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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. haha, blizzard i HAET CHOO i'll take a look at it again..it's been a while.
  2. age doesn't matter, system resources and a good architecture in your chip does. i can think of cpus five years old that are still good chips, albeit underpowered compared to today's stuff.
  3. coop, i've been on like a million projects and headed up another...i know the general protocol. i was more curious if you guys wanted to 'release' it as a kind of preview, similar to team.rokit with tweek.
  4. uh, so i want to sub my mix to the olr n64 compo this month. thots?
  5. oh man, there's NO way a song could go on for that long before it's done...
  6. hah, you ALL SUCK. i have a wip in, and it's better than anything on the project ever. also, tensei, i want to singz for youz.
  7. my computer's been having trouble 'recovering' from running this for extended periods of time, so i'm going to have to put it off for a little while. it tends not to come out of screensaver if i leave it on for more than a few hours at a time.
  8. i'm not as good with lower-level ati cards, but in terms of components i know pretty much which is which =) i can probably rattle off benchmark numbers for just about anything by now...although it's my own benchmarks, not an open-air testbed.
  9. larger resolutions are generally perform the best on sli. however, consider this. the newest cards - the 9 series and the gtx 2xx series - get almost double performance out of sli on those larger resolutions. it's something like 90% scalability or something. at lower resolutions, the 9800gtx or the 4870s or 3870x2 are the best (i'd go with a new 4870, they're beasts and cheap) but if you want two cards go with dual 9600gt cards - they scale awesome, they're cheap, and for 350 you can perform as well as or better than other cards costing the same. IN MY EXPERIENCE. real-world benches are way better than test benches, don't forget.
  10. i can rip it, but i can't get a legit copy any more =( of course, a system builders copy of xp pro (read: OEM, one install) is only 140 bucks, and you can still buy them. do'nt go that long without a compy. get a linux-based machine and either run linux or get a copy of xp and load it on there...and be careful =)
  11. uh, we all know that vista was a flop, but xp was possibly the greatest os ever designed - longevity, scalability, etc. beyond that, you've got ME (which was really just a service pack) which sucked, then 2000 which was pretty good, then 98 and 95, both of which were pretty good. 98 was awesome, actually, i still run it on two machines. oh, and don't forget server edition 2008 and 2003, both of which are excellent. again, read above. they 'screwed up' one major release and one minor release in ten releases (if you count service packs as releases, which ME basically was for 2000). i'd call that pretty good. argh, i'm defending microsoft now. shoot me.
  12. http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/06/24/2358210 it's official, windows 7 will ship in one year and seven months.
  13. for what it's worth, spaceforce: rogue galaxy was an excellent game, despite the mediocre metacritic rating. it's 30 bucks on steam atm, last time i noticed. edit: i should point out, if for some reason you didn't like x3 (which was space sim gold, after you got the hang of it), then you might have issues with spaceforce since the story is...not really there. well, in a relative sense. it's got a steep learning curve, too.
  14. jjt is an excellent actor, guys, just register by the way this isn't brad
  15. phail, oa. aren't you pregnant or something? my computer's in the process of getting everything reinstalled (i got targeted by someone in a super-destroyyourcomputer attack on last thursday night, and everything's toast on my windows drive). once that's fixed, i'll be back at work. don't worry =)
  16. once my compy's back from the shop AND i finish my tracks for xenogears, ff4, and taucer's deal, then i'll take a look at this =)
  17. totally saw this coming a mile away. you better still want to collab, anso =)
  18. wow, skummel, that looks awesome! will you be printing that? because i *might* be interested in it.
  19. i finally watched the tf2 roomba videos. i haven't laughed so hard in ages. edit - whoa, it's been a long time since i played. hopefully i can jump on this weekend - anyone playing saturday?
  20. pretty much, integrated graphics are shit. just get a card - even a cheapo 8400 is better than any integrated graphics out there. you can get them for like 20 bucks. video ram is a difference, but another part is the difference in processing abilities and optimization between your cpu and your gpu. when i build systems, i'll stick 4 gigs of ram into it - but until i install the graphics drivers, the system still lags on simple visual elements that the most basic graphics card could handle. it's just the nature of the thing - nowadays, you can't survive without a graphics card.
  21. lol, there's a lot of 'okay/good' ones on my site, and by that i mean mediocre.
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