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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Yep, I did. I completely glossed right over them somehow.

  2. When the next ZP episode is out, sure. Until then, the discussion is valid, just like every other game he reviewed and we talked about.
  3. Frank Herbert was one of the influences on Satoshi Tajiri's creation of Pokémon back in the early early 90s. OK, not really...
  4. Or that psychic energy somehow purifies poison... or mind over matter, or something.
  5. I'll be the irc channel for most of the night, just hang around and we should be able to do this. FC in sig. But I don't see yours in the front page list or in the thread anywhere...
  6. I can get those for you. You want them as eggs? I can do that, and that way, you can hatch them with your name Trainer ID too.
  7. And if not for my meddling dog, you might have gotten away with it, too. Oh god, there's a butch pirate now. Did they buy a pirate costume factory or something? Oh my god, after Cyrus in DPPt, Archie must be one of the talkiest villains in the series. He talked for a dozen screens, and didn't say anything even remotely important. I hate Archie now. Too bad about his friend, Jughead. I heard what happened to him in Vietnam. Such a tragedy... Neither rain, nor sleet, no smelly hippies nor pirates... You can use that for the post office you don't have. Don't bother going, I can tell you what's down there. More water! And just like the midnight wind, he was gone... Once their leader took off, the rest of the pirates went with him. The museum still reeks of stale pretzels and Doctor Pepper, though. Now that Stern has his package, I can carry on with my mission. Only a few more towns and I should be done with DAD's ridiculous request.
  8. You guys need to spend more on a postal system and less on making animals fight each other. I'm a soldier, not a mailman. I can hear the sounds of peg-legs and buckled shoes... They're the local comedy act. They specialize in looking stupider every time you see them. Yap is actual pirate speak. It means "pie=hole" or "noise-making part of your face". I once had to infiltrate a Somalian pirate crew when hostages were taken. Otacon spend days researching ways to help me blend in. The mission went tits-up when I fit in a little too well... My perfect pirate speak must have given me away. A series of explosions and some minor collateral losses later, and the hostages were returned safely home. On this island, "yap" must mean "I want to pit my bio-weapons against yours", because the pirate sent his team out. This battle has not gone as planned. Stidge is still too weak to outright assault. I need to toughen her up a lot more. Flapcakes avenges Stidge, and the battle is over. Fallen comrades and the desire for revenge can be powerful motivators in war... but they can also drive one mad with grief and rage. Flapcakes, you are not alone. You have teammates and a commanding officer that you can trust in. BIG BOSS? Where?! Oh, his boyfriend in the matching outfit wants to get even. Flapcakes is slowly winding down from Stidges defeat. I can see the anger leaving his system. He'll be alright.
  9. Oh god, he's back for revenge! GET DOWN! It turns out that he meant to give me a gift. I feel a little bad about snapping his wrist backwards when he handed me the TM. Hmmm, a TM-46 anti tank mine... this could be usef- oh, it's another bio-weapon attack. TM 46 is Thief, a Dark-type attack that not only does damage, but also lets the pokémon using it take the held item of the opponent... assuming a few things, though. First, the pokémon using Thief can't be holding it's own item. Second, the defending pokémon doesn't have an ability that prevents items from being removed, like Sticky Hold or Multi-Type. Lastly, depending upon the game, if your own pokémon has Thief used on it, you can permanently lose your item. This is fixed in later generations. But aside from being able to grab certain items that wild pokémon might have... Thief is actually kind of useless. In-game, there are more powerful attacks, and the chances of finding any good items from wild pokémon is so low. The pirates have taken over the museum. This is just like one of my nightmares! Except Ben Stiller isn't here, so it's not that bad. Kind of relaxing, actually. Don't worry, brat. I covered it for you. Like displacing water by putting a large object into it, or maybe even using moving water to slowly erode rock formation. Yes, the criminal applications are endless. If you idiots had taken care of the Elite Four for me, I wouldn't have to be here. Only in knowledge, my friend. Only in knowledge. Your boss has an odd name. And since his name is a proper noun, that should be "The Lynchpin". This island's education system needs some work. Don't you know that you're supposed to be quiet in libraries and museums? Show some god damned manners, for fuck's sake. My impromptu education of the locals is distracting me from finding Captain Stern. Upstairs, I finally find him.
  10. Damn hippies... Protip: sea captains may also be found at shipyards named after them. Entering, I see some lab coat monkeys and blueprints. Only one guy stands out from everything else. He's big, sweaty and looks like a coronary waiting to happen. After his confusing mumbling, he does mange to tell me that Stern is, in fact, not in his own shipyards. Protips, you've failed me again! Stern has to be here somewhere... but I've checked all the usual places. I see that the pirate convention has ended. They must have rioted once learning that the Village People weren't playing tonight. It's not so mysterious. It's lots of water with lots of icky things swimming in it. The deeper you go, the more water and icky things there are. Scientific fact. Might as well check it out. I haven't been to a museum in years. I wonder if they're still boring as hell... And before I know it, those damn volunteers behind the counter mange to sucker me for a donation. Damn, they're good.
