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Hy Bound

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Posts posted by Hy Bound

  1. Wow, I need to catch my breath after reading so many amounts of wrong

    Fact is the movie is the best comic book film ever made and not only that it's virtually flawless in all areas. Didn't meet up with the hype? The film was perfect, I don't know how you can go beyond perfect but ok I guess it didn't.

    Amen brotha. That is totally my thought as well. Flawless. Sure there are minor quibbles, but all of them are based on a matter of taste. I don't understand the people that are taking away from it. But I guess I'm also in the minority as someone who thought No Country for Old Men was severely overrated, so i guess I shouldn't say much more. :)

  2. Just got back from the midnight showing... Best. Fucking. Movie. Ever. I got chills down my spine when it ended. Everybody in the theatre was shocked as the credits started to roll and then somebody finally started clapping and then the whole theatre erupted. If you have no interest in this movie, you have no soul. See it. Now.

  3. Well, there are a ton of guides and stuff on here already. Once you've come to grips the concepts of what all of the FX and stuff does you should have a better understanding in how to use it. Overall, just spend time experimenting with everything. If you can't hear a difference in a knob or slider you're changing, take it to the extreme; if you still can't hear it, leave it in the extreme position and move something else. It can be frustrating at first, but keep with it.

    As far as the free/cheap stuff; you can still get some pretty good sounds from free VSTs and the like. Hell, BGC and Overcoat use a lot of free/cheap stuff and their music is da bees knees, son. Though, there are several parts of BGC's studio I'd want to... acquire from him... :-D

  4. I went and saw this last night; AMAZING! I really enjoyed it. The feeling that they were able to express through so little dialogue is really fantastic. Pixar are geniuses.

    SPOILERS! ...i think...

    I did, however, find the preachiness a little heavy-handed... I enjoyed how all of the humans were semi-retarded and basically slugs, but the whole "we now need to save the environment, kids. Because your mommies and daddies are killing your future" was pretty forced. I do modestly believe in conservation, but that was almost Captain Planet bad.

    End Spoilers.

    I also didn't feel quite as close to some of the supporting characters as usual in Pixar movies. "Moe" had a much smaller part than I figured he would, and the two "born again" humans got very little emotional attachment from me... But thats just me being picky. I really, truly did enjoy Wall-E despite my nitpickings.

    EDIT: Presto was probably the best short I think I've ever seen from Pixar, which is saying something. I laughed my ass off from the very beginning to the very end of it. And yes, I got a definite Portal vibe from it and yes, it drove me crazy not telling my wife, who knows nothing of Portal. :-)

    EDIT 2: Also, this might be pretty old, but there is some almost Pixar-quality shorts from a French group of animators here: http://www.burningsafari.com/index.htm

    Click on "Links" for their other shorts. They're really well-done.

  5. Sounds like a case of the butthurts, PhiJayy. After the countless number of votes I've put into Ourstage, I would definitely have to say that Zircon, SGX, and Pixietricks are WAY above the rest of the music on there. I'm sorry if that means yours as well, but they really are that good. Ourstage is basically a popularity contest anyway, so the fact that they have followers on OCRemix and get a bunch of votes from that really isn't a big deal. How else do you think that all the shitty music gets into the finals/semi-finals? Fans. Thats how music is, my friend, you're only successful if people like you. But talent helps; hence my naming of the above musicians ;-).

    That being said, I don't disagree that its not real fun for the people without many fans to enter into, which is why I haven't put anything up. That, and my debilitating inner-fear of rejection ;-)

  6. The whole verbal diarrhea complaint seems pretty standard with MGS games and it truthfully didn't bother me much until this newest entry in the series. Though thats part of what I liked about the MGS series... Either way, a very enjoyable game and an equally enjoyable review; though it is funny he was playing it on Very Easy if he had infinite tranq darts :D.

  7. This actually sounds pretty cool if its done correctly. Adding a decent amount of post-processing fx (like film grain and the like) to it will make it pretty awesome and fit really well with the kind of dirty snuff-film feel of twisted metal black. I'll be interested in the final product if the story doesn't actually involve a whole lot of car-scenes as i think that may break the 4th wall with a low budget. Either way, I want to see the trailer before anyone passes any more judgment on it.

  8. I actually like this a lot. The harmony that the main riff you made and the main riff that radioHEAD made goes really well together.

    I would say that the kick drum doesn't have as much kick as it should; kinda gets lost in the lower frequencies. Try and put in some higher-end sounds to go with kick drum a tad more. Maybe even sidechain compress the kick or do it a bit more if you already are doing it.

    The snare also sounds really weird. I'm thinking it sounds like you layered two of the same snare sound for that extreme flanging sound thats going on. If not, I would at least say try and add another, more prominent snare over it.

    I also really like the high-end windstorm effect you put in there for transitions. Has a really interesting timbre.

    Altogether I would have to say that this is a really good and fun song.

