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Posts posted by orlouge82

  1. Who the fuck cares what PETA has to say these days anyway? They're the left-wing equivalent of Westboro and that's all they should amount to.

    Not quite.

    PETA may be extreme in their views, but there is some semblance of a rational basis for them (i.e. a logic taken to its extreme)

    Westboro Baptist Church, on the other hand, is completely batshit crazy. They start with a premise that is completely illogical and without foundation in any religious text, and take it to the extreme. It's basically a bunch of ignorant bigots using religion as an excuse for hate.

    Also, a lot of right-wingers would take offense at the suggestion that Westboro is "right-wing" (not stated explicitly in your post, but implied).

  2. Maybe everyone stop even caring about reviews and just wait for it?

    I haven't been paying too much attention to either the reviews or the video previews (mainly because I've been so busy writing that I haven't left the house except to mail stuff or to make court appearances), but I played the demo at Target yesterday, and after ten minutes of the dungeon demo, I went straight home and pre-ordered the Wii-Motion Plus bundle.

    Now finding the time to actually play the game is a different story, but with the holidays coming up, things should hopefully slow down.

    Anyhow, the point is that it looks like it'll be awesome!

  3. That's the point, Plant Man is a delicate Robot Master all the way down to being a shield user. So it's best that this organic/industrial clash is handled that way.

    But you know, with the way this is going in regards to the mix-and-match source usage nitpicking, next time I'll see if I can make you ALL happy with Plant's usage and make 80% of it a straight cover with just 20% vague references to the Wily theme. How does that sound :|

    You really need to relax and stop being so angry about how people are voting. :whatevaa:

    Yeah, seriously.

    Your song was a contender for my top three, and AkumajoBelmont's Far From Home -- the song currently leading this round in the competition -- was not.

    You never know how people are going to vote. A lot of times, they vote for a gimmicky one that seems original to them. Or they vote against the perceived favorite. Or they vote for the perceived underdog. Or they vote for friends.

    This is the fourth Mega Man competition that I've observed/voted in, and many times the obviously superior mix either loses or wins by a hair.

    The thing you have to keep in mind is that the voters aren't a panel of OCR judges. A lot of times, if they're like me, they have very little music training and just vote based on personal tastes.

  4. Tell you what then, let's take the vote totals and divide them by 100. So halc actually got .64 in the first round. That means that even a team with zero points is less than 1 point off from winning. Wouldn't that be even better than what you're suggesting? I mean, everyone's score would be super close.

    My point is, it doesn't matter that the current system uses smaller values. What matters is proportions.

    True, and I agree that it seems unfair that those teams very close to third place are left kind of in the dust.

    However, it would also punish teams that did not submit or that received no votes in the dust, and may thus discourage participation in future rounds of the competition.

    Maybe a good compromise would be expanding the finishers beyond a top three?

  5. If the goal is to keep everyone at the same score, why not just give everyone the same score every round? And it's not true anyways, since the leaders win by a much larger ratio with this system so no, it's not "anyone's contest."

    Yes, it is. After round 1, the largest point spread is 4 points. Guess what? After round 2, it is very possible for a team currently in fourth place to take the lead.

    True, it's not "anyone's contest" if the same team consistently wins every round, since that would create an insurmountable lead by the fourth or fifth round (if there were only six rounds), but that's hardly the fault of the voting system, is it?

  6. Honestly, this is why I didn't want to see any change. People can be too subjective to what they find enjoyable, and I honestly think that Darke's system has done something that would make everyone happy with the result no matter where they place. So just stop complaining and make music, and stop using new systems as a chance to put others down >_>

    And I know there was an edit above, but let's say for example WillRock makes something that didn't grab peoples' attention next round, and that only gets 2 votes. Added on top of the BRB points, that would actually hurt the team as a whole. Under Darke's system, just having him submit would count as a 4th place vote regardless, so that didn't hurt the outcome all that much in comparison.

    This is correct.

    The current voting system ensures that all of the teams stay within relative reaching distance of one another, and, especially if there are as many as nine rounds, it's anyone's contest.

    I don't know if those teams who received 30+ points last round are upset that they are lumped at the same level as teams that received very little or no points, but in a competition with 12 teams each round, a lot of great remixes are going to be relatively unrecognized by the voting system.

    The great part about this system is that one round can make a huge difference for any team.

  7. Haha, didn't mean to come off as pretentious or anything, I'm just a big ol' music geek

    You didn't come off that way. I really just don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to music and I'm not afraid to admit it. If you need somebody to tell you about fair use or derivative works, I can do that (but it can't be legal advice unless I'm licensed to practice in your jurisdiction). Actual musical theory, though, is foreign to me.

  8. Both sources are already minor, but it sounds like he switched from natural minor to harmonic. Although I'm just going off what I hear, and I'd need to do additional analysis to confirm. But minor keys are a LOT more common than people realize, it only really sticks out when it's harmonic minor or some other mode.

    Sorry, I literally cannot help myself when it comes to this sort of thing. <3 music theory :)

    Yeah, I have almost no music training. I'm just a listener. But what you said = what bugged me.

  9. The Root of All Things - Nice arrangement and soundscape. I think the only thing that bothered me about it is that it seemed to lack some polish. It wasn't anything fatal, though, and still a very enjoyable mix.

    Wily's Inferno - I was a little unsure during the start (I'm not a bit fan of orchestrations), but it definitely seemed the appropriate soundscape for the song's title. Really liked the song after about 0:45, though, and the nice soundscape persisted throughout the mix (made me think of Wily's fortress in an active volcano).

