5. The EA sale last week got me 2 (4?) games I've been waiting for a good while to try in Mass Effect 1 & 2...

    I was waiting for a sale to happen for those two, and then I missed it by about an hour or so. Is there a predictable timetable as to when they might go on sale again?


    The winners of the May 2010 Poetry Competition are:

    1st Place: The Course Unreal by ZeaLitY

    Runner-Up: Knitting Time by Nintendude794

    Here's the point distribution:

    The Course Unreal by ZeaLitY - 5

    Knitting Time by Nintendude794 - 4

    The Armageddon Can by Mirby - 3

    Congratulations to the winners! I wish we had a larger pool of votes to go by (and a larger pool of submissions, of course), but the round went well regardless.

    The July 2010 Freeform Competition starts in nine days! Remember, practically any sort of writing is allowed for the freeform rounds, so feel free to experiment or submit things you wouldn't otherwise submit! Let your creative juices flow!

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