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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. I deleted that one off of my account....it wasn't very good. I'm always up for a new one though...if you wish, of course.
  2. And on that note, here is my latest request from a fella that goes by the name Qureshi Sahab. He promised me to no end that he would stick around OCR...hopefully my faith in his promise was not in vain.
  3. It's nice to have help around but try not to be a jerk about it. Personally, I don't think the sigs I make are that bad, especially with as little experience I have with photoshop, so you coming in here and insinuating that we make crappy ones doesn't sit too well. We spend a lot of time doing something for free that takes up OUR time to try to make something for others, but I'm sure you know all about that. Sorry that your thread got deleted, but please don't get pissed because this one didn't, hasn't, or ever will. I like the sigs that you make, and I'm sure a lot of others do, but continue to act like a complete dick and no number of sigs will make OCR like you. That being said, welcome aboard, and play nice.
  4. Sorry about the lack of sig making lately, Chiz and I have been pretty busy lately.
  5. "Waste" not "waist."
  6. I forgot about you NeoS, so I'll get to work on it soon.
  7. Have fun, and yes, try to stay out of UnMod until you're ready for it. Are you not interested in the remixes here?
  8. Gonna need a better description than that.
  9. Any preferences with the anime character? A few examples would help.
  10. Thanks a lot, for a while we were pretty swamped so help is always appreciated.
  11. I swear I'm going to change the title of this thread to "Capn & Chiz custom sigs" or "Ye olde sig shoppe." Good stuff Chizniz, can't thank you enough.
  12. May just want to use the one I put up, it's better quality. Paint kinda blurred it in a few places. It's up to you though.
  13. Geocities....isn't very cooperative. Try one of the other places instead, even if it is a bit of a hassle.
  14. You're going to have to find a place to host it. Photobucket is a good place, and so is Imageshack.
  15. I don't hate all of anime, just most of it. You mind handling this one Chiz? ------------------------------ How's this, Raulimus?
  16. Sigs usually have the name of your forum handle...in this case "Raulimus." I can do one of that if you want.
  17. Welcome to the site. Read through the newb forum thoroughly.
  18. How's this Chris? --Decided to work on it a bit more, link is down for now. ---Link is back up, hope you like it. Comments? Suggestions? Gripes?
  19. I liked it. One of the better Rock remixes on the site. Very clean.
  20. What happened? I can probably tell you how to fix it. (Huge Edit) Okay, i'll tell you what happened. For some weird assed reason, the layers, filters, and edit menus were all greyed out. As well, most of my tools could not be used, I couldnt do anything, literally. As I mentioned, i tried reinstalling, and all that crap, much to no avail. I'm not sure if it was something I did, because I did nothing out of the ordinary, and i've never run into this type of problem before... I just tried system restore, but that didnt fix it (AND for some odd reason, my list of filters was significantly smaller. I had no blurs, few distorts, a couple of stylizes and thats it, and they were stilled greyed out. So I undid that restore, and I have my filters back... though still greyed out.) This is quite annoying, I dont know how it started or how to fix it... I cant even finish the project I have been working on for ages ;_; (huge edit) Make sure the image mode of whatever you were working on isn't in 16-bits/channel. That will grey out a bunch of the filters and such.
  21. You better, since this has basically become Capn & Chiz Inc.
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