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Everything posted by Rayza
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Yeh that sounds right.. Wrap is good for making seamless loops but you wouldnt want it on your full song.. You'll hear the reverb tail right at the start. Which is, I think, your problem.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
I hear ya.. Reason 3.0 is running pretty sluggish for me.. Instead of taking out parts though, I'll get a new computer. Its been almost 2 years since I've had this one anyway. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Thats probably about right, however it's quite easy to make a minute long piece. It's fleshing it out with new ideas without making it grow tiresome which is the hard part. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Why don't we worry about getting the first WIP finished for now.. The title is one of the last things we need to worry about. [/repeat endlessly] -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Steppin' on my toes eh.. Heh.. Well a chillout mix for a race zone is an interesting idea. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
No, Snappleman didn't like HH overall. I don't think calling it a piece of trash would be the right way to put it either. Oh and 400 posts now, 1/5 of the way to getting this moved to the Site Projects forum! -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
I think the problem was that there was already like 25 tracks or something and it was getting a little lengthy. The meat and potatoes of the soundtrack are there, just a few tracks that people are nit-picking about. We'll see what happens I guess.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Oh yeh.. I was cleaning out my webspace and forgot I had linked to that one.. It's back now, thanks.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Well it's one thing to say it, but something entirely different to do it. I'm hoping that this project will have a certain caliber of quality to it. Not just anyone will be able to grab some software and make a tune that can stand among the others as a collection. Sure, I encourage anyone to make a mix of something that hasn't yet been decided upon. However, if you're new to writing music, keep in mind it will probably be a long shot to be included. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
That deadline is only for the first work in progress. There will be more deadlines after the April 9th one. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Only if I hear more similar comments from people. I've sent it out to many people I know and no one's made that particular comment. Personally I think its fine. I'm not really keen on changing a lead instrument because 1 person doesnt like it. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
It's been toned way down since the first WIP I posted. Maybe you have too much treble on your speaker settings.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Well its a recording of rain on a lake with birds chirping and such.. I can probably bring up the level on the rain a little bit. Glad people are liking it so far.. I think sith said he didn't want us posting WIP's after a certain time so I don't know how many more versions I'll be setting free on here. Probably at least one more after this one.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Ok then.. My first "official" WIP for the project. Azure lake, serene and peaceful at the start then gets going into race mode, happy and dancey. Ignore the tiny click when the rhythm chords come in, Reason loves doing this to me. Let me know what you think.. http://www.rayza.net/misc/azure02.mp3 -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Yeh I know theres a bunch of work to be done still, I like to get my instruments right before I move on with the main composing part. I do tend to make my leads a bit shrill especially when working with headphones. Don't worry, this is like a pre-wip, or something.. Just wanted to let people know I'm not just sitting around -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
This is pretty short, but just what I've been doing so far.. http://www.rayza.net/misc/azure01.mp3 It may all change tomorrow.. Just something I thought of early in the morning.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
If you really want to do it, and can provide a WIP, im sure sith will let it get in there somehow.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Thats the best idea I've heard so far.. Personally I don't like this idea because if you only wanted to listen to 1 song, or have your winamp/cd player on random, the start and end of the songs dont sound quite right. Since winamp has a crossfade plugin, why not use that for personal use instead of hard-coding the files with unnecessary crossfades.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Exactly, you guys are getting way ahead of yourselves.. There are far greater tasks to be completed before the title.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Doomsday pt 2 is actually FinalBoss. So I'm remixing that. Thanks, updated my list.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
I went through sithlords original list and compared it to the "official" gym list and theres quite a few discrepancies to clear up. At this point I think we should be referencing filenames rather than act names/events so we know exactly what we're talking about. Here is what I've found. (assume .gym at the end of all filenames) 01-Sega - FREE/Possibly Unused 02-S3TitleScreen - FREE 03-SKTitleScreen - FREE 04-DataSelect - claimed by sithlord-aku 05/06-AngelIsland - claimed by Rexy 07/08-HydroCity - claimed by yoshi_84 09/10-MarbleGarden - claimed by RoeTaka 11/12-CarnivalNight - claimed by DCT 13/14-IceCap - claimed by analoq 15/16-LaunchBase - claimed by GeckoYamori 17/18-MushroomHill - claimed by Lord Maestro/or GaMeBoX 19/20-FlyingBattery - claimed by Beatdrop 21/22-Sandopolis - DarkeSword 23-LavaReef - claimed by nesper/or Xerol (tenative) 24-HiddenPalace - FREE/Possibly too similar to 23-LavaReef 25-SkySanctuary - claimed by Azar/or nesper 26/27-DeathEgg - claimed by DJBren 28-Doomsday - claimed by Joker 29-ActCleared - FREE/Possibly Unused 30-S3Knuckles - FREE/Possibly Unused 31-SKKnuckles - FREE/Possibly Unused 32-GumballBonus - FREE/Possibly Unused 33-GlowballBonus - FREE/Possibly Unused 34-SlotMachineBonus - FREE/Possibly Unused 35-SpecialStage - claimed by DCT 36-ChaosEmerald - FREE/Possibly Unused 37-S3SuperSonic - FREE/Possibly Unused 38-SKSuperSonic - FREE/Possibly Unused 39-S3ExtraLife - FREE/Possibly Unused 40-SKExtraLife - FREE/Possibly Unused 41-Continue - FREE/Possibly Unused 42-CompetitionMenu - claimed by nesper/or antipode 43-AzureLake - claimed by Rayza 44-BalloonPark - claimed by Ichitootah 45-ChromeGadget - claimed by Hetcenus 46-DesertPalace - FREE 47-EndlessMine - claimed by jeffreymroberts/or Siamey 48-RaceResults - FREE 49-Drowning - FREE/Possibly Unused 50-GameOver - FREE/Possibly Unused 51-S3Act1Boss - claimed by ffmusicdj/or General Slicer 52-SKAct1Boss - (Did they claim S3 or SK act 1 boss?) 53-Act2Boss - claimed by Sir Nuts 54-FinalBoss - claimed by Hadyn/or DjNova 55-S3Ending - FREE/Possibly Unused 56-S3Credits - claimed by Rayza 57-SKEnding - FREE/Possibly Unused 58-SKCredits - FREE (sounds like a megamix/compilation of many themes) I've made comments (in bold) and listed every gym from the pack. Some are very short in which case I wasn't sure if we'd use them or not. Others just haven't been discussed yet and I wasn't sure what was actually going to be used/not used. I also combined many of the main act themes since we decided many are very similar and the artist can choose which (or both) he wants to use for their mix. If there are any major errors let me know.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Some emulators allow you to "save gym file" or something similar to that.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
I'm working on a more "Official" list so that we're all on the same page here. Get the proper gym pack either from my link or the one jeff provided.. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Rayza replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Thanks Jeff.. I also hope you're not wrong COMPLETE GYM COLLECTION MIRRORED HERE