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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. they were gonna do it for my wedding, but nothing ever came of it.
  2. probably going to do something for this. thanks for the pm, hale-bopp.
  3. i dunno, with all these great real games coming out i can't find time to play any XBLA games.
  4. pity. i think pokemon's going to do a 'moar mixerz' thread, so i would think that it's ok for this project to do the same. or, at least get it moved back to where it was before it came to the black hole that is projects forum.
  5. if no one claims one of those two tracks by then, i'll do a remix of either one. if they're taken, though, go right ahead - it'd be a stretch to get my stuff done in time.
  6. LOL! i knew it wasn't zirc when he used a smiley. all men know that using smileys diminishes the size of their dong.
  7. gamestop tries to sell that to me every time i go in, and every time i go in i just buy something off the used and discount rack. maybe they'll get the hint eventually...
  8. and now oblivion's load times are driving me nuts. oh well, too human's coming out soon.
  9. so i bought blue dragon. i'm four hours in... AND I HATE IT. the voice acting isn't the bad part, the storytelling is terrible. people don't talk like that. it's driving me bonkers. good thing i picked up oblivion at the same time.
  10. mr 24-inch monitor 4870hd blah blah blah
  11. during screensaver...three people didn't even know it was on their computer.
  12. yo i don't care about you all but i want to hear this. you should make a wip thread in the normal wip forum and pm me the link so i can hear it. oa, you are demoted to little spoon, although my wife is a tiny person. although, if you're really gonna be daddy spoon, you get a spoon rest as well. i don't have intarwebs at my house for a few days until we get it set up (we moved into our new apartment as of yesterday afternoon), so call me tonight. i've got your number, if you don't have mine.
  13. i have five jobs right now, and none of them pay enough for me to have any money ever.
  14. *cough* let me build you a computer *cough*
  15. i haven't folded on my computer in over two months, and i'm still #19 overall in active folders, #25 in the whole team. i preinstall f@h on every computer i build with my info, though, so boxes i haven't touched in months still fold for my dark empire.
  16. i'm not holding up tales. both tracks are done, as far as i'm concerned (at least, i think they are...something might have happened since last month when i finished them). the thing that's holding up tales is delta q delta not releasing yet. since apparently they get to release first when they're not done and we are.
  17. well, that sounds good enough for me. i like jrpgs, really.
  18. like that'll help. give atma a call, s/he's desperate.
  19. can someone explain what exactly blue dragon is? i got a 'jrpg with terrible acting and dmc's over-the-top attitude' when i asked at gamespot. that didn't exactly do anything for me.
  20. first non-collab accepted mix in 14 tries! YES! of course, zircon helped majorly with mastering, but still...
  21. so you can show EVERY ONE to andy? i'm not that mean... =)
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