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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I'm guessing it's one of two possibilities: 1. The 3DS is actually so incredibly underwhelming that no one is willing to say anything about it, or they are just so shattered by it, they can't. Maybe there is fear of Nintendo fanboy reaction. 2. They are playing the fuck out of everything right now, and they don't want to take time to write reviews when they can be playing it. I thought maybe a third possibility would be that no on has one yet, but that's obviously not the case. Lots of sites and people have one now, so there should be nothing to stop them from starting reviews.
  2. About. At worst, a day or so more. At the absolute worst, less than a week more if there are completely unforeseen horrors that kill many of the staff and result in us having to fight aliens until Jeff Goldblum can save us with his Mac laptop.
  3. I just realized something. It's a week until Black and White comes out. Even if I constantly play and update this until it comes out, I'd never get much further than maybe past the third gym. That's only about a quarter of the way through the game, factoring in all the Team Aqua related stuff. We all know that I'm going to be playing Black and White, just as you guys will be, pretty much non-stop after it comes out. There's just too much temptation, and we've been waiting for it for months. Pokeable Ops will continue, just not as much as we would all like, for a while. Once I've gotten a good amount of time into BW, I'll keep at this. Snake hasn't failed a mission yet.
  4. Oh no, I've been dramatically multi-quoted! With an animated gif twist ending!
  5. Brandon, shut up. You're shitposting my project thread. Proto, stop teasing him, you should know better. Everyone else, carry on.
  6. You have ruined the entire series for me. Zelda is dead to me, and I can never enjoy them ever again. Thanks a lot, dickmouth.
  7. Personally, I need to see if I can stand the 3D effect. I don't like 3D movies that much and I'd hate to get a 3DS and not use the 3D at all. It seems like such a waste. But those AR card games are looking pretty cool. They alone might be worth getting a 3DS now.
  8. You know, I think she is. I can't find her anywhere.
  9. I am a grounded circuit.

    I win.

  10. According to tests and Nintendo's own comments, the system renders both angles all the time any way. The power draw on the 3D effect is from both 3D screens running at the same time, not from having the screen being rendered twice. And so far, no concrete answers on low settings so far. It's been more than a day, you would think someone would have tried it by now.
  11. NeoGAF members are starting to report battery life and settings. So, really, no clear answer still.
  12. But do you have any remixing experience, Brandon? Only if you really want to count all the little diddies and tunes that pop up along the series. But yeah, it's over 600.
  13. Oh no, the email address in the write-up is wrong. It has two "t"s in it. But on the other hand, I'm slightly more famous! I have one line of text with my name in it on a website I'm not able to write on. That's way better then my wikipedia page (that was deleted multiple times). Well, it's missing about 350 other tracks, but we decided it was better to concentrate on a few for now, and do more on another album in the future.
  14. A friend had cracks on his hinges on his DS Lite, and he's terribly paranoid about electronics care. So it does happen sometimes.
  15. I think everyone is too busy playing with their 3DSs to bother with a real-life test.
  16. I'd like to point out that today would be the Japanese, not the US, anniversary. So it wouldn't really make any sense.
  17. Today marks the 15th anniversary of the Pokémon series debut. On February 27, 1996, Japan saw the release of Red and Green for the Game Boy. 15 years later, it's the second highest selling video game franchise in history, only beat by Mario himself. Now, most of us only got to play it late 1998 to mid 1999, due to the release dates in Europe, Australia and North America, so for most of us, it's more like 13 years. But 13 doesn't get special cakes, so fuck that. So... yeah, happy birthday, bits of data on a plastic and metal board that is inserted into a plastic and metal device running on batteries. You don't look a day over 0.1eV/hour!
  18. Kotaku is saying their 3DSs are experiencing weak hinges. Now, they may just have a bad 3DS or two, it happens. Maybe they're even over-reacting. Anyone else with an imported 3DS care to comment?
  19. You can do whatever you want, it's a free country. Thanks to ocre for helping me with some of the writing. He forced me to make it better, and every time I didn't, he hit me. I can't move my other arm, so typing this thank-you message has been very troublesome and painful. I can see stars when I press the shift-key. While I'm still conscious, I'd like to also thank the OCR staff for working with me to fix those minor issues from before (and let's never mention them ever again) and for all their work making sure the album gets out. OK, blacking out now.
  20. Excellent points, Thin Crust. Hardly anyone ever talks about what this guy has done with regards to the law. People need to stop blindly siding with either side just because.
  21. I think you guys are really overestimating the guy's chances here. Sony isn't some little push-over, they've been through stuff like this before and know what to do. They have the people, the time, the skill and the resources to make this a very messy, expensive fight for Geohot and his backers. Then you have all the times that the little guy, while in the right, was screwed in court by a much bigger, more experienced and more ruthless opponent. It sucks, but the reality is that it happens a lot more than not. Everyone loves the idea about the big, mean corporations getting their just deserts, but frankly, it doesn't happen very often, and for a reason. They don't let it.
  22. Hmmm... let's see... single person with donated legal fees versus multinational legal department with cash reserves to drag this out for years (which might be in their best interests, as it would hold up the actions of the guy suing them and drain his funds). Yeah, donations or not, I don't think he's going to be able to afford any kind of long-term fight. Even if he won the first rounds in court, Sony will just appeal every time and then go through it again and again.
  23. He has a project? Which one? When is it coming out?
  24. Plus it had some very nice music and the various puzzles, like moving the barrel around to get to the door, and the size changing to move around the map. It was just done right.
  25. Has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about, Dave. I think that was more of a comment aimed at someone else than the subject at hand. Brush, yous trollin' or somethin'?
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