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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i'm in. EDIT: i know we talked about doing acapella stuff in the bast as well in the old thread. are we going to be able to do barbershop-style stuff or whatever now? or do we HAVE to do stuff with zircon's background?
  2. didn't taucer suggest 'balls' a while back as our project name? anyways, if we don't want to do that, my girlfriend suggested just now the name 'Primary', because they're blue, red, and yellow. it sounds much more innocent that way. LOL.
  3. we don't have anything arranged yet, but LuIzA is going to help with arranging and she is doing the bass guitar part. What we have is: Style: Metal/Punk/Prog. - Guitar Battle Rhythm Guitars: Me, Fishy, Tensei-San Bass Guitar: LuIzA Drum Track: Doomsday Lead Guitars: Anyone listed so far that can play and wants to do a lead part as well. Note: Geoffrey Taucer has offered to help if we need it. That's what we have so far Fishy, and anyone else who asks. Also, everyone in the project so far check out General over at the project forum. depending on how you do this thing, i can do a wailing rock solo on my sax (although it'd probably be out of style) if you want it. or, if you have a desperate urge for vocals, my voice fits pretty well for a rock vocalist, if you wanted. i dunno. i just want to help out on this project.
  4. hey roe - long time no see. wow, three RA kids in one place =)
  5. i think i said this before, but i asked fishy to do the guitars that prizm had to give up for our song, and he's doing some acoustic guitar for tensai's song as well.
  6. since we've last posted, we've added two new mixers - tweek (his track is already almost done, and on the forums) and avaris (who's taken a track and already has it halfway done. i just don't remember what it is). just fyi. keep working on your wips! we're starting to turn the corner in terms of music being done - there's a lot of tracks that are almost completed! keep it up! taucer, update the front page, please.
  7. well, if you want to play together, by all means whisper me while i'm online.
  8. EVERYONE NOT ON THE PROJECT READ THIS! i'm so freaking sick of people registering at the forums and getting all the songs before release date, so from now on if you register there you've gotta go through me. if i don't know who you are, you're not getting in. just fyi.
  9. i love how the pvp play changes all the time, in terms of stratagies and all that. i know a guy who thought he developed the best warrior build - and for a while, his W/N combo was the best i'd ever seen. he had a 31-win streak going at one point =) but now, every time he plays with that build, he gets wrecked. he's weak against mesmers, and once people figured that out he was screwed. i'm a fan of phoenix/inferno =) i've been using that a lot. i actually think that combo works better the other way around, because then you're doing damage during the casting time for phoenix.
  10. hi. this is the official guild wars thread. i admit, i've only been playing for a little while, but this game is fantastic. better graphics than wow, and a lot more creativity in it's gameplay than i've seen in most MMORPG games. i'm currently about a quarter of the way through prophesies. as of right now, i'm a level 15 elementalist/ranger specializing in nuking of a sort (i like fire magic because i'm still a noob at the game). anyone else play this game? i'd love to play with some fellow OCR-ians online sometime. i've been playing with some guys from my college, but that gets boring when you're right next to them sometimes. add me as a friend! my name is 'Cu Bhendhir the Red'. feel free to post your pictures, screenshots, fanart, builds for your different characters, and accomplishments on here. OCR players: The Prophet of Mephisto: Cu Bhendhir the Red. level 15 E/R. Orithil: Ku Shang. don't know his level/build. Fishy: don't know the name. level 9 E/Mo. Xerol: Conan McBrien. don't know his level/build. supremespleen: don't know his name. level 20 W/Mo. Souliarc: don't know his name. level 20 Mo/E. Kakumei: Prosperous Vanity. don't know his level/build.
  11. well, i'll know where YOU are. but i'm kinda assuming you'll pull out the batphone and call everyone when we get there. are we driving with that other dude, or is it just us?
  12. she's a girl. at least, she sounds like one when i talk to her on aim...and i know a girl who dated a guy from her college's school of music, which she attends as well, and she knows him, and he knows her. so therefore, she's a girl. really. not the old dude in family guy.
  13. i severly want to be there, but there's no way - not with magfest costing me 300$ or so already. =( edit - 1400 w00t
  14. sorry to hear that, man - my prayers go out to you. now that i've got my ticket, i'm booking the flight sometime after thanksgiving. i can't wait for january!
  15. wrong place to post. if it's an ocremix, post it in the ocremix wip forum or the live performers thread.
  16. well, if you looked in the help file included with reason, you'd know you can't do a time signature change during a song. or do time changes. as for crescendos and decrescendos, you just have to use the envelope function in the sequencer. just select the volume function and adjust it.
  17. Ikari Ikari is an independent film that has been filming for several months, and is in the final stages of development. It's supposed to be about a world where both ki and mana exist side by side. You can find out more at www.ikari.moonfruit.com I've been working on the soundtrack for a while now, and here's several songs that I've finished for practical purposes - i just need to arrange them for specific scenes in the movie as I'm recieving footage. You can see the whole page at www.soundclick.com/ikari. This is meant to be several different themes that I can use for battles. It's pretty rough, since I've not worked much at all on it. This will eventually (sans opening solo thing) be the credits music for the movie. I've got a singer from school that I'm recorded so that there isn't that crappy vox in the background. I'll post lyrics after I've finished the song. This is the thematic content for Ikari's theme - however, this isn't going to be her theme music. This'll be, instead, probably used for the end of one of the major battles. The choir samples in the background are my girlfriend =) This will be eventually used for the opening scene, which is a narrated movie explaining the world that Ikari takes place in. It's background music, supposedly. This is the theme for Kazuma, one of the 'bad guys' in the film. She's a really strange character, and we really don't learn a whole lot about her, and I tried to show that in the song. This is the theme for Rezo Kie Moe, a mana user and a main character. He's similar to a wizard (like Gandalf, for example) but he's a lot younger. I tried to reflect his somewhat mystical nature in the music, by using the ud, saz, tablas, shakuhachi, and dudy (live recorded dudy, btw). This is the stadium theme. There's a large tournament where a lot of the movie takes place, and they wanted a big, bold, fanfare-type piece for this. This isn't really finished yet, but it's getting there. This is one of the most important songs for the film. During one of the key points of the film, as Ikari finds out more about who she is, this is the music for it. Very powerful emotionally. Thanks for any feedback! I really appreciate it! Feel free to download anything that you want to hear. And, check back often because I'll be updating as often as I can. The next song that'll be here is the music for the trailer (i'll post a link for the movie, too). Thanks again!
  18. i decided to ask him to do it anyways, and also do acoustic guitar for tensai's mix. i'll hopefully have stuff from him soon.
  19. lets get as many of the wips into the forum that we can, people. and if you're a remixer and i didn't know it, tell me so i can ok you for the wip forum.
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