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Posts posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. Work has begun on my aquadome. It's going to be a 20-block radius half-sphere, all below the surface of the water. Since the water only goes about 10 blocks deep, I'm currently carving out the rest from the bottom of the sea. Slow progress, given its size, but I'm sure it'll be worth it. No pictures yet, since there's nothing to see.

  2. Server crashed at some point yesterday. I lost a full day of work. Maybe it was just me though.

    It wasn't. I lost quite a bit as well.

    Also, grass grows so agonizingly slow when you need it to grow to a certain point, but it grows so fast if you don't. Typical.

  3. i hope alcyon it's entirely made of glass?

    Within reason. I don't want to make it entirely out of glass because my engineering brain would then scream bloody hell at me for building something so completely implausible. I'm building it so that it looks a bit like something you might expect to see in real life if all we had were the materials in Minecraft. The floors and door arches are stone, so as to provide structural support, but the rest is glass. The rooms are also on the small side, since it's easier for a real life structure to handle the stresses that way.

  4. This game... it's too addicting! I have never, never sat down and played a single game for 7 hours straight before! I get too bored with any other game to do that, but this... holy crap.

    The map the multiplayer server has on it is so rich with resources and is littered with huge networks of caverns. I spent over two hours, probably close to three hours, exploring a single network before getting lost and eventually having to leave (with Author's assistance finding the way back) because I couldn't carry much more back with me. To be honest, even having spent that much time down there, I believe I've only explored maybe a third of the network. It's insane.

  5. If you're having trouble connecting, try looking at the help section on the Minecraft forums.

    And, of course, the first time I connect, it's right when it's getting dark. I CAN'T SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

    Oh, and at least until the update, the only way to kill mobs is by setting them on fire. So I would get a Steel and Flint to do so as soon as you can. On the flip side, you're also invincible.

  6. I've been wanting to do the same thing, Damned. Set up a community and such, rather than just have each person go off to wherever to do their own thing all the time. (Of course you can still go do that, but then you may as well just play single-player if everyone does it.) This may be especially important when the update with the new enemies comes out.

  7. Earlier, I mentioned that I had found a huge cavern while digging down in Mineshaft 2. A huge cavern.

    That was when I was a young, naive little man.

    Tonight I dug outward from the bottom of MS2, just above the bedrock, searching for resources. I dug my way into the bottom of a network of caves. I had over 128 torches going in; it wasn't enough. I had to craft new ones in the field. I mean, seriously, I just spent the past two hours going through this one single network of caverns. It kept on going and looping and branching! And then, finally, FINALLY, I came to the end. The end, as it so happens, is the surface. That's right. I dug into the bottom of a cave and made my way up to the surface, rather than the other way around. And the entrance is HUGE! It's this giant, gaping hole in the side of a hill! How I didn't notice it before is beyond me; it's within sight of my base. Exploring that cavern was awesome. Very atmospheric. I'm glad I decided to make that trip relaxing before starting by kicking the difficulty down to Peaceful. I'm going to go back to it later to mine some more and get some obsidian before mining again in a different location with the difficulty back to Normal.

    At the end of it all, I had this to haul back:

    304 Coal

    91 Iron

    78 Redstone

    30 Gold

    5 Diamond

    And countless Stone


  8. Voting period starts now! We have three entries this time:

    Throw-down in Snowtown! by Contricity

    Silence... by Bakuri

    Love by SoulinEther

    Good luck to you three! Everyone, get to voting! You have until the 21st!


    diotrans, as much as I would love to bend the rules so you can have your storyboard as an entry, I feel I need to be a "responsible" organizer and hold firm on them. I don't believe storyboards fit the short story mold. It's unfortunate, but I need to keep to the rules that have been laid out. Still, if you would like to post it just to let others read it and maybe get some feedback, feel free. The general Writer's Thread died a long time ago, so while this is the competition thread, myself and likely others would probably not mind having works unrelated to the competition posted from time to time. I know I'd like to read what you've done.

    Soul, I like the concept you're proposing, but I feel it wouldn't work out too well here. The problem I'm seeing is that narrowing the focus will likely reduce the participation in a given round in any competition; people like to write in certain areas, and some won't bother entering if they're restricted to something they're less than enthusiastic about (admittedly, I have this issue from time to time). This is an issue here because, right now, we're barely getting enough entries as it is. If we had more regular participants* I'd be all for this idea, but until we do, I feel as though it would only hurt us in the long run.