  9. This is sounding pretty cool. I like the intro-ing low pads a lot. The bell sounds for the main melody are really quite horrible though. I would suggest adding some more reverb or delay on them along with making them slightly louder. the really cool synth that kind of plays the outtro of what you have now should be more in the limelight as a main riff, being as how its probably the most interesting sound you have. The violin pads you have going on sound really good and give it a good moody sound. Otherwise, I would suggest just adding on to it and add another instrument for a second verse. Good job so far.

  10. The people that play football games are usually the ones that complain about RPGs being boring because you just wade through menus... Anyone else find that ironic?

    As for the suit, I'm usually against these kind of law suits anyway, but seeing as how their main argument seems to be "Madden need get better, then me happiness" it kind of puts EA in the clear. Truthfully, I agree that the NFL should be sued, if anything, since Take Two just lost a bidding war for the rights to make NFL-branded games... So EA just made a smarter business move.

    EDIT: the money that they used to have the bidding war had to come from somewhere... Serves the people who bought the same damn game year after year right. Finally there's righteous retribution for those idiots.

  11. Wow, this would definitely get a YES from me and I'd say I'm about as harsh on trance mixes as the Judges. Even with the obvious cliche leads and everything I would give this one a YES right in it's face. The way you bring all the trance staples in without going into the super-repetitive nature of it is great; it always feels like its moving and not playing the same exact riff ever. Great job !

    Give it a slight once-over on the ol' production scooter; beef up the stabs a tad, give the bass a very slight beefing up in the higher-frequencies, maybe layer a higher, more distorted synth on top of the trancey arpeggios to give it slightly more drive and this will be incredibly solid, or should I say liquid *wink wink*.

  12. I like the original and I love this version.

    The only real problem I have is that the bass seems a little too mono... I don't know exactly how to explain it, its almost like you were too good at mixing out the stereo separation and it sounds a tad lacking in the slight left and slight right that could possibly be fixed by un-mono-ing the bass synth a tad. The only other minor quibble is that the synth that plays the arpeggio melody sounds really simple in the timbres; almost MIDI-ish. It only stands out because everything else sounds good. Seriously, I love this song and everything meshes together very well and comes into a cohesive whole very, very well.

  13. I also am having a hard time bringing myself around to actually commenting on wips and the like. But most of the time its because I also don't ever seem to get comments myself when I post something in the wip:other forum other than the few people who I talk to outside OCRemix. I'm not complaining for my sake, I'm just trying to admit the reason I'm so reluctant to comment on other's work after going through the same myself. Yes, I agree its selfish, but for a while I would comment on everybody I could when I could find the time and when it came time for my wip thread to be commented on I'd get the few people I knew outside OCRemix and no one else. Not the many, many people I commented on (over the history of my posting on there, there have been maybe 4 people who reciprocated with comments).

    So basically what I'm saying is that there are a literal TON of people posting their remix and original WIPs on the wip forum and then they complain about how nobody comments on their mix when they won't spend the time to comment on others. I know this doesn't apply to everyone who has problems getting posts in the wip forums, but it is a great number of them.

    I also think that maybe the wip forums should get some more of the limelight. Maybe having a kind of ranking system for people posting worthwhile opinions, like I believe Fishy said. The kind of RPG fanaticism that burns in the loins of many of the people who visit here would ache to get a higher medal or something in that category. I know its kinda lame, but it would also serve to see if the people complaining about having their remix/original judged are reciprocating for everyone else. It wouldn't have to be a deeply involved system of hierarchy, but it would serve to both promote the wip forums (to show it on their forum header) and see who the good, able-judging people are.

    I dunno, thats my two-cents.

  14. Finally I can show you my unibomber-like closet studio... This sad, sad area is where the magic happens... and where people are killed.


    In blur-o-vision. This looks a lot less cramped than it is. There's also a bunch of old clothes and christmas stuff perched precariously on the shelves above there.


    This is also in blur-o-vision. Here's where all of the software sleeps. All of that is worth more than all of my hardware combined. YAY!


    I use Ableton Live 7 with a bunch of plug-ins. Oh, and I use the midnight setting. Looks dope-moneys. Too bad you can't see it in this pic


    The one pic I use flash on. My set-up in better light. With my sexy BX8s propped up on books.

  15. I actually use the Wii very, very little... If it wasn't for the fact my wife bought it for me for my birthday, I would probably have sold it by now. I'm 21 and have all 3 systems and I play the Wii, by far, the least. I've played Mario Galaxy to about 65 stars, and I've played Zelda and smash brothers about 5 hours total... And thats about it... for the 9 months i have had it.

  16. Colossus is great! Some of the samples in there are probably not exactly what you're looking for when you go to choose that instrument (Didgeridoo for example) but as far as quality-quantity goes, its quite high quality samples of any instrument you don't already have and then some. I very highly recommend it, but if you're looking for specifics, I would go with one of the specialized EWQL products. Seriously, its expensive stuff, but you won't find any higher quality kits unless you get into the 8 grand arena of spending. You might as well plunk down the bigger money for EWQL now then spend a medium amount of money on something you'll need to replace with more expensive stuff later.

    Basically, I use Colossus extensively and its more than worth the money.

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