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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. you're lying, no one on this site is married. not even djp, and he's the oldest person here by FAR.
  2. the issue is that it's only a 5-6 second introduction, so i've gotta get in and get out, as quick as possible. i can't do sneaking as much as i'd like to. or balls rock, which would really fit my personal view of what a rogue is (cue ACDC music). i dunno if i can do it in 5 seconds, though. i think triad's right - spanish as a sound that's instantly distinctive, regardless of how long i've got. it's also got a lot of cultural connotations (a la ben stiller's entrance in anchorman). thanks for the commentary, guys, i'll let you know how it turns out.
  3. we'd have heard about it from now. it's gotta be a shizzie.
  4. that i can almost allow, i guess =) i agree that they're pretty cheap for what you get (at least compared to other premade options).
  5. i'm doing some music for a small game studio called rogue pirate ninja. i'm doing a short theme intro for each of those names. i know what a ninja sounds like, and what a pirate sounds like, so they're fine. but what does a rogue sound like? i was thinking a spanish flavor, like indigo montoya...but should i go for an old western feel, like john wayne? or suspenseful, like a rogue operative in a foreign country? this is a really dumb question, i know, but i seriously can't figure it out.
  6. i think i did motherboards already and just haven't posted it. when i get there, i'll be sure to cover it.
  7. i had a picture on my phone of that starcraft car since m5 =)
  8. just curious, bleck, what processor do you have? and what speed memory? i'm trying to figure out a quantitive definition for some of these numbers. edit: with my processor at a 4.2ghz overclock (i have a 3ghz dual-core, e8400), i get a 7.9 processor. too bad it's not stable at ALL.
  9. do you realize that that's the point of a 4-pin cpu fan? a 3-pin is unable to be controlled, really. that's the fourth pin - two provide power, one's a monitor, and one's a control surface for the speed.
  10. temp files, man. that's what happens when you install an os, there's a buttload of temp files left over usually that don't get cleared off until you reboot.
  11. 6.5, 7.0, 7.9, 6.9, 5.9. my primary hard drive is partitioned into three drives, and this version of windows is on the second logical partition of a 160g samsung from five years ago. can't wait to test this on a screamer system! this is why i love building computers.
  12. yeah, IN w7, not to install it. virtual clone drive doesnt work, daemon's various versions don't work, alcohol doesn't work, poweriso costs money... nothing's really available right now.
  13. the public isn't ready for a good anime movie, at least in the US. i think that's why it bombed.
  14. anyone know something that doesn't cost money?
  15. it's not really dx11, though, that's the rub. anyone find a working solution for mounting .iso files?
  16. haven't seen this in a while. am i the wierdest one in that i enjoyed ff7:ac? i thought it was pretty cool. didn't need a lot of plot, tifa's chest was great and the fight scenes were pretty sweet. could have used more red xiii, who is my favorite character anyways.
  17. i build computers, but not for canada anymore. the import tax kicks the crap out of anything you save from buying through me. get a system that's got at leasdt 2.6ghz of either intel or amd. it's gotta be at least a dual core. get at least 2 gigs of memory that's at least ddr2 533. get a graphics card that's an 8600, 8800, 9600, or 9800 (the first denotes the series of the card: 5 is bad, 9 is awesome. the second number denotes the quality of the card: 4 is lowest, 8 or 9 is the best). make sure the letters afterwords include G and T (gt, gtx, gtx+, not gs). if you're going with ati (radeon), get at least a 3850. make sure said graphics card is NOT agp, and that it has at least 512m of ram built in. NO INTEGRATED GRAPHICS. you want at least 250g of hard drive space, less is a ripoff. that's a budget gaming pc. if you built yourself, i'd give you a list, but you obviously don't. edit: tigerdirect is horrid for pricing. get a system from newegg, if you must buy premade.
  18. hey i'm an honorary seventh! i would have been in if my voice hadn't been suck that day.
  19. yeah, microsoft was pushing to get all driver downloads through WU instead of everything else, supposedly to keep computers running quickly. it's more because WU doensn't work well with hacked version of the OS, i think, so it'll help reduce piracy if you can't get the drivers for anything anymore.
  20. did you get the newest drivers from nvidia's website? it could just be because it's a new os, and they haven't optimized it yet.
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