  11. Because the Village People need that ticket money, damn it! The disco industry hasn't exactly been doing well the last thirty years. Like Double Dragon. The local bar by our army base had two arcade machines, and Double Dragon was my favorite. The other one was something about killing vampires with whips, but I never got into it. At least you can't be court-martialed. Half the time, they just shoot you for screwing up. Museum? I thought this was a concert for the Village People! I gotta check that sign. Excuse me, pardon me, coming through... This isn't the concert hall at all! It's the local museum! I can tell you one thing he isn't doing with it: having the best damn music act from 1978 perform in it! Teenagers and their flash mobs... all they do is wait until someone texts them on their cell phones and then they run around like sheep until someone blows the whistle to leave. The young girl with the big hair seems desperate to get in first. She must really love museums. At least she's not into drugs or that Beiber girl. I guess i should check out the rest of the area for Stern. He must be around here somewhere.
  12. I've had enough of this... time to get going. Stern can pick this thing up from the next town. I've got objectives to complete. Either way, there could be landmines. I'd suggest a metal detector and a bomb defusing kit. I can drop the parcel off here, and call someone to tell Stern to come and get it. Yes, hello, I'd like to leave this box here fo- I don't even get a chance to explain that I don't want to walk on the road, I just want to leave Stern's parcel. She won't hear any of it. Great. Rejects from a Village People tribute band. I've located Team Aqua's C-Team. C as in, "Can block a road off if they try hard enough"... I've decided to try finding Stern one more time. He deserves to receive his mail, I suppose. In the back alleys, behind closed doors, in the basements, any where prying eyes can't see them... Reminds me of a Frank Miller movie. Oh god, more of them.
  13. I got a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Ditto from someone, and I use it all the time when breeding new pokes. It made my attempts to get goods ones much quicker, as even with the random IVs that are generated, I usually end up with mostly 31s in the stats I want.
  14. halc had a list of each pokémon cry he used in the remix, I wish I had saved it now. I do recall he mentioned using one from gen 1 to gen 4, though.
  15. There's probably some kind of obscure Japanese story about a fighter being killed by a hawk or something that would explain the Flying versus Fighting thing. And I have dropped a rock on a bug, it was a rather large rock on a freaking huge beetle, the guts went everywhere. On my shoes, my pants, on the cat, everywhere. Never ever squish large insects; they are natures water balloons... but instead of water, it's gross stuff. Just leave them alone.
  16. I guess Modus is dumber than a 10 year old? Ticks are arachnids, Bleck. It's close enough. They're all gross and icky.
  17. This is delicious remix. You must listen to it. I'm glad it's been OCR'ed. I can say without any bias at all that it deserves it!
  18. But it lacks the eight legs that ticks have. So it's an insect. But then, it's pre-evolved form only has four legs... But then, Ariados is supposed to be a spider, and it only has six legs...
  19. Victini, Samurott, Chandelure, Mandibuzz, Volcarona and Reshiram. But what's the theme, again?
  20. It's true! I hate spiders, and even I used one in my game. In fact, I would like to add one to my trained team. But then you realize that not only does it have two large eyes, but also two smaller eyes... in fact, pretty much everything that is blue on its body is an eye of some sort. Then it becomes very disturbing.
  21. We were origanlly going to release them in 98bit/11025 Hz files, because the remixes were awesome enough to withstand that level of compression. But then the OCR staff was all "no, fuck that" and then they made us stick to something higher quality.
  22. Yes, it is. You see, there were some files that didn't have proper lossless format files. With no way to get them (due to loss of original files or the remixer didn't have them in the first place, or there was a technical issue that couldn't be avoided, etc.), we could only release the majority of remixess with FLAC format files. It's unfortunate, but there was nothing that could be done about it.
  23. HAH! I bring you this newest Zero Punctuation! http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/3008-Pokemon-White I laughed at the ending, and the thing about the bell is pretty accurate. But that tower had some cool music, so it evened out. But his racism comment is something that even GameFAQs is done with... Come on, Yahtzee, you're using ancient 4chan /v/ jokes now?
  24. I don't think they make bikes in your size. Besides, some boot-camp style cross-country running would do you some good. Stern is a captain, and captains usually hang out by boats. A harbor is a place that has boats. Therefore, Captain Stern is in the harbor. Which means that there are no boats here. Well, fucknuggets. If you're willing to serve on a dangerous rust-bucket filled with lots of sweaty men, then you can serve in the navy. Which navy,... that's up to you. I think it's more of a weight restriction than anything else. Wait... are you crying? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by that. If a boat was available right now, I could go straight to Evergrande City and fight the Elite Four in a matter of minutes. But DAD's request stated four badges, not one. And I need his help to get my mission completed. This is going to be a long day.
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