    Attracted to Power - Easily one of the most polished songs this round. I really enjoyed the arrangement and style of this mix. I think the only critique I could give this one is that it seemed to lack a strong sense of direction (that is, I didn't feel the song really went very far from the beginning to the end of the song). Obviously, that wasn't enough to dissuade me from giving it my #1 vote, though.

    Mr. X was Wily the WHOLE TIME - Geez, thanks for spoiling Mega Man 6 for me (or, you know, you would have if I hadn't already played it 17 years ago and several times since then). Anyhow, I think I would have enjoyed this mix a lot more if it weren't in a minor key. Although the arrangement was executed well enough, I just couldn't enjoy the song that well because of it; it distracted me throughout.

    Smooth Heat - I really liked the style and arrangement of this song. What didn't sit well with me was the production. It seemed like the samples were really muted, making the song itself sound muffled. I'd really like to hear what this song would sound like after a few run throughs in the WIP forums. It's going in a great direction.

    Glacial Age - Man, are you ever self-effacing. You should send this one through the WIP forums, too to fill the song out a little bit, but you've got some great ideas in it. I'd really be interested to hear this one as a more finished product.

    Light Your Way - This one would've been my #4. Classic Neblix with a little intro and outro guitar strumming thrown in. I really can't give much in the way of critiques to this one, but I think you missed out on the top 3 because I just wasn't personally as taken with the arrangement of the song as the other three (not that there was really anything wrong with it; just personal tastes)

    Far From Home - Great arrangement, production, etc. What killed it for me is the lyrics. Not that they weren't superbly done. I just hate lyrics in video game remixes. If it weren't for that, this one would have been in the top 3. No real critiques with this one.

    Shadows of Wily - Much different than your Oceans EP (which I listen to very regularly on repeat, by the way), but still very well executed. I'll probably be listening to this one quite a bit. The problem with it? The length -- it was too short. If it were over three minutes, it would have gotten bumped up a spot or two. Still an excellent mix.

    whatever.jpg - Don't be so damn hard on yourself, Emunator. This is great(I happen to like piano solos, so I guess I'm a bit biased). I don't know if you need to go back and master it or what not, but you should definitely give this one some more love. Also, a real name.

    No Ticket! - Speaking of names, love this one! Also loved this mix and I wish we didn't have to narrow it down to three. I can't think of any major critiques for this one; just keep up this level of excellence for the next round you're mixing in!!

    Glitch in the System - Things were going so well in this groovy mix until 1:30 when the weird ass robot voice starting saying all kinds of crap. Also, the song was relatively short, but the thing I noticed (and disliked) the most were the voices. The song up to that point was great.

  10. EDIT: Ah, thanks, DarkeSword for clarifying the issue there.

    I assure you that you'll get one from me, and thus, from Energy Tank tomorrow.


    It's been quite a ride, creating my first remix and putting these two themes together, one which I was totally unprepared for (the current Wily Castle theme :mrgreen:), as will probably be evident. But it's been very fun, and I've learned a few things, albeit having to beat them in forcefully. :?

    On one hand, I'm really happy about this remix I have, since it's something I finished, at last. On the other hand, I'm frustrated as heck that I couldn't get the whole idea out of my head and present it clearly. Furthermore, as I discovered, this Wily theme absolutely hates the genre(s) that I chose to try. :cry: Frost Man, though, seems to work well with anything!

    With all that said, remix submitted!

    Maybe your mix can help me overcome the horrible memories I have of the stage.

    JUMP JUMP!! SLIDE SLIDE!! *Runs into wall*

  11. Unless you want your team to throw away free points, get your team members who haven't voted yet to do so.

    Here are the teams and team members who haven't yet voted:

    Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man


    The Concrete Men

    Jason Covenant

    Blue Bomber Brotherhood



    The Beat Busters

    neblix (I know you're aware of the rules, but you're on this list for completeness's sake)


    Dr. Light's Luminosity Legion

    Cyril the Wolf

    Cold Steel


  12. If your first pick doesn't conflict with anyone, you get it. If it conflicts, I flip the coin between the two who conflict, and the winner gets their first and the loser gets their second. If that second pick conflicts with someone else's first pick, I flip again.

    The idea is that I want everyone to have a shot of getting a Robot Master as high up on their own list as possible. Losing the first coin toss shouldn't bump you down all the way to the end of your list just because other guys have picked the ones on your list as their first.

    Shoot, I guess I'll have to wait until next year for someone to do Tengu Man's Saturn version. I was pretty excited when I saw that Jewbei had it picked as his number two after Tornado Man, since that theme was picked as a first by prophetik (a trance-y version for Tengu Man would have been great).

    Oh well, there's always GRMRB 2012...

  13. Some of the remixers from previous competitions have shown up, these are the ones who I guess can still be contacted:

    TheguitahHeroe, Starphoenix, Anti-Syne, Draconiator, Blackpanther, PrototypeRaptor, Dusk, Geoffio, fredrikd, chroxic, Main Finger, Geeky Stoner and AeroZ.

    Also, someone please get Gecko Yamori on this. (oh and Txai too)

    Does anyone have contact info (besides OCR) for anyone on the list?

    chroxic and Geeky Stoner have been active in the GRMRB Exhibition Match thread, so I don't know if they just haven't checked this one or not, but they should both join.

    I think someone mentioned earlier that TGH is not currently doing any remixing, but it still might be worth a try bringing it to his attention. His Twitter account is "TheGuitahHeroe".

    Pixelwave is pretty hard to get ahold of, but his Twitter account is "aer0blue". I don't have Twitter, or else I would contact them myself.

    Anyone else up to the task?

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