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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. In all fairness, you kind of dropped off the map for a while and we never got any final versions of your remix. In fact, according to the project boards, the last time you even posted was December 22, 2009. In fact, I even posted that I was sorry to have to cut your remix because it had been a year since it was last updated, and that was while it was still in the WIPs section. The last update was September 23rd, 2009. It's not like we left it out for no reason. You simply didn't stick around enough and complete it.
  2. Anyone try the music player yet? I heard the DSi one was... lacking in many regards, but maybe they improved it on the 3DS?
  3. EVERYONE! Listen to Sony's legal team instead of the guy they're suing! There's no way a big corporate team would lie or twist the truth to make someone they're suing look bad, right!?
  4. If by "obvious flaws that the game designers left in", he means "intentional battle mechanics that people can use as legitimate tactics", then yeah, I suppose the guy is kind of right. Aside from the few changes that BW added to some abilities, this isn't really anything new. People have done level 1 battles before with great success. All this is is Sturdy and Pain Split spamming with the occasional team sacrifice. BOOOORING. But fuck, that guy needs to not talk during videos.
  5. Street Fighter anything sucks. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
  6. I'm glad to see that others didn't like Pretty Princess Dress-Up Maker (FFX-2) either. I used to think I was the only one that hated it.
  7. Yes, that's what it's like. Very good impression, Gollgagh.
  8. Well, not here, there isn't. But there is this sort of mentality on various other sites that if anyone is choosing not to get a 3DS on launch day, they're either anti-Nintendo fanboys or idiots or some other kind of insult. I've seen it on sites that aren't even about video games. For example, a site that I frequent for it's MP3 player info has two sides; one that sees it as a must-have item and you're a fool for not getting it while you can, and the other is of the "I'll wait to see how it turns out first" party. They constantly bicker at each other over it, and video games discussions are kind of rare on that site, as they tend towards more things like headphones and audio gear than gaming. Bu yeah, OCR isn't being like that.
  9. Well, they also had the GBA SP, but the DS Lite still had design issues (most commonly known one was the cracked hinges defect, but there were also some light and touch-screen problems here and there). And before that, they had the GameBoy line and its various models, and we saw design issues with the GBA line (like soft buttons and even the occasional hardware death, where the GBA just didn't work at all. Rare, but it did happen). Nintendo may make reliable and durable hardware, but they aren't immune to real-world manufacturing and design problems just because most of their hardware is fine. Each new hardware they put out has the potential to be flawed. Even if the first batches of Japanese 3DSs are fine, that doesn't mean that the first batches of US 3DSs are going to be as well. Also, Nintendo always, ALWAYS makes another version of their portable. You know it, I know it, it's a law of the universe. They will make one at some point, and depending upon how well the average consumer takes to the 3D effect, or if they can improve it significantly more than it is now, Nintendo will figure out a way to make a second version of the same hardware. Hell, they're already working on it right now, I bet. They aren't stupid, they know that lots of people will buy the same hardware, but in a different form, if given the option. Look at iPods and iPhones. Besides, waiting isn't going to end up screwing them over somehow. They aren't going to miss out on anything at all. Everything that the current 3DS offers will still be there for them a year or more from now. The same games, the same features, the same everything. Worst case scenario, they wait longer to pay the same games you already have, and I don't see anyone complaining about those that played Earthbound fifteen years later than everyone else.
  10. OK, I'll have a box of motivation sent to you for Thursday.
  11. I swear, if Gen 6 gives us another Fire/Fighting type starter, I'll... just not use it and choose either the Water or Grass type. But still, come on. Is Game Freak trying to make a 6-member Fire/Fighting starter team possible?
  12. Serebii's IV calculator is terrible, use metalkids. It not only shows you what natures do what in the drop-down menu, but it also lets you enter in as many levels and their stats as you want. So if you have a Rare Candy or two, you can get three levels instead of one, and get way more accurate results.
  13. Well, it depends upon what you really want to do with a pokémon. I have a few Special Attackers that I purposely breed low Attack IVs for, so that if they were ever confused, they wouldn't hurt themselves much (not that that is a big concern these days... It seems the meta game has moved away from things like confusion and other status ailments in favor of hard-hitting first strikes and compounded stats boosts and the like. It seems very all-over-the-place to me now). Others were breed so that I could get a specific Hidden Power type. One was a purely lucky catch that I only noticed after I decided to check all my box clutter, and I came across a few that were really good, but hadn't originally intended to use. I guess I've been pretty lucky when it comes to getting good IVs and natures.
