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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. whatever bass you can get is fine at first. don't spend a lot in case it's just a fad =) which it can be, i know it was for me. just get a little practice amp - no bigger than maybe 30 or 40 watts - for getting used to it. you might want to get a 1/4" to 1/8" converter to allow you to use your ipod headphones with your amp so you can practice at night or when you don't want to disturb other people. that 1&3 thing was a little thing i picked up, and it's pretty fun to do, isn't it? notation and theory helps no matter what because it helps with harmonies and making cool-sounding vocal lines from simple chord structures. you learn what fits where pretty quickly.
  2. is there a chance we can have all of the different thread titles stuck on the site as an easter egg somewhere?
  3. so, i should update people as to what's going on. soundtest and his roomy at my alma mater, sloopygoop, are both working hard on their tracks - soundtest is nearing completion with a really interesting, somewhat avant-garde electronic track that i feel is really fitting the mood. sloopy's just getting started on a chiptune track of either mabe or choose your name. level 99 got me a wip right before he got his tonsils out, so he's been in and out of consciousness lately. haven't heard a lot outside of that, so let's keep getting mixes into me so that i can keep filing away finished tracks =)
  4. transcode 360? does it play matroska? edit: did you say 'computer more powerful'???
  5. did you know that you can post those videos 'inline', so that you can watch them straight from the forum?
  6. don't be an ass, damned, he's a noobie and doesn't know that most people who post videos here get their asses kicked. that said, it's a decent video. but you shouldn't pimp it so hard when it's not, like, dragon song crystallized into a video orgasm.
  7. there's a lot out there. i'd suggest starting with musictheory.net. there's a lot of material there that can be useful if you put in the time. learn and practice scales, learn 'the box' (google it), and you'll be ripping it up in no time. stay away from open strings when you can. not that you can't ever use them, but learning to play up the neck will teach you a lot more than playing songs that are half on open strings. it'll come with time. took me a while too. eventually, you can do some simple strengthening excercises like pushing down against the edge of your desk with your first and third finger (in a nice rounded position, no straight fingers), then flopping. nothing too strenuous - don't give yourself carpal tunnel - but just a light push. round your fingers so your palms are parallel with the desk. promotes good hand position. you can do it with both hands, too, since it'll help strengthen your right hand and increase endurance (probably my biggest issue generally). another good one is to tap the first two or three fingers of your right hand in order (not at the same time) against your desk lightly at a decent speed (about four taps a second...time it with the clock in the room). really lightly, don't attract attention. see how long you can keep it up before your arm starts on fire =) another endurance thing. eventually you can increase the pressure and do it against your leg or something. the trick is to NOT do it faster and faster, but to stick with that time limit. it'll prevent you from speeding up when you play.
  8. there's a lot of good stretches you can do to help your reach and hand strength. one that i do all the time is to curl in your first and third finger as far as you can, then uncurl them and curl in your second and fourth fingers...rinse and repeat. it's surprisingly tiring, and it really helps reach a four-fret gap when you're playing low =)
  9. taucer'd kick your nerd ass, kyle. he's circus material, a certified freak show.
  10. not even kidding - the book 'guitar for dummies' is an excellent way to get into guitar. the same guy wrote a bass book, too - i'd look into that. pretty much, learn some music theory and start playing along with the radio. that's how i started. edit: also, your sig links are broken cause they're all run together.
  11. dunno if i've mentioned this before, but with all the talk of soundtracks by ocr people i figured i'd mention this. novo interactive is producing a game called Ye Olde PANIC which i'm the composer for. it's all high-energy electronica with a strong fantasy element...and there's a demo that i did available here. it's a sorta top-down action game with a similar battle mechanic to fable 2. there's a bunch of stuff available on their site to get you pumped. it's going to be an XBLA game, so it'll be cheap...and it already looks AMAZING. the amount of work that's already gone into it is immense.
  12. it's a setting in your control panel. go to edit options, and about halfway down is 'thread display mode'. set it to linear - oldest first.
  13. did you even read my opinions? basically, no. it's not worth it. the game's way too long, and unless you're obsessed with jrpgs like a certain shtyjdgfgt, you'll hate it.
  14. so that's what they call it, now, going to victory lane?
  15. its a good way to get new 360 games, considering that it works out to be about 46$ for a brand new game. who cares if it's new in the box, anyways?
  16. it should be fixed now. how does it look?
  17. updated. anso, you should specify in your post that your games need to be PAL, or else someone will mail you american versions.
  18. i made some homebrew pictures of my own. i took pictures online, resized them, and adjusted the dpi to be 300 for printing. here are some thumbnails. these are at 10% size (so, these are big pictures). actual size: 7542x8400, 17.6 megs. actual size: 10800x4500, 8.4 megs. actual size: 12491x9655, 40 megs. if anyone wants the originals, i can send them to you (but they're absolutely huge, so it'll have to be through megaupload).
  19. wtf i've been working on a cruisin USA mix and now you tell me it's a different game entirely? you stupid nub
  20. i'm surprised hot dogs weren't on there somewhere after this year. dlux makes good hot dogs.
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