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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. old server /= new server. thanks for playing.
  2. i agree with this statement. no duping, please.
  3. i have a very good idea for my track, using some ideas from Celldweller's electronic rock/industrial rock debut album. i am not sure, however, if i'll be able to really finish it in time. i can't start until friday morning because of my job, and we're going out of town at some point this weekend so i don't know how much i'll be able to finish before we leave. i think it'll turn out pretty good, though =)
  4. no problem =) you know, you could always buy one second-hand. that money doesn't go to apple 330 views and six replies, three of which are mine? come on, people...
  5. supposedly, they're fixed as part of the update.
  6. i would prefer to stay legitimate. we can have a tower at spawn, and just have minimal downhill slopes in each direction to nodes that branch towards people's stuff. since we all still have /spawn, we don't need to go back.
  7. RA is great. for ethnic instrumentation in general, i use a lot of ueberschall's The Resource packs. pretty much everything they make is gold, but there's a LOT of good loops in there that are very flexible.
  8. i forgot to mention that, even though i've got all that iron, i've got about six ingots of gold, total. haven't found anything so far with that.
  9. i have 30 blocks of iron, and another 30 ingots i haven't crafted into blocks yet. that works out to what, 300 ingots? at least? that's enough for 800 mine tracks. i'm sure others have a lot as well. i think we'll have enough.
  10. wasn't that brought up prior to last year's magfest, and then someone mentioned it at mag as a coming feature?
  11. not necessarily =) i'll be on around 1130 or 12 EST, darklink.
  12. that looks pretty cool =) inefficient in terms of space and materials usage, but it looks awesome. i'm planning on converting the under-floor room that i have currently into an extensive underwater farm, and converting the area that's currently the farm into a library. i'd happily pay reeds, cacti, iron (ingots or blocks), and bookcases in exchange for lots more wood and sand/glass. i need a ton =) anyone interested? i'm starting to stripmine the local areas for sand, and i definitely don't have much in the way of wood locally.
  13. =) there's a surprisingly limited amount of lag, all told, too.
  14. once we get everything worked out, i might ask him to up it to 12 people. it'd be around 20$ a month, but i'm sure enough of us can pitch in to make it work.
  15. awesome =) i'm looking forward to playing! please clear the "name" of the server off of that post, or else plan to implement a whitelist.
  16. just let us know what his paypal is so we can jump in.
  17. yeah, just let me know how much. do they offer a way to import the previous world? we should also distribute the server details quietly, so that we don't have people who paid unable to log in.
  18. i'd go monthly. it's a bit more, but we might as well make sure it's going to get used, you know. i don't think it'd be a good idea to get a ton of money in a service and then find out it sucks. crowbar, if you want to go that route, i can get you five dollars no problem. a 12-16 person server would be cheap, and i think it'd work out well.
  19. i think australia would have too much lag. honestly, i'd be happy to pay the five or ten dollars it'd take to get some people online (if you told me your power supply size and efficiency, or your model number, i could tell you how much it'd cost for the year), but i don't think that that would be a viable option. and while i'd be happy to manage an online server, at the same time i don't think people are going to want to pay to play the game in its current state. i think that, at this point, we might just want to find another server and populate that one.
  20. i'm a big fan of the XMB on the PS3, but to be honest i prefer the interface that the 360 uses. yeah, you can customize some aspects of the PS3's interface, but the menus on the PS3 are limited when it comes to loading lots of content in real time. i usually have to wait to see what's what. not to mention that while there are just as many ads as 360 in the PS3 marketplace, there are none in the menu that you spend all your time in (my xbox). xbox just puts the marketplace content first and foremost, rather than hidden in a menu that you have to sign into to access - which, honestly, i prefer, because i'd miss a lot of stuff if i wasn't able to just browse the spotlight channel like i can now. it's even poorer on the PSP, where you're waiting for several seconds just for the names of what you're looking at to load on-screen.
  21. it'd be a $1.00-1.50 a month. that said, if the server's back up at some point, fantastic. i'm really just looking for a community option to be able to play.
  22. i grew up in clarence center. i'm in houghton, south of warsaw, now.

  23. a 16-person server through multiplay is approximately 20$ a month with no prepay. how many people would be interested in playing on an ocr-based server? if we scaled it back to, say, 8 (10$), or 12 (15$), that's also reasonable.
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