I love this piece! The piano's are so sweet! I fell in love with how the piano's have a little bit of reverb! The organ is not lacking, either! The choir is nice and adds a solemn feel to the whole piece. The church organ only adds to that feeling, but the piano warms things up. The percussion, superb! Turn up your sub woofers! And then the brass instrumental pieces, they provide a very nice melody. The piano's do, but they can only go so far. The brass instruments pick up where the piano's leave off. They also add a nice support for the piano's right around 2:30. Then, around 2:50, full blown melody. Again, very nice! At the end, 3:30 or so, back to the piano's and choir, with the brass as backup again. 4:43, back to the brass, and then piano's are added to the brass melody and brass backup. And then, the end. Done like a classic, ends with a cymbal and silence. Overall, one of the best I have heard from here! Keep up the excellent work, Mr. Hudson!