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Everything posted by Rayza

  1. Yeh we seriously need phonetic guides under each persons name here cuz some of these are wacky! Heh, we'll get it right next time Claude..
  2. It may be on the front of the gen. disc forum.. But not the front home page..
  3. NONON JE SUIS FILET MIGNON!?!?!? If mignon means cute in french, which i think it does. I also like italian zombie movies... Fulci Lives!
  4. Fixed. FIRST DIBS TO CO-HOSTS CALLED IT NO TAKE BACKS! Dear Aurora: This is a subtle bump to keep our show on the front page. Don't worry, I don't consider you a piece of meat. Your are at least.. Prime rib..
  5. Aw thanks pixie.. That was sweet. We actually mentioned chrono symphonic on show 006 as well so stay tuned..
  6. Someone can write poems about me too you know.. Whens a man gonna sweep me off my feet..
  7. No I've had a girlfriend of almost 4 years that I'm very happy and in love with. You've still got a chance with Aurora, Yosh!
  8. Nice, a clean little graphic people can add to their site or sig or whatever.. Thanks!
  9. Yup... that's pretty much what I wanted to get across... I personally have rarely used MP3pro, (only when downloading rare songs/albums and such) because nothing else was available. I really have no preference in the format AS LONG AS I get to listen to it... Oh.. and in other news: I've attempted to advertise VGDJ on another board I post at (Acmlm's Board). Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see what I'm talking about. Hey cool, thanks for promoting the show. We should really try to be getting people to vote at podcast alley, the votes have dried up recently..
  10. I was horny.. Also, Aurora seems to have encoded the show at 128kbps.. I usually do it at 64kbpbs to save space/transfer time.. Would you all prefer it at the higher bitrate with the bigger filesizes?
  11. Yeh this week Aurora had her mic volume up louder than usual PLUS I didn't get to compress it properly before I had the big PC crash of '05.. All she had was the rough cut which I send to her early so she can get started on the show notes. It was actually Aurora that edited the whole show so congrats to her for putting it together at all. Hopefully I can recover something from this cuz theres a bunch of music due for school plus that Jim Powers mix I started and was liking, then bad tings a gwan :( Hopefully 006 will get us back on track and smooth sailing forever.. Edit: Also check out our "The Pengina Song" at http://olremix.paletteswap.com/remixes/?id=90 Talent!
  12. Yeh we just have to wait for peoples DNS servers to update the changes. Mine hasnt updated for example but I check through an anonymizer and saw the new logo and all that stuff so it seems to be working..
  13. Lets make 6 more real quick tonight..
  14. Didn't someone already say that about me and Rayza, for which there is none? Hey lets not jump to conclusions here..
  15. I thought I saw it working just this morning. Hmm, I'll try validating it when I get home to make sure theres no errors..
  16. Episode 004 is now available at www.vgdj.net
  17. Yeh we're putting the final touches on right now.. We're a little behind this week cuz Aurora was coming back home from the west coast.. So in a few hours hopefully..
  18. wish I could come with you but NEWFOUNDLAND-toronto is a little too long for me:P Hey jmr don't be pissed but I totally couldn't remember your question for djp. I tried hard to remember but no go..
  19. Yep should be. You should come again too. Hopefully July 16th and shit.. We'll put a post in Unmod soon I guess..
  20. Hey are you gonna come to the OCR Toronto:Summer Edition meet? We're thinkin of July 16th..
  21. You can blame someone else for that, I don't write the shownotes but I'll fix them soon.. Thanks..
  22. Does that mean you dont like it?!? Yeh thats the Ken song original and the jdproject remix.. Ok so if everyone likes this bumper-mini idea, then..........
  23. If anyone was listening to Press Start this morning, I was a guest talkin about VGDJ and remixing in general. Press Start is done for the summer, so if you missed it, YOU MISSED IT!!
  24. Glad you like it. The next shows get better IMO..
  25. Yeh I need to move my mic around and find a good spot.. Its just a headset mic for now.. Keep it away from right in from of my mouth, heh.. I did run a plosive/sibilant filter on the files but it can't get it all..
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