    * Also, sorry about not entering something for this round. I had something planned, but then... SUDDENLY, MINECRAFT.

  9. Plus, Notch said that he's scrapped the "floating islands require obsidian" idea. For now, anyway.

    But yeah, just don't stand under the block you're mining. If there's sand or gravel blocks above that one, they'll fall once the block is removed. Not to mention the possibility of water or, worse, lava falling on top of you.

    Oh, and I had another scare earlier today. I was mining near the bottom of Mineshaft 2 when dug my way into the side of a cavern. IMMEDIATELY I hear "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" and of course I'm like, "Back up, BACK UP!" But it was too late. KABOOM. Literally in my face. I'm down to three hearts because of that, and then immediately an arrow plants itself into the stone two inches from my head. I bravely ran away. And sealed the passage behind me until I could heal myself.

    And this is just on Normal.

  10. Even with full iron armor..?

    I ask because recently hit a good iron vein. Managed to make full iron armor and tools.

    I imagine you'd be alright with iron armor as long as it was in repair and you weren't already low on health. I was wearing leather armor at the time because, as I mentioned before, I was short on iron. Really short. Exploring the cavern system brought to me a decent haul of iron, but that's after the fact, and I still only have enough for a single armor set and maybe a few tools.

  11. Well, I guess the plot of land I picked out for the tree farm is unnecessary for large wood harvests...

    ... But I could just use the WHOLE AREA as a compact farm like yours. 3000+ wood per harvest... that'd be awesome.

    In other news, I HATE Creepers. I get nervous as hell going through caverns because of them. It doesn't matter how careful I am, because they'll ALWAYS be hiding in some spot where it's impossible to avoid them and get away once they light their fuse. Argh. Nearly lost myself a good haul just now from one.

    Mineshaft 2 has proven worthwhile in terms of caverns. I hit a massive network a little while ago. It keeps looping around itself and branching every which way. I keep getting lost, and I haven't explored all of it yet. Naturally, I would be attacked by the above Creeper when completely lost in there, bringing me down to a half heart. Luckily I wasn't attacked by anything else, but still...

  12. Day 3. Let's see now...

    *I've expanded my base into a small, nearby cavern.

    *I fenced in and lit my tree farm, then dug a tunnel from my base to it for easy access and secure harvesting, even at night. Also, my first harvest of the farm yielded about 140 logs. That was a much-needed wood infusion.

    *I scouted around for other nearby surface caverns; found a few, and found a number of cool land formations. Even found a tall waterfall and surface lava.

    *I'm beginning to dig mineshaft number two near my tree farm. If that doesn't yield much in the way of resources, I'll be moving my mining operations to a location much further away.

  13. Day 2

    Full-on addiction has set in. I've primarily played the single-player Survival mode so far, but I can't wait for the multiplayer Survival to get updated. In my world, I've already dug down to bedrock in one mineshaft, hitting only one cavern near the bottom. The entire way down is lined with identical floors, presumably for visitors it'll never have. My home is in the side of a mountain; I have an observation deck at the top. I have a 74-square wheat field in full production inside a greenhouse, and I've started work on a tree farm a little ways away from my home. I plan on tunneling over there for easier access. I've begun exploring the local caverns for resources; iron deposits are obscenely scarce compared to the amount of things you need it for. I found my first deposits of diamond and redstone before I found any iron. Once I actually get a reasonable amount of material, I'm going to begin work on something large above ground. Haven't decided on what, yet.

  14. Kinda doubt that anyone's going to see this in time, but just in case, here's a live stream of the GSL FINALS between HopeTorture (Terran) vs. FruitDealer (Zerg):


    Tasteless has one serious cold going on... he sounds horrible. Hopefully it won't affect his casting.

    I'll be putting a summary up for each game as they end. EDIT: Final round is over!


    SET 1: Scrap Station; this map is so much better for Terran than Zerg. Fruit's only advantage was that it was cross-position. It was a macro game the entire way. Not much happened other than a few attempts at harassment by Hope, particularly with Medivac-Marine drops, which were shut down pretty hard by Fruit. Fruit pretty much mass expanded to his natural, the vacant two mains, and the gold, in that order, and went Ultras, while Hope went Marine, Tank, Thor. Hope split his army to take out the two expansions at the leftover main and attack/seige Fruit's main at the same time, but neither expansion fell and the army fell pretty bad. Hope then got run over by Ultras. GG. Winner: FruitDealer

