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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. But that increases the chances of him running away.
  2. OK, everyone pester zyko about this one track. He's the one that is holding up everything, including the flying car! And robot maids! And... and all those other things we have been waiting for since it became the 21st century. Also, throw these at him.
  3. OK, I missed the first few seconds of the video, and the comment where he says it's his, it wasn't made when I looked at it yesterday. He must have made it after I first watched the video.
  4. Well, to be fair, he doesn't say it was his remix. He just didn't credit it properly. So unless he did, and changed/removed any claims stating so recently, I don't know if you can call it plagiarism.
  5. Ohhhh, now I want to get it in the album. We only have a few a month to finish it up and get it added, get the site updated to include its listing and zyko's dex entry and then shove it into the tracklist somewhere. I know disc 2 has one less track than disc 1...
  6. What about instead of the character not knowing, he/she does know... but doesn't want the player to know. Most games already have some minor 4th wall breakage, or at least hinting at it. The character will talk out loud for no reason (but for the players benefit), or they will make comments about certain items or areas when they come across them. Instead, have the character know full well what their past is, but it almost like a struggle between the player and the character: the character doesn't want to confront or admit whatever the past is, while the player must resolve said past to complete the game. As for how to do so, I can think of writing in some sort of system where the character earns some sort of trust with the player, like the player must guide him through the game, and anything that happens to the character would raise or lower said trust. I guess that means something like a a "trust" meter that goes up and down. Or make it a hidden component of the game. I'm sure others could come up with a better way to implement it. But it could be a nice twist on the whole amnesia device.
  7. Well, it's too late now, you've given it away. A1 Sauce early this year?
  8. This guy might be able to help you with that. I was actually one email away from inviting him at one point.
  9. I would love to see that dome, even as just a mockup. MAKE IT HAPPEN, INTERNET!
  10. I like the big power-up attacks. I just hope it's a special move you have to work for, not just spam whenever you want. Otherwise, it will quickly become boring. Also, I have to see what the UFO power does. I LOVE THE UFO POWER.
  11. It's OK, everyone has those moments. We still like you. But we are obligated to make fun of you for it.
  12. Hmmm... I never did get Bioshock. I tried the demo when it came out, but I never actually finished it. /checks Steam for prices
  13. http://www.next-gen.biz/news/nintendo-explains-3ds-battery-life So, if you combine these two settings, you should be able to get just short of 50% more battery life. Now, the interesting thing is that he said "maximum brightness", so if you drop the brightness, it should be even longer, as the light uses up the most power. This would lend a lot of credibility to the argument that lowest settings should be able to exceed the quoted 5 hours. If that's true, then I wonder how long it would last with the lowest settings. It might actually be a lot more.
  14. Well OCR does use a SNES controller as part of its logo, so... I wish more companies dropped the gauntlet like this. "Hey, you ain't got the balls to make a ____ remix or something?"
  15. I thought it was for Neo Geo Pocket. Now that I've slept and had a good look at the pics, it does look very nice. Thin, but not really thin so that it seems like it would snap in half. It doesn't change up the controls much (I'm sorry, but that pad on the back just seems unnecessary, it's like they want to say "Look! We have TWO touch screen! Top that!"), but Sony is not known for really messing around with what works. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PRICE AND BATTERY? Are we going to have to wait until E3 this year or something?
  16. APPROVED! Get it to me as soon as you can, Brandon!
  17. Both portables have the same damn "gimmicks" in them now, just with slightly different names. Even tablets and phones, like Android and iPhone/iPad have the same stuff in them. They're all touch screen based, they all have tilt sensing this, downloadable that... There are Android tablets in Asia with the same 3D screen tech as the 3DS, and they've been out for month or so already. I'm starting to think this is the point at which we'll see the least difference between the various systems. They're all starting to look and act the same.
  18. PSP Boards, then and now. 2004: The DS has a fucking touch screen. It's nothing more than a gimmick. All it does is take attention away from regular games and forces developers to use it, which will result in shitty games. Watch all DS games be touch screen-based and it will flop. 2011: The NGP/PSP2 touch screen will offer developers ways to be more creative and try new game ideas out. We'll see awesome new games with awesome controls and who knows what else! This is the future! This is the year Sony takes back the portable market (that they never had the lead of in the first place)!
  19. Touch screen... and a touch pad. Camera facing both front and back. Square-ish flash cards. Tilt sensor. How is this not a copy of the 3DS again? I get that you do what works, even if the other guy did it first. This may have been in the works for some time, but come on, the comparisons, especially so soon after the 3DS press events, are going to be made. They share a lot of similar components. Let's hear some prices and battery life estimates! If either or both aren't as good or better than the 3DS, this is going to be a rough couple of years for portable gaming.
  20. Dual analog sticks. The one thing that PSP owners have been bitching about since the PSP came out. They finally did it. Now they can get back to bitching about games like everyone else.
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