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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. dang, son, you just don't know anything about computers, do you? first a zillion-page thread about computer issues that were all resolved by buying a normal graphics card, and now a trojan that you probably got from downloading video games unprotected off of tpb. oh, and you use the worst virus scanning software available - you didn't even get avg or avast! go to a malware forum, post a hijackthis log, and let one of those people (where it's their job to fix jacked computers like yours) tell you what to do. edit: you're not a nub anymore - you've been here for four years. use google next time.
  2. an 8-pin psu - at least, relating to the processor - is mainly used for server boards with two cpus. you don't need an 8-pin - and if the evga 680i needs an 8-pin psu connector, it'll come with a converter. so you're fine there. most of the time, an 8-pin connector is for use with the video card (one extra 12v line coming in for extra wattage to the gfx card), but you've got an older card with lower power requirements. heck, even gtx260s don't need an 8-pin, so you're fine. i think it'd be a good idea to get another 680i - they're good boards, but reinstalling the chipsets isn't a big deal (three restarts and about ten minutes tops and you'd be set). you're likely going to have to screw with your vista verification, because mostly they're keyed to the motherboard's internal part number to prevent just taking the HD out and sticking it in different computers. you won't have to reinstall it, but you might have to argue with m$ for a while to get a working key if it rejects yours on the re-authentication procedure (which it might).
  3. wattage isn't a determining factor in how good a psu is. if you're not putting another video card in this, 500w is fine. motherboards are motherboards, when you're not talking about benchmarking performance. you don't need a 300$ mobo - the one i mentioned is fine. edit: *grin*, that's what the pdf is being written for =) so you know at least a little about what you're getting into.
  4. you need a new mobo AND psu? sure it's not one or the other? also, was this a custom job? pretty much anything from here with more than 100 good reviews. i'd suggest a board by asus or intel, but gigabyte's offering for just over 100$ is solid too. if you want me to pick, get this one. if you want, you could just get another evga 680i board, newegg sells them for a decent price and evga sells b-stock items from their website for very reasonable prices (and a reduced warranty). as for a psu, i'd recommend this one, but it's really more than you need. it's awesome, though - i've got it on a much higher-wattage system than yours, and it's a really flexible buy. otherwise, get anything on this page (ugh, what a url). look out for efficiency - don't get a psu with worse than 75% efficiency or lower than 500w available (never hurts to be safe).
  5. my wife and i were recently discussing our eventual (read: not for a long time) house that we want to buy or build, and i mentioned that i wanted a game room - a room for all my consoles, a tv, my main gaming computer, and a couch or two. she thought that'd be a great idea to keep all of my crap out of the main living area. she then asked what i wanted to do to decorate the room. i said that i want to wallpaper my eventual game room with posters of great games and movies that have really made an impact on me, whether it's because i really like them (chrono cross, freelancer, halo series) or because they were revolutionary (chrono trigger, mirror's edge, pkmn series). she wasn't really as excited as i was, but it got me thinking. where do you go to buy game posters and memorabilia? i'd like to get some rarer stuff - for example, i'm guessing that it'll be tough to get a freelancer poster - and possibly get some custom artwork done to fill out my list of games. where do YOU go (besides ebay) to get this stuff?
  6. that is a slick studio. i can't wait until i've got the money (read: a job of any kind) to put together a real studio. i'm still bumming around with a desk from the salvation army, for goodness sake.
  7. you're from nashville? audio fidelity is from there, and he's a rock-solid bassist and an all-around awesome guy. i slept in the same room as him, and i became smarter and more attractive because of it. branch out from there.
  8. i wondered how hard we could push until you started doing something again =)
  9. it's that nasty-ass beard that makes it so serious.
  10. having a dedicated soundcard can fix latency issues, but it's also a programming issue that guitar rig has had for a long time. there are soundcards that are designed for dumping midi/audio data directly into the pci bus rather than having it go through the usb bridge before it gets there, which can help with latency a LOT. hy bound should know about the superfast computer, considering i built him a beast =)
  11. you're such a fanboy. too bad i just saw this thread, i can't spam it now...it's too old. BTW PLAY CATAN WITH ME
  12. aw, hell, i remember that from way back when. wasn't that supposed to be the disc cover art or something?
  13. poinko disappeared ages ago. and no, you're not too late to attempt a remix. you'll probably be done before anyone else's current mix, at least.
  14. depends on what you're trying to convert. if it's an RCA signal (as in the yellow coax cable), a vga-to-rca converter would work, like this one. or you could get this and this. both get you a standard-def experience. if you've got a component kit for an original xbox or don't have an hdmi-enabled current system, or only have a vga-based monitor, get this. if you want a next-gen console plugged into a monitor, you can just get an hdmi-to-dvi converter and plug it straight in, no changing required. don't forget to get a female rca audio (red and white) to female 1/8th inch plug for your audio out from the console to your desktop speakers or volume-adjusted headphones. note that if you need to go from vga to dvi, there's a lot of cheap gender changers available online. i have six or seven sitting around from graphics cards i've bought in the last few years. this will, however, only work on a normal monitor - a laptop monitor doesn't have an 'in' connection that it can take because of how it's been designed (unless it's a specialty laptop...i don't know macs all that well). if you want something that'll allow you to play on your laptop, you'd need a usb-based capture device. it's a different thing, and they can be really expensive. there's also lag time between the capture and when it actually happens, so you can't use it for real-time gameplay. edit: i should point out that i really do suggest buying from monoprice. they're cheap, their shipping is super cheap and pretty fast, and although it looks like a hack site it's got a lot of really decent-quality stuff there. will you get monster-quality cables there? no. but you will get what you need for pretty cheap, and they're pretty good quality. i've bought all my home theater cables from there, and i really like the quality of stuff i've gotten.
  15. my name is prophet, and i approve this message. always glad to get unknowns involved.
  16. in general, your ears are the best transcribing program out there. sit down in front of a piano and sound it out. that's how most of us got started with music.
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