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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. Gimme a sec. Edit-ok Here ya go.
  2. reminderGTO. Sorry about that...the Capn is used to big sigs.
  3. Read the first post. UnMod isn't very n00b friendly so I figured I would make a thread in the one place where they are welcome. I never meant for this to be a "ask Capn for a sig!!!111" thread, I just figured I would be one of a handful of people that would volunteer and help out. Guess I was wrong.
  4. Thanks for the attempt, but I sort of like the A the way it is, maybe I should change the color of the A in my name? Making your own sig is usually pretty rewarding. I'll see if I can whip something up for you in the morning.
  5. I assume that means you want a Chrono Trigger sig?
  6. Well, I'm just getting used to PS again, so an hour isn't all that bad. Though I've made a few in about 15 minutes or so.
  7. A flare might be nice, thanks for the suggestion.
  8. Well, I like the old one too(plus someone made that for me) but I wanted to try my hand at my own. I'll probably end up cycling through them or something. Thanks for the compliments.
  9. SLyGLeN Hope you like it. I had to use a different picture of a real hedgehog, hope you don't mind.
  10. reminderGTO It isn't much but I hope it's good enough for you to use. --------------------------------------------------- I'll see what I can do Sly.
  11. Because it looks silly if I try to change it into an H.
  12. Let me see what I can do. Give me a little while.
  13. If you're new to the site and want a sig then here's the place to sign up. ------------------------------------------------------- Just post a description of what you want with a few pictures(if you can) and we'll see what we can do. Now, I'm no pro with Photoshop so if any of the regulars want to help me out with this that would be great. (Thanks to Chizniz, Joyzilla, Gorveg, GZC and everyone else. You guys rule.) (There is a sig request thread in UnMod as well as a thread with various PS techniques, so be sure to visit as it is a great resource.) Don't like waiting for a request to get finished? Then you might like this next idea. While I prefer the usual request method, this could prove to be a good secondary resource. Be sure to give credit to the site if you decide to use anything. Also remember that the site is still new so there isn't much in it yet. Expect more pictures as time goes on.
  14. Is the game based on the show at all?
  15. Sure we read this stuff, greetings newcomers. Indeed. Rookies are always welcome.
  16. Anyone remember the tags for putting a URL inside of a pic? I completely forgot.
  17. This remix is truly good. I just wish their were a higer quality version.
  18. Road Rash isn't exactly a gem. The first one on Playstation though....mmmmmmm.
  19. Why does everyone think Sephiroth was hard in Kingdom Hearts? That battle is like something out of Megaman. He has a simple pattern and if you pay attention he's a piece of cake.
  20. Arg, how do you put a link in a pic?
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