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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Yep, just copy the name on the old file, delete it, and then paste it onto the new one. Perfect.
  2. I think I can say, without even a hint of bias or hyperbole, that this is the single greatest work of art ever made by humanity's sum total of everything. If I may be so modest to say so.
  3. Thank you. Now I can finally say that I accomplished something that no one else has done... on this site.

  4. Well, it's been a long time since we ever looked at this thing, but guess what? http://www.destructoid.com/panasonic-cancels-jungle-after-five-months-195390.phtml We don't have to worry about it (haa haa, yeah that was a real concern there) anymore.
  5. Reaper makes mincemeat of the little guy, but the next opponent isn't as easy. A quick series of jabs with its hands has left Reaper down for the count. At ease, soldier... at ease. Troi takes it out with her freaky powers. Oh good, I think she heard my thoughts. Think of something else! Mary had a little lamb, little lamb,little lamb... DAD sent me to come get it, you know. You could have just handed it over and not tried to kill me. Surfer jerk. That was uncalled for. I apologize. Troi will be wearing a large coat from now on. I wish I could use this on a tank or an armored personnel carrier. It would come in handy sometimes. I would prefer flash-band grenades to create astonishment, but you work with what you have. So bright, you have to wear specially-made ocular protective-coated visors, designed so they reduce the amount of harmful light wavelengths so the point you can safely see. This battle is over, and Reaper is down. I need him up and about for the road ahead.
  6. Darkness offers the advantage of concealment, but only by stepping out into the light can we truly see what we've become. I decide to give Reaper the silk scarf... because he look cool with it on. Stidge gets the claw to help her get some faster bites in. I don't get how a claw makes biting easier, but I run with it. Another gym guard! And this one makes terrible lines about the situation at hand! One hit wonder. And my breath refreshing and minty This fight was over so fast, I forgot to take pics of it. It was nothing. With every passing moment, my eyesight become adjusted to the darkness. It's still not perfect but I can make my way around well enough to see a man sitting in a room by himself. Best be prepared. Reaper armed and ready! My contact has been found, but he has mistaken me for the enemy! He even decides to use a dramatic effect to try and surprise me.
  7. Recon has yielded positive results. My training has paid off, once again. GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! GHOST MURDERER! SHOOT HIM SHOOT HIM SHOO- oh, it's you again. That's great intel. But why is it so dark in h- I guess I'll have to wait until my eyes adjust. Of course, if I had my trusty night-vision goggles, this wouldn't be a problem. Ow. Ow again. NINJAS! Bide is totally useless. In the time it takes to be work, you're almost dead, and the damage it deals is hardly ever enough to make up for it. Fuck Bide. Except this time,where it totally worked. Reaper's claws, wings and beak act like a Swiss army knife of avian fury. Yeah, that's right. I know what avian means. Otacon isn't the only one that knows fancy words. Reaper has grown again. His appetite for bugs has moved onto an appetite for muscly flesh. Good thing I'm his commander, or else he'd see me as an all-night buffet.
  8. I just now see how small a boat it really is, and have concerns for how sturdy it might actually be. But we seem to fit. It's seems bigger on the inside. GET OUT OF THE WATER! There are monsters in there! Good god, man, don't you have anything to live for? For such an old boat, it sure is fast. We cut across the waves like a knife against the arms of an emo kid. This old man isn't just some retired fisherman; he's a true expert. I don't recall mentioning any names, you know. I'M ON TO YOU. Confirmation of location: confirmed. Time for some recon. A few moments of pain later, I decided that it's not a good idea after all. Silk scarf? That reminds me of flying. Flying... like Reaper. If I can get him some goggles and a little cap... This Brawly seems to be a big figure among the townspeople. I should check him out. He eventually out his pants back on and gave me an old fishing reel from his bag.
  9. A local hippy has decided to give an item that my Steyr can use. Even hippies can be useful sometimes. Strategic ledge hopping. I am totally not saying "wheee" as I jump down them. Flapcakes pulls through again! Seriously, this is a lot of Rare Candies, even for the more forgiving Ruby/Sapphire version of Pick-Up. In Emerald and later games, the item you get is based upon the level of the pokémon with Pick-Up. But here, it's random all the time, so you have the same chance of getting really valuable stuff as you do utter crap. That I've gotten this many in such a short amount of playtime is unusual. The man was later found in a pitfall trap that some damn kids in white outfits had made with their pet cat. Another vial. My team is getting too big for those smaller doses, but I can still use it for new recruits or for minor injuries. Thank god I'm out of these woods. I hate forests, and if I had my way, all wars would take place where giant bugs didn't live. The old man's house. I feel kind of bad about getting an old guy like that to take me to the next town, but without him, I can't complete the mission. You sick, lonely, sad little man. That bird is only 14! I find it strange how he knows so many things about my recent meetings... could he be a spy? I'll dump his body in the water if anything happens.
  10. Snake, international man of mystery, has helped a local business man, only to find out he works at the secretive Devon Corp. Snake's meeting with its president, however, has gained him a new ally in the company and a new tool, the PokéNAV. With GPS and tracking abilities, it will surely aid Snake in his mission. Snake also saved the bio-weapon of a local fisherman, Mr. Briney. His reward: a boat ride to the next town, should he make it back to the old man's house on the beach. The Point: I'm bored and lonely. The Reason: It's fucking cold outside. The Team: Snake and his elite squad of Pokémon. Our mission resumes in 3... 2... 1... RIGHT NOW! I take my leave of the Devon Corp. building and heal up. I spot May standing in the middle of the town park when I come out. I quick somersault to the side gives me cover in the form of a sign. must not make testicle joke... Let's hope he's as good as you say he is... otherwise this is going to be a short boat ride. I just remembered that the road south still has guards and locals i avoided the first time through here. I need to move on, and avoid them again. I've never been very good with children, and these two give me the creeps. GET OUT OF MY MIND, PSYCHIC TWINS! Another random item. Best grab it. Come here, giant bugs, Reaper needs a snack... Fuck you, trees. Now I'm your commanding officer.
  11. Preview it: http://youtu.be/7NiCfnLZkAY Download it: http://missingno.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Pokemon_series_-_The_Missingno_Tracks.torrent Ahh, Pokémon. How many days, afternoons and nights were spent on this series? This tiny little world, right in your hands, filled with amazing creatures with fantastic powers. You were given a friend and mission, and then sent out into the world. No parents to send you to bed, no teachers to make you do homework... just open fields, friends at your side, and the freedom to go and do what you wanted. In your journeys, you fought monsters, defeated the bad guys, rescued the townsfolk, crossed the ocean, and still had enough time to play the slots. You were the champion, a hero to all... and it was your world! Even though more than a decade has passed since we first set our eyes upon those little creatures, we still love to play with them. The series has created so many fond memories for us. Who can forget the first time they stepped out into the grass outside of Pallet Town and ran into a Pidgey? How many hours did we spend exploring and mapping out the underwater tunnels of Hoenn's seas? Will you, years from now, look back upon rescuing the Lake Trio from Team Galactic and recall how glad you felt they were now safe? I bet you will. The music of Pokémon comes as varied and imaginative as the world it's set in. It's sad, happy, quick and light, heavy and fearsome, and all of it deserving of more attention. The Missingno Tracks is a tribute to the music of the games. We've given the songs new twists, lyrics to convey the feelings behind them, and played with them like we would with a Pokémon friend. We give this to you, the Trainers, so that you may enjoy them again. Thank you for playing all this time and most certainly thank you for listening! -Gerry Wheatley (The Damned) Project Director
  12. [14:56] <Draconiator> I logged on JUST in time to see the way you're doing Missingno Tracks. The Flac/MP3 thing and the third version is GREAT. What gems/colors are you using? [14:56] <The_Damned> Compression Cobalt and Lossless Lavender [14:57] <Draconiator> and the third version? [14:57] <The_Damned> Wav White
  13. I'm happy to announce that the album will be released as two versions. The Missingno Tracks: MP3 Version and The Missingno Tracks: FLAC Version will allow you to collect all 28 remixes, but only if you trade between them! Also, a third version will come out a year or so from now, but with slightly more features that should have been in the first two versions. It won't run on your current hardware, so be sure to buy a newer machine just to play it. Also, you will only be able to download the super-rare, event-only remixes to this version because we won't be supporting the previous ones anymore. Truly, a brilliant business model!
  14. Oh no, I forgot about it! Yes, do one right now, before it's too late! If it is too late, then never mind.
  15. I honestly didn't think a trailer was necessary, but you did one any way, and it's great.

