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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. The professor must be upstairs. Damn, he's not here! There's only some little girl. This clock.. Nah, couldn't be. Excuse me, young la- That same strange pause... could she also be in on it? It makes sense to have the daughter and the mother working together. I wonder if this Birch knows how tight they have him in their grasp. She could be a double agent, or both her and her mother are on our side. I'd confirm it, but the place could be bugged, and all of our covers would be blown. I'm too old for you, girl. War is my mistress, and loneliness is my comrade in arms. Besides, mixing business with pleasure is a good way to get compromised. She is clearly falling for me. But I can't risk any fraternization on this mission. I need to find my contact, Professor Birch. But... no, never mind. Continued...
  2. OH SHIT! I've been spotted! I'm starting to wonder about this op. One of my contacts is suspicious, and the other is making appearances on the islands local television broadcasts. I can only assume that that is part of his cover here. YES! Time to meet the contact and get my first weapon. I hope it's not one of those freaky arm things. Oh shit, are they the psychic ones? I should try to shield my thoughts when I'm around them. Mary had a little lamb, little lamb... Next door, huh? This should be the place. Yes,I know. Otacon gave me the int- I mean, yes, we have on in my house. Out in the field? He's a science nerd, not a soldier! OK, let's meet the contact. That pause in the middle... Like she was receiving intel on me. Could she be an agent too? It makes sense. Professor Birch is an expert of these creatures. Keeping an eye on him from inside his own home would be a smart move. Marrying the scientist would provide perfect cover fo her. But the question is... which side is she working for? She even went to far as to have his child to maintain her cover. This woman is not some fresh meat; she's a hardened agent. BUT FOR WHO? Continued...
  3. Twelve hours, right on the nose. Perfect. It won't be a big bang, but it will be enough to act as a distraction for the locals when I need to make my extraction. Plus, it will be dark then, so I'll have more cover. She's quick, and quiet. I never even heard her come up the stairs. This is a woman to be watched carefully... Otacon would love this. he's all freaky for tech and that Japanese stuff. Standard bed, nothing fancy. I've slept in ditches and trenches with more comfort. A field manual! But I don't see these buttons on the computer... Right, now for some tactical planning! I'm here, in Littleroot. And I need to get to Ever Grande, base of the "Elite Four", the group responsible for these bio-weapons. Looks like I just need to secure a boat and pilot it across a waterway. It might be guarded, but if I can slip by, I can be there in only a few hours. Plenty of time to complete my mission. Otacon told me they had a highly advanced digital storage system in place in this island. They can actually store and retrieve physical objects via a computer network. MOM set up an account for me to use. Still, only a single medical vial to start me out is a bit cheap... DAMN IT! Otacon was supposed to send more intel on the mission to me when I arrived. I'm starting to wonder if MOM had anything to do with this... I'm not going to confront her on this. It's too early in the mission and I don't have time to waste arguing with one of the few contacts I have. I need to get going. The clock's ticking. Continued...
  4. The darkness of war never changes, only where it takes place. Time and time again, mad men seek power of each other, and will twist science and nature to suit their needs. But there are some of us that will stand up to them. Myself and my team, small as we are, are willing to stop these people from destroying themselv- I've arrived. I've spent too much time in the back of trucks. Let's see what's out there... Cozy. A little too cozy. My first contact is a civilian of the island, code-name MOM. Otacon tells me it stands for "Mission Oversight Main", a deep-infiltration model used by certain agencies to help agents in hostile territory. Hopefully "MOM" will be able to set me up with any intel before finding the scientist I'm supposed to meet. Time to recon the base-site. It's just a normal house, but I should still make sure of its layout and potential defenses should the mission go tits-up. Otacon's intel says that a "pokahmon" is a line of animals that have been somehow turned into incredible weapons. They have enhanced strength and durability, as well as various forms of attacks, like eletrical shock and poisonous gases. Some are even supposed to be psychic and can attack the mind itself. "DAD" stands for "Deep Advanced Detection", which I'm told is another model of agent. His purpose is to keep tabs on his side of the island. Otacon arranged for me to contact him if I need to. His cover is the leader of a local cartel that uses this "pokahmon" weapons, but they don't cause trouble. They're more like informal peacekeepers. These things scare the hell out of me. They're stronger than any man or animal I've even come across, and Otacon tells me they can mutate and grow more arms, becoming even stronger. The sooner I get off this island, the better. My room upstairs is spartan, but it doesn't matter. I'm going to be out in the field most of the time, and if things go bad, this will be one of the last places I should hold out in. Just in case, though... I arranged for "DAD" to send me a special package. No one would suspectan old clock like this. It has a small explosive package in it. Otacon worked out that 12 hours should be enough to get to the target and neutralize the threat. continued...
