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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I go to destructoid. It's fun & awesome! Yay!
  2. Whoop, Whoop! Ha, that typed out hilarious. Two down!
  3. But would it be as BadAssed? Probably, but that's beside the point.
  4. So, i'd like to announce,that little by little, we're getting the mother effin ball rolling on this effer. first post updated!
  5. I agree on the ending. It works as a loopable track, but I assume you're going for a stand alone track. I'd go with a fuller, more intense Bolero of Fire at the end, then end on a long violin note. It would give it a bit more epicness. Right now, though, I dig it. It has a Bear McCreary sound to it. I'd even look into the Sarah Connor Chronicles soundtrack, particularly the intro song.
  6. So, are you still down with the BadAss crew?

  7. Awesome birthday partay, wooo!!!! Happiness for you!
  8. I've got Boost, & the only thing wrogn with it, is sometimes I lose text abilites. Like, out of no where, I don't even know when they happen till well after the fact, because I've missed texts from friends. Other people I know have the same problem. Not sure if it's just my area, but, yeah, thats one thing that may suck.
  9. We now have a new recruit! DJ Mokram is now offically on the project. Welcome aboard!
  10. Happy Nekkid (used to be)red gel covered day, Kiko Brohams!!!
  11. So... I've been back on the horse, riding hard (wait... that's sounds wrong)! Anyway, I've been contacting the guys on the project, & have yet to hear back from some of you. I need an status update on tracks, & need some sort of word. So far the guys I need an update of are: Demonstray JMR Leepmeister I just need some sort of progress report soon. Send it to either me, or pu_freak. Also, we could use a few more mixers & track! So, yeah, jump in 'dis MuggerFogger!
  12. Late again. Well, Happy Belatedness, bro!
  13. I friggin dug this movie! Also, the political commentary is just... wow. The film works on so many levels, & it has some of the best sci fi guns I've seen in a while. I even think they had a gravity gun.
  14. Been meaning to get in on this for the last few days. I've been listening to "Skynyk-esque" music for the last few weeks. Found a lot of good artists that fit what you seem to be looking for. Apparat Zagar Mr. Meeble Moby (his newest album) Amiina (not so much the beats as the ambience) Trifonic (someone mentioned them, & i agree) So, yeah, those are some good ones off the top of my head.
  15. So, update. For the next couple of weeks, I'm gonna have less & less time to do stuff. So,if you need to get in touch with someone about the project, send me & pu-freak a pm or whatever. Just to make sure we get back to you in time.
  16. Crap... I'm always late for these things one way or another. Happy Belatedness! Thanks for being a great peer on this ocean we call life (haha, you got a pun for your birfday)!
  17. So... life is kicking my butt at the moment. I've got like maybe, 10 seconds of stuff I like for my track... not sure if I'll have something presentable by the deadline. We'll see.
  18. I justed wanted to chime in late & say, I totally love chick flicks! Having said that, I'm totally smitten with the way you guyses relationship started, & where it's at now. Congrats... & happily ever after!
  19. Thanks for the birfday wishes!

  20. Not much to really announce publicly. Though, the bump is appreciated.
  21. So, wassup my fellow badasses? Thought I'd bump us up a little bit, get us back in the peoples minds. Also, there have been some developments,. RoeTaKa has given us a pretty much completed track, just needs some tender love & care.
  22. Yup, awesomeness! I still dig the cammy song to no end, because it's friggin fantastic!
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