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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. If you havent already requested a sig in another thread, i'd be glad to make you one. I don't think he has, so you should go ahead.
  2. I am so sorry, I completely forgot about your sig! It just slipped my mind. I'll work on it as soon as I can. EDIT-- Here 's what I was thinking. Let me know if you want any changes and/or any gripes you have. I like it! thanks! the background is awesome. Glad you like it.
  3. I Heart Ninjas, I'm a little swamped for now. Here's another place where you can get a sig.
  4. I was so confused at first. I listen to this remix and I say to myself, "Holy shit! This FIGDAF guy took a song from Orichalcons soundtrack!" Then I noticed the "TO"... Oh well, I got to hear the song early at least. (DL the soundtrack if you haven't)
  5. Oops, did I save it as a bmp? edit--- There, Jpeg
  6. I whipped this up. Comments? Gripes? -------------------- Sion, I'll see what I can do, but it may take a while. Fusing 2 characters and making them look good may prove challenging. hey, pretty cool! two minor things: 1. could you change the font to something even more "digital", possibly? 2. lowercase "z" then it would be perfect :D thanks! How's this?
  7. I whipped this up. Comments? Gripes? -------------------- Sion, I'll see what I can do, but it may take a while. Fusing 2 characters and making them look good may prove challenging.
  8. I think it's because it's a bitmap...save it as a jpeg or png.
  9. Now it isn't wide enough.
  10. I am so sorry, I completely forgot about your sig! It just slipped my mind. I'll work on it as soon as I can. EDIT-- Here 's what I was thinking. Let me know if you want any changes and/or any gripes you have.
  11. Just read through the newb/tech help forum, and try not to make any topics like "OMG CLOUD FROM FF7 IS SECKZY!!!1" and you'll be JUST fine. Some people never learn this though.
  12. So do requests HAVE to be video game related? Or do we post non-related VG requests in the WIP:Other forum?
  13. Welcome! Please read through the Newbie/Tech help forum before posting in the other forums.
  14. Welcome, please read through the Newbie/Tech Help forum thoroughly before posting in the other forums. Good luck!
  15. Creates too much tension. "GOLDENEYE = BETTAR!!!" "NUN-UH FAG! HALO SEXES YOU!!!" Stuff like that, just over and over.
  16. I'll see what I can do in the morn'....or early afternoon.
  17. I am intrigued by the Warcraft map. TELL. NOW.
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