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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. Thought I should bump this... Yes, please bump something that was just asked yesterday and was the second to last post up to a few minutes ago. Here's your sig.
  2. For anyone interested, I put together a little set of gifs that I've made so far. http://rapidshare.de/files/3478044/Capngifpack.rar.html Feel free to use them.
  3. Oh Rayza, you and your angsty middle fingers.
  4. I'll take a shot at Silo's request. Edit-- Nevermind, turns out Silo is an alternate account. People, don't request sigs for your stupid, shitty alt accounts. I've been trying to animate fucking flowers for 2 hours just to find out that I was wasting my time.
  5. Is it possible to list the updates on the imageshack page somewhere?
  6. By "business" I meant the sig shop thing. I haven't seen anyone using any yet. Time to advertise more.
  7. Hopefully business will pick up. D:
  8. I've been looking for wolf pictures for a while now. Searches for Skoll and Fenrir come up with far, far too much gay furry shit for my tastes. You will have something soon, though.
  9. So it's confirmed that this is going to happen? Edit- Below. I'll start on the sig as soon as I can.
  10. Yes. The higher the quality of the picture, the better the end result will be.
  11. Tripod doesn't allow direct linking. As for the sig, Darkmarine, I don't think it's possible for me to do anything to make it better. If you can find some better source pictures like I asked for before then I might be able to help you out.
  12. You can also just use imageshack so that you don't have to host them yourself.
  13. That gif is really horrible, you may want to try to find a better one if possible. A better picture of your character would be nice too. The higher the quality of the picture the nicer the end-product is.
  14. Remember, anytime I make a sig it's saved to imageshack. Meaning that you don't need to resave it, or alter it in any way whatsoever. All you have to do is copy its location and add some tags around it. [img=http://img193.echo.cx/img193/5295/trinitycopy8nn.png] There's the original address of the image I sent to you. Also make sure that in your profile the following are all checked to YES. Always attach my signature: Always allow BBCode:
  15. Holy crap, he's alive. I'll see what I can do.
  16. I have high hopes in this restoring my faith in Remix projects. The Sonic II project disappointed me so, so much.
  17. It's not that bad. The picture of Megabyte looks like it has some artifacting going on, but the Phong pic is nice and clean.
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