  5. Hey all, I'm bored and thought it might be a good way to kill some time, and maybe provide some entertainment for some of you here, whether it's this actually being good, or you getting to watch a horribly self-fail of effort. Either way, right? First, some intro music, to get you in the mood. Otacon: How did your insertion go? Snake: The way it goes every Saturday night with your mom. Otacon: Oh snap! But seriously, did you have any trouble getting in? Snake: No, the drop point was clear and I managed to rendezvous with the truck on time. Otacon: Good. Now remember, you have to locate the source of these biological weapons and stop them from leaving the island. Snake: I got it. This better not turn into another Zanzibar Island fiasco. Otacon: Don't worry, it won't. There isn't a strong military presence here. The only conflict is between two opposing factions, and they aren't that dangerous in the first place. The biggest concern, though, is the group that's in charge of the island and most likely, the source of the biological weapons. Snake: I still think I should have brought my own guns for this mission... Otacon: Sorry, Snake, but the UN has declared this island a wildlife sanctuary. Our deal with the United Nations Security Council prevents us from using conventional weapons there. Snake: Well, I still don't like it. But I guess I'll just have to make due with what I can scavenge from the locals. Otacon: ... Snake: What? What is it? Otacon: Uh... the locals don't have any weapon either. Snake: Well, then I'll just get some from those two armies that are fighting each other. Otacon: Yeeeeah, about them... Snake: What!? Otacon: They won't have any guns either. You see, everyone on the island uses the very biological weapons you're here to stop in the first place. Snake: You have to be *%$#ing kidding me. I'm going up against an island filled with bio-weapons and nothing to defend myself with? Otacon: Don't worry, we've arranged for a contact to meet you and supply you with your own bio-weapon. After that, you should be able to gather more until you can get to your target. Snake: Who is this contact? A local? Otacon: He's the island's leading scientist and an expert on these bio-weapons. His name... is Professor Birch. continued...
  6. Plus, he's got that new show on The Escapist, Anthony Save The World. But really, his most famous work is the Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin? series.
  7. OK, everyone that hasn't responded yet has been pestered again, so I hope they get it this time. As much as I would like to start going onto their Facebook and Steam and whatever else accounts they have, to get a hold of them, I think that would be a bit much.
  8. Well, he finally got it back to me around late 2009, so it worked out in the end. Also, there are 6 staff members that haven't gotten back to me about permissive forms for their remixes/artwork. EXPECT PESTERING SOON.
  9. There are so many zombie games now, though. And lots of non-zombie based games have zombies modes or DLC added on. I'm wondering if this game is going to release at a time when people are just tired of it. Even I'm getting bored with L4D2 now, and I've played it over almost 900 hours in the series. It's going to have to do something very different to standout from everything else. Here's hoping the story (it's a zombocalypse, there really isn't any need for story) and this mysterious RPG system for training works out well enough to make it more than just another moaning voice in the crowd.
  10. So, there are no enhancements of any kind when you play BW on a 3DS. Who would dare to say such a thing? How about the director of the game, Junichi Masuda, himself? So that's that. No 3D anything, just regular DS everything. You can use the camera like the one on the DSi and XL, but it's not required to advance the game in anyway. In slightly better news, the UK is having its own Celebi events!
  11. Site gets released with the album. OCR does that with all the official albums.
  12. I had to transcribe the lyrics to Jaroban's Greatest Rival for Larry, and I couldn't help laughing as I was doing it. You can listen to it multiple times, and still get giggles from it. I think Jaroban has made some form of acoustic tickling.