  14. My Victini... It is AWESOME! Check its IVs. HP: 31 Attack: who cares, I'm going for a special attacking one Defense: 31 Special Attack: 27 (could be slightly higher) Special Defense: 29 Speed: 29 Keeping it. Saved! FUCK YEAH!
  15. I only have time to needlessly criticize things without bothering to read what was said beforehand. PEACE OUT, WHITEYS!
  16. You're e-begging. For a $40 program that you admit you can afford. And you want us to pay you to watch you play video games for no reason. Yeah, people are going to be a little pissed about this. You claim there are prizes, but you didn't answer my question about how much of the donated money would go towards yourself. Are you going to be getting even a single cent of this money?
  17. It's reminds e a lot of the old Tetris stuff, mostly because of that 8-bit thing there. You might want to move away from that a little bit more, as it's kind of strong.
  18. You should skip this whole raffle bullshit and just make this one the one the charity one. Seriously, raffles and prizes? Fuck that. You would get way more interest if this was for Japanese Red Cross donations or even the local SPCA center. Plus, I have to question you about these prizes. How much of this is going towards the prizes, and how much is going towards you? People will give money to a charity in an instant. But if you're profiting off of this in any way, forget about it; no one will give a penny for it.
  19. My god, the transfer thing from Gen 4 games to Black and White is fucking stupid. Why is it a shooting game? They should have just made it a direct transfer and skipped any kind of game aspects completely.
  20. Uhh... what about the Novemeber 2009 Toys R Us event? Or the Kmart & EB Games in-store events in Australia at the same time? Or the February 2010 Europe Michina Arceus event, that took place in many European countries, including the UK? EDIT: damn it guys, we have to take turns proving bleck wrong, or else we end up wasting all our turns at the same time.
  21. OK, to those that missed out on the Gamestop and WiFi events where you could get a Shiny Raikou, Suicune and Entei, don't worry. I finally got around to it, and I tested one of the Japanese version Suicunes I picked up from here. Guess what!? It worked! The Japanese event pokémon work in the US versions. So if you missed any of them, just hit that link above, and go get your Japanese version right now.
  22. Well, the 3DS screen is capable of making things appear as they are coming towards you, but the effect is not being used because developers don't really like it much. There's a diagram that shows and explains this better, but basically, focusing your eyes on "depth" 3D is easier because your focal point is "behind" the screen. Anything that pops out towards you forces your focal point in front of the screen, which effectively makes you cross your eyes. Now just slightly cross your eyes and hold them there for as long as you can. yeah, not very fun, is it? I'm not talking about that Magic Eye bullshit, I mean your eyes have to focus closer to each other to look at the 3D effect as it comes towards you. According to some developers working on 3DS games, they can make games pop out towards you all they want, but it's hard on the viewers eyes, and the shift from front to behind the screen depth was annoying and mood-breaking. Most have decided to stick with using depth because it's less of a stain on your eyes. Not to mention there's this thing about having an object fly towards you only to have it disappear because it gets cut off by the physical edges of the screen. It may look cool, but it also breaks any immersion you have in the game. These two concerns are why you're going to see more games with little or no pop-out 3D effects. And that's perfectly fine. Pop-out 3D isn't going to make or break anything at all. It's still 3D, it's still a Nintendo handheld, it will still have a good library (which will only grow as time goes on) and it will still be a blast to play, 3D or not.
  23. Drop the drums and celesta for the first while. Soften and draw out each note of the melody so it's a quiet, brooding mood. Then build up to the regular tempo and instruments. This way, you get a feeling of "I'm entering somewhere mysterious and important" for the first 20 or so seconds, and you can start to bring the rest of the composition in. It makes the beginning easier to listen to and gives the listener a chance to get used to what you're trying to do.
  24. Accurate, proper use of terms and units, reasonable stance on a subject that most people don't understand... Pyrion, I want to give you an internet of cookies. What's your email address so I can get enough stamps to send it to you?
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