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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i'm going to say 99% probably not. you'd have to talk to dave and larry about it at this point. i have no control over it. also, i fixed your writeup just fine =)
  2. wait, cyril, aren't you coming in thursday afternoon? with me? from BWI?
  3. nice work. today, the gnomehammer library - 19$ worth of useless sounds - is free. grabbing now.
  4. near my place, there's a dong floating in the sky. i didn't put it there. it's not like mine, it's like this A X X X X X X just sayin.
  5. bobby's system is likely going to be an i7-870 cpu (overclocked to whatever i can get stable), my used GTX 260 core 216, 16gb of ram, a 128gb SSD boot drive, 4tb of storage, dual optical drives, and a 750w PSU. in other worse, a monster that blows my primary system away =) i'm looking forward to playing with that much RAM combined with eight cores of awesome! i'm pretty sure that we priced it out, after my fees, to just under $2000 or so. we're still tweaking, though, so that's probably not the final build. sinewav's system isn't confirmed yet. it depends on how much his parents want to pay we're looking at a build that features an i5-760, 4gb of ram, a GTS 250 1gb gfx card, and around a terabyte of storage. that build was looking like it'd be around 900$, if i remember correctly, but i'm not sure.
  6. i'll update now. the numbers are the month added, so that i can track how long something's been on the list. that way, we don't have stuff that lasts for super-long when it's been sold for months. edit: updated.
  7. just a quick bump. i've got a build coming up for xenon odyssey and (hopefully) sinewav, so you'll hear some more testimonials pretty soon =)
  8. according to the recent update (#4), /home has been removed. so, can we get user-specified warp points yet?
  9. i normally won't vote in my own track's thread, but i'll vote here. also, note that i used BGC's new Acoustic Revolutions loop pack - three days after it came out =) it's pretty awesome.
  10. congrats! your bride looks gorgeous in those pictures. fantastic photography job. i guess you look ok too, man edit: AWESOME.
  11. naw, it was a combination of being-done-since-august, no-one-wanted-bad-tracks, and prophetik-did-five-tracks-to-get-the-project-pushed-out.
  12. usually it's done where everyone downloads it and gets on an IRC chat room and starts the songs at the same time. since it's only 80m of music, i think it'd be easily doable on sunday night. i'm trying to see if someone wants to 'host' it now.
  13. double post! do we want a listening party this weekend? of course we do! how about sunday night? anyone know how to run those things? cause i don't.
  14. or, you know, we can just make our own stuff with what we dig. you know, since it's kind of the point of the game
  15. i'll probably just use the rx2s. sure, in the social group once darkesword updates it...probably later today.
  16. if you were to do a setup that'd play nice in FL Studio, that'd be killer as well =) i used this library in this round's grand maverick remix battle, so when it gets posted, check it out. it didn't turn out as well as i'd hoped - i needed to record the leads live, but didn't have time - but the backing parts sound awesome
  17. yeah, not everyone should be able to get on the whitelist.
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