  13. I don't think the DS was ever region-locked, only DSi-specific software was. Now, some DS games do use DSi features, like the camera, but they aren't required to use them. As for 3DS playing DS games being region-locked... I have no idea. All DS games are region-free, and the 3DS is fully backward compatible, so it would make sense that it wouldn't do region-locking on region-free games. I guess we'll have to wait until it comes out to see. Man, Nintendo should have this sort of thing explained by now.
  14. Yeah, about that... http://www.meristation.com/v3/des_noticia.php?id=cw4d5593fec848e&pic=GEN It's in Spanish, but the gist of it is "We're done with Gen 5 games, we're not working on a third version." For more info, http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Third_version_to_Generation_V_to_not_be_on_3DS Of course, the games are just coming out, so they wouldn't want to Osborne effect themselves. You know it's going to happen eventually. Also, two movies coming out in Japan this summer? Might be some more event stuff in the future, but who knows if the rest of the world will get it.
  15. Mostly spelling and pronunciation.
  16. You see, that's the thing that all these experts like to ignore, or aren't even thinking about: video games have been around for the better part of thirty years now (maybe longer if you want to count the old arcade systems of the 70s), in pretty much every part of the world, and played by just about every culture, nationality and both genders and all ages since then. And yet, how many cases are there that are actually caused by popular culture of any kind? The most violent places in the world aren't the ones that have lots of violent content, they're the places where wars and genocide have been going on and off for decades or even centuries. Even if you only limit the scope to the US, you still have tens of millions of people of all kind of demographics that enjoy these forms of entertainment, and yet only a tiny percentage of them are involved in crime of any kind, and even then, how much of it is violent crime? What other factors are there that could explain their behavior? "Oh, sorry, we don't do studies about other factors. We're only concerned about the ones we're looking at right now" seems to be the trend today. And of course, to make it really suck bit more, all the real shit that causing all the trouble is being ignored because the media reports this bullshit over actual news.
  17. Aeris dies because Sephiroth stabs her. Prince Charming kisses Sleeping Beauty and wakes her up. Samus Aran is actually a girl. Lucky never gets to keep his damn Lucky Charms, the kids always get some of them in the end. Maggie shot Mr. Burns. And... uh... Bruce Wayne is Batman.
  18. Yeah, because 8-bit style games never got remakes with better graphics... Like Super Mario Bros, for instance.
  19. Not to mention that the international courts in Stockholm decided that the universal time limit for spoilers is only three months. In a vote of 7 to 2, it was decided that any significant spoilers were open to revealing to the general public due to an acceptable agreement hat by then, most people should have already seen, read, played or heard of said spoiler. Those that felt they had it ruined for them after the allotted time could not complain about it, as per section 4, subsection 1(a) of the International Spoilers Agreement of 2007. So unless you live in or a citizen of one of the few countries that didn't sign onto and agree with the Act, you can't really complain about it. Also, your country sucks for not signing.
  20. Oh, since there are multiple Celebi events this month around the world, here's a handy chart to tell you when and where you can get your own Celebi. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Celebi_travels_through_time,_around_globe Each country has a link to its own official website detailing times and places, as well as how to get the event pokémon. Hopefully, this will help some of our members here out. Don't forget, this is a special Celebi, as it unlocks the rare pokémon Zorua in Black and White, and it the last Gen 4 event to take place. This may be your only chance to get one for who knows how long!
  21. Well, OoT isn't going to be out until mid Summer, and BW don't get anything from running on a 3DS; it's just a regular DS game.
  22. This just in: Catholic Church reverses stance of Pokémon, clergy pre-orders for Black and White quadruple overnight.
  23. I think this is more questionable than cloned sheep. And anyone thinking that's fake, here's the text dump. Oh, that's not going to be be kept. It's going to be changed, I just know it.
  24. Carole Lieberman is right,though. But it's mostly the evil Japanese games. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/9432/likeasauna.png NAMBLA is going to be all over this game now.
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