    SET 2: Lost Temple; another map favoring Terran, but this time due to the natural expansion cliffs. Fruit was at 9, Hope at 6. Fruit went Hatchery at the natural first, Hope went for a Tank drop on the natural's cliff, but only did so with one Tank and two SCVs. Fruit was able to use Spine Crawlers to take out the SCVs making turrets and stall the tank from doing significant damage until the Mutas came out. Hope then began attempting Medivac drops while expanding, but most never reached their destination; every Medivac on the map was quickly dispatched by Mutas en route or in retreat without doing any damage. Fruit expanded to the two empty mains, Hope sieged up at the near watchtower with mainly tanks and Thors in order to secure the gold. Fruit dropped two or three Overlords-worth of units into the main, distracting Hope, and then attacked the watchtower siege with Mutas and Roaches, decimating the army. Then he took his army and loaded Banelings into about 5 Overlords and pushed the main with Baneling bombs. GG. Winner: FruitDealer

    SET 3: Kulas Ravine; statistically stronger for Terran due to the lack of open ground proving to be an issue for most Zerg players. Fruit started right bottom, Hope started left bottom. Fruit went Hatchery first at the near gold, Hope went for a Marine-Tank drop at the gold after scouting the expansion. The Marines were for killing the Overlord so that Fruit wouldn't have vision of the cliff for the Spine Crawlers. However, Fruit stalled the drop by having Roaches covering the part of the cliff that the Crawlers couldn't reach. A Viking finally came in to kill the Overlord so the drop could proceed, but then Fruit Nydus Worm'd into Hope's largely undefended main and sent in a bunch of Zerglings. Hope lifted the Command Center into the cliff natural expansion and tried to drop Marines into Fruit's main, but was denied by a swarm of Zerglings. GG. Winner: FruitDealer

    SET 4: Desert Oasis. Fruit started bottom, Hope started top. Hope went for a Marine timing attack, Fruit went for a fast expansion and Banelings. Fruit shut down the timing attack and expanded to the gold, then tech'd to Hydras and Infesters. Hope rebuilt his army with tanks, Marines and Thors and pushed to the center, then expanded to the other gold. Fruit attempted several times to break the push, but was unable. Hope dropped Fruit's main a few times, which were denied, but it kept the push from being broken. Fruit expanded to the top blue mineral expansion. Fruit doom dropped Hope's main and did lots of damage, but did not manage to kill off the production buildings. Hope reinforced the push and destroyed the gold, natural and main based of Fruit. Fruit expanded to both islands and made a lot of Spines in the blue mineral expansion. Hope dropped the southern island and Fruit was unable to successfully kill Hope's push remnants with an ambush. GG. Winner: HopeTorture

    SET 5: Scrap Station. Fruit started on the left, Hope started on the right. Fruit went with a Hatchery first at the natural, Hope went with a proxy Barracks Reaper rush. Fruit scouted the Barracks just before the Reaper came out. The Reaper went for the main first, but was almost surrounded by Drones and was subsequently pushed back by Zerglings. The Lings followed and killed the SCV building the second Barracks alongside the first. The Zerglings killed the incomplete Barracks and attacked the Reapers, then retreated to the watchtower. Fruit then attacked the Reapers as they entered the smoke, ambushing them and killing all but one of the Reapers. Then Fruit forced the other proxy Barracks to lift off. Hope walled into his main, and Fruit attacked with his Roaches, killing one of the wall Barracks because Hope assumed he would back off when the Marauders started attacking from behind the wall and thus did not repair. Fruit got into Hope's base and did some damage to the army. Then Fruit attacked again, again killing the wall Barracks for the same reason as the last time, as well as a delayed repair due to a Marauder getting in the way. Fruit expanded in this time to the gold as well as adding a second Hatchery in the natural, and Hope expanded to the island. Fruit then mass-upgraded his units, getting Mutas, Banelings and Infestors while Hope went primarily with Tanks and Thors, with Marines and Medivacs. Fruit Baneling bombed the island expansion, forcing Hope to Medivac his Marines there to take it back. However, this trapped them on the island, as the Mutas kept the Medivacs from flying back to Hope's main, thus reducing the main's defenses. Hope expanded to his natural. Fruit attacked the main and natural, destroying most of the defenders. Hope tried to counterattack Fruit's gold expansion, but was denied. Then Fruit attacked again with everything (Mutas, Infestors, Zerglings and Banelings), overrunning Hope. GG. Winner: FruitDealer

    FINAL RESULTS: FruitDealer 4, HopeTorture 1


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