    Thank you so much.

  16. Whoever made that video, I love you for it, and wish to have babays with you. I honestly didn't think a trailer of any kind was necessary, but thank you for it. It turns out to be José the Bronx Rican, so that gets kind of gay... but it's a nice video, so I guess I'll have to now.
  17. Not if I get to him first... That's odd, your name doesn't say "vig".
  18. I actually feel a little bad about the Free Missile Master OST being bumped so soon after it came out. Seems kind of unfair. But I called March 1st first, so too bad.
  19. Too bad Europeans won't be able to buy new PS3s for those games. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/33284/Report_PlayStation_3_Shipments_Seized_In_Europe_Due_To_LG_Legal_Dispute.php Isn't that just great for the consumer?
  20. Well, to day's the big day. ... Is it out yet? I can't stand waiting!
  21. I was thinking... Mew was released well after the games came out. And so was Celebi. And Jirachi. And Manaphy. That happens to add up to the number of bonus tracks we would have.
  22. GAG can take care of the alien thing with his new desktop. Did you know, GAG ran our project forums? He did, and he never once banned me for all the nude pics I posted of myself. Though most of them seemed to be downloaded to his IP address...
  23. Speaking of Sony legal issues, the one they have with LG took an interesting turn. http://www.destructoid.com/all-ps3s-blocked-from-entering-europe-195289.phtml
  24. I hope that Seph and his crew don't come back with little stitches in the back of their heads and drooling while grunting the praises of EA games.
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