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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. Jiggles McPuff is quite funny in real life. me, fivre, and him split a set of three super smash bro's matches at some point on saturday. that guy can PLAY, and fivre's damn good at ness. stupid psychic kid. i will say one of the highlights of last night's activities was when Don/Jiggles was playing with the laser pointer, and this hot chick (dressed quite nice too) comes up behind him and tries talking to him...and he ignored her. i lolled.
  2. i've yet to get started on my mix (india, or shadow...not sure which yet) but i've got good ideas for both of them. so, hopefully sometime soon, i'll spit out something good =)
  3. tourniquet is one of my favorite songs that they do. there's kind of an evanescence bias against them at my university, which is kinda of stupid, imo. i really love their sound, and although amy lee doesn't have the best voice live, she's still fantastic.
  4. bump. keep working! we keep getting new mixers, so lets finish off those old mixes and keep pushing forward!
  5. looking forward to hearing this! you better play some original smash music that doesn't involve kirby kicking donkey kong's butt.
  6. super bump. i've talked with darangen at magfest, and he says that his mix (which was in DOD this month) is done. so, that's another completed mix on the project. keep working folks!
  7. wacky, stop being a whiny bitch. if you really care that much about a friggin messageboard, you need to chill out and get a life/girlfriend/hobby instead of stroking your intarw3b dick. magfest (this was my first one) was absolutely fantastic. i really enjoyed myself in everything that i was doing, whether i was going out to eat with some judges, playing original smash brothers with d-lux (dk dive REPRESENT) jamming with luiza, darangen and the like (look for a remix soon in the wip forum), rocking out with djsammyg, or just hanging out at taucer's house watching the snowpeak mountain boss entrance four times in a row =) it really was a lot of fun this whole weekend, and the panels that i attended were really awesome as well. it's good to see the amount of progress vgmix has. i really hope i can go again next year!
  8. i'm currently at taucer's house! he lives something on the order of 600 miles south of me =) and we're getting ready to go to magfest tomorrow! that's cool. and crazy.
  9. yeah, i recorded them all myself. the tenor sucked, though, so i'd at least like to redo that. the reverb i used is just the reverb bank that comes with fruity 6 (the bigger graphic one, not the basic one). it's just a slightly modified preset. it's a pity i only had my room to record in, because you can hear how tinny it is because it didn't have any room to expand in. major problem with the production there =(
  10. i'd like to point out that i literally did this on the 30th and 31st (as in, i wrote the arrangement during a 7-hour period on the 30th, and recorded it/mastered it kinda on the 31st till about 11pm). i'm going to re-record the tenor saxes, at least, and actually spend time mastering it when i'm not falling asleep listening to it cause i've been up for 23 hours straight. enjoy!
  11. no chance of me putting something together between now and tomorrow. i thought the date was the 27th =( i can't wait to hear what comes from this! good luck to all the mixers!
  12. i've caught three doing that. like, i don't even want the things anymore, and i keep catching them. WIPS!
  13. for christs sake, don't post the DAMN BOARD LINK.
  14. i never realized how easy the game is. i just beat it on the hardest setting in like ten minutes.
  15. i like Team India and Team Shadow. i'll play with them and see what comes up.
  16. yeah, reason 2.5 supports the length as well, as well as the tempo of the song. at least, i seem to remember it doing that. lemme qualify this by saying that i'm running 2.5. you've gotta make sure everything's installed and plugged in before you open reason. then you open it, go to preferences->MIDI. or Advanced MIDI, depending on how many instruments you're wiring in. then, just select the one that you're going to be using, and it'll start using that instrument. you've just got to make sure that the little midi symbol is next to the synth that you want to use in the sequencer box.
  17. it's in the 'to be posted' section of the judges decisions. i say that we stop posting in this thread and instead post adulations of praise in the review thread when it gets posted =)
  18. yoes, that's what i'm saying. please attempt to pick a song that isn't the same as everyone else, but don't let me restrict your choice.
  19. you'd be surprised how easily some people manage to get banned, though. it's not accidental, but it's more just cause they flame constantly.
  20. omg i haet you. seriously, if you're having problems with your mix, then just move onto a different song. there's more than enough different styles of songs on this project.
  21. i'll be going home this weekend, so i will be back on a working connection...anyone going to be on?
  22. you can quantize it using the quantize tool in the piano roll. that's how i'd do it, really. just select ever thing and go to 'quantize...' in one of the piano roll menus. then just apply the same quant settings across the board.
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