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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. seriously, i wonder why jose bothers with us. he walks down the street and screaming women swarm him from all angles. i saw one jump off a roof to get a piece.
  2. more girls on the interwebs? my head's gonna asplode. i can't believe all this.
  3. because that's what neo was, man. that's what the movie required. you don't do a movie series with the scope of Matrix and not have it color your career. wait, diddly, did you just ask for Paris Hilton to be cast as a character in anything? hint hint - she has NO marketable skills, she's not even pretty anymore with how skinny she is. note that i said no marketable skills. included in that is acting.
  4. i agree with this. reeves was awesome in 'replacements'! yeah, i know it's a joke. but i do think he's a decent actor.
  5. if link's sword is a true longsword, the handle should be almost a foot in length to reflect the fact that the sword is a mile long. gives you more room to adjust your hands as you strike, and helps balance it as well. i don't mind the picture sizing ratio the way it is. can you do a rainy beach with some flotsam cast up on it as well? some driftwood, a shell or two...reflecting link's status as flotsam in this world as well. we need a title text that can be used as a banner on the site (threshold of a dream). and, lastly, mind doing a stylized rendition of the box cover as well? thanks. edit: a seagull flying off would be cool too.
  6. THAT was the title! i knew we had one at some point. starzander, sorry i forgot what it was. hopefully this clears this up for you.
  7. toadofsky - if you're not comfortable doing art for the website, that's completely fine. there are a lot of artists on this site.
  8. generally artists tend to fit within a certain style. for example, pot_hocket is a classical guitarist, and bogusred is a pianist.
  9. post here. i know there are some fans of this book series (considering that it's one of the best-selling book series worldwide) on this site. what do you think of this announcement? words not allowed: ea remix, DRM, too many characters
  10. i have a 486 in my basement somewhere that kills old dos games, i love it.
  11. i was thinking a little different style for the artwork, really. rather than doing characters - since you go through the game really not knowing what people look like, or anything - i was thinking more symbolic stuff. like, link's sword stuck in the ground, and that kind of stuff. and remember that we're going for a rainy-day feel, so something that's of a darker palette would help too.
  12. dosbox on w7...? there's a point where retro gaming just requires it's own crap-puter. get an old laptop and put 98se on it =)
  13. the mega-giga-tera-jiga thing might go in section 1, which will be an introduction to everything (along with a basic parts list, and why you need each part).
  14. there's good chance it's the video drivers, too - since graphics card drivers are notorious for tanking games that should run and do on other systems.
  15. starxander is doing the website, unless something changes. toadofsky, can you get him some artwork (if you're doing artwork still)?
  16. so how long has it taken to complete most of the game? i'm not talking about 100%, rather just to beat the game.
  17. lol. whoops! that's what i get for not re-reading my stuff. thanks for the eventual editing material =) i didn't mention mini-itx in my form factor descriptions? i was sure i did. i'll have to fix that. pretty important nowadays.
  18. wow, i wonder if this'll get hacked early. i know the japanese version's out, but i have that language. makes no sense to read whatsoever when you don't know any japanese.
  19. i know you've all seen this, by this point, but i just saw it. cutscene one, courtesy of gamespot. i almost pooped myself for five minutes straight. is there a launch date?
  20. no quote nexuses (nexii?), no stage 4 hemherroids x1000, no 6000x6000 pictures of afghanistan...we're fine. nuthin to see here.
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