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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. There is a small chance that there will be no Volume 3, at least with me at the head anyway. So, you have a few months still, if you get something together, let me know.
  2. Alright, I'm back. Gonna contact some people soon, gonna get crunk up in this birch. Yeah, onward & forward & such.
  3. Some personal stuff has come up & I might be MIA for a while. No more than a week or 2.
  4. I'm cool with it. I'll go ahead & post the link to the fullish version too. http://kngi.org/thejoker/Sonic%203-IceAdvisory(IceCapzone).mp3 Also, for whoever ends up do the vocals, I'm totally cool with re editing it to fit the lyrics. Also, Jordanius, those tracks are pretty damn good!
  5. I agree with everything you just said. Also, my Krogaurd dies quick all the time. I do better with my human than him. Am I doing it wrong?
  6. So, I'm listening to all the close to finished wips I have... & while there is enough tracks to make a good tracklisting & concentrate on them for release, I'm not going to have a cutoff until sometimes later this year, late fall/early winter. So, everyone that wants to be on Volume 2, keep that in mind. Not sure I'll head up a Volume 3 yet, so... that's also something to keep in mind. Next WIP check in is May 30.
  7. I'm pretty sure I said that I could be wrong & the whole thing was just a bad ending. Never meant to give the impression that I was the only one that got it, just that it made sense to me, then presented my case. Didn't want to go super in depth becasue most people have already made up their minds & decided that they hate the ending & no one's gonna take away that bitter sweet cake. Which is great, it's a reaction & that's more than some so called good endings achieve. Just wanted to give another opinion on what the ending might have been. Also, Keiser, you didn't say anything that disproved my writeup, you just posted a video that was pretty much some dude picking apart the series if you considered it all a lead up to a Mass Effect Universe ending, while my writeup was arguing that it was all about Shepards journey at the end of which he has Jacob's Ladder type death. He ven states in his other video that all of ti is based on the assumption that all of it was presented as happening in that universes reality. The theory I laid out is pretty much Moses leading his people to, & even seeing, the promised land but not being able to set foot in it. I kinda wish they had ended the playable game right when Shepard got hit with the laser, then showed one of your crewmates, maybe Kaiden, Vega or even an MP chracter you promoted. I think the whole point of the Shepard was one of a Winter Soldier that does his job, not for glory or to be the hero, but to give everyone else a chance. Everyone wanted a Mass Effect story, but it was Shepards story all along, which ends when he's killed. I get why the ending is hated, but I still believe it made sense narratively & thematically, even if it was presented rather sloppily. Then again, at least we didn't get a bunch of pictures & text with voiceovers. All of this could be rendered moot depending on what "The Truth" dlc ends up being.
  8. did a write up on what I think ME3's ending was. http://www.destructoid.com/blogs/AKillingJoke/mass-effect-3-one-of-the-greatest-sci-fi-endings-ever--226002.phtml
  9. Alright, the deadline has come & gone, & I've yet to hear back from a few people. Gonna send some pm's soon, but I'm gonna give it a day or so more to see if anyone gets to me first.
  10. I've already signed the consent form... like twice already. Also, I'll just le someone else do my bio, or just put, "He makes music."
  11. Lady Gaqa - Marry the Night Killer Instinct Gold - Orchids Theme
  12. I alway just assumed the ending of Mass Effect 3 was pretty realistic. I think the destroy ending is canon, because you see shepard at the end, pretty much dying under a bunch of rubble. Everything that happened after Harbinger shot him was pretty much a near death experience, giving Shepards story a resolution while the actual war was still happening above earth. If I'm right, it's one of the best scifi endings ever. Pretty much being an ending that says no matter how much you worked, & how many impossible things you pulled off, you can't stop whats supposed to happen. The Reapers pretty much elude to that fact throughout the trilogy. I really hope that, if Bioware changes anything, whatever dlc they release for the ending has you playing as someone else who ends up activating the catalyst. It would cement what Shepard was in all 3 gamesl just a soldier following orders, not a savior. It was always a team or grouping of people that made the endings of the previous 2 games possible, not just one person.
  13. I'll put you down for it. Also, make sure the voice clips are badass. Also, that every voice clip is of him saying Chris.
  14. Submitted. With an even more refined breakdown!
  15. I'm actually hoping that when I'm ready to jump ship someone will want to continue doing volumes for BadAss. So, as many as possible. Who knows, maybe it could even be an OCR staple at some point.
  16. Alright, did some things. Added a slight intro so it doesn;t hit you with all that force right out of the gate, brought out the pingy synth without making it too harsh (hopefully), EQ'd it a bit more... fixed the off notes toward the end*, even did some more minor edits to the arrangement itself to bring out the melody from the original. http://kngi.org/thejoker/TheJoker-LastDance(OCR).mp3 *not the ones Trois mentioned, these weren't off as much as they were playing countermelodies.
  17. Orangedragan, you're in. Brandon, as much as I'd want to be considerate of other projects, I gotta put this one first. I'm managing BadAss, not the other projects that have deadlines. Prioritizing is up to the artists involved with said tracks. If one prject is a better choice for them, then they should finish that other project song first. I won't take offense from that, but I won't put the project on hold either. This is is all volunteer work, so the project can only get so far as people are willing to go themselves. Having said that, there is no cut-off date set in stone yet, that all comes down to how many tracks we have close to done when the times comes. I've learned first hand that just because you finish an album doesn't mean it comes out right then & there. Usually it takes a few months. With that in mind, there are a few tracks that are further ahead than not, & I'd hate to sit on finished tracks for years. I'd rather try to get them out as soon as possible, which was the whole purpose of the Volumes system in the first place.
  18. Orange, send me some samples of your work. Everyone else, new WIP date! So, get in gear!
  19. Okay, everbody expect some in depth comments (or just a few if I feel that's all that is needed) soon. Also, a new wip date, & those that haven't gotten me a wip yet, the next date will be the one where something must be shown. So, yeah, happy times!
  20. My name's in purple on the front page, what else do you guys need?
  21. http://soundcloud.com/dlpmusic For the childrens!
  22. I dig it, bro. Sounds exactly like what I would have wanted it to sound like in the game.
  23. Screw it, I'm submitting the original one.
  24. Tweaked the mastering & assorted things a bit. Made the bells a little more clearer, brought out the Pingy synth as well. So, how is it? http://kngi.org/thejoker/dedede-Last%20Dance%20(OCR).mp3
  25. I still find this extremely hard to understand. The bells/twinklies are exactly the same lead from the original, note for note. Hmm, I'll take my chances with the source content, but what about the mixing & stuff?
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