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Posts posted by Darangen

  1. I think you're getting on the right track with changing up the lead instrument so that it's not doing the same thing over and over.

    What you might want to look at next is the supporting tracks. Right now from what I can hear it's one drum (which is doing a great job keeping me confused on the timing) and an oriental sounding plucked instrument. The sounds fit well with the lead, but they're repetitive.

    If everything is properly timed, you might want to look at adding more substance so that people have more to follow along with because as this is it's hard to keep up with which instrument is playing in tempo and which ones aren't.

    Keep at it though, you're getting better with each version!

  2. I may not be too familiar with the genre you're aiming for, but it seems to drag out a bit. You've got some variations going on, which is great, but for a 6 minute track it doesn't have enough momentum to keep me interested.

    I do like some of the instruments you've chosen, but I think the lead (is it a viola?) definitely needs some love. It's very dry and hard to listen to at times, it also seems to be panned quite a bit with nothing on the other side to compliment it. Could use some more percussive elements too, something to keep in driving a bit more.

    I'd definitely recommend shortening the track. It's long at 6 minutes and unless there's some serious progression going on that you just haven't had a chance to add in yet, it could be one of those songs where the listener listens to the first 2 minutes and then skips to the next song. Maybe try interweaving the two sources you've chosen a bit more to keep it interesting?

  3. I don't think it's BAD to start at the beginning. That's to say, I don't think it's any better to start from the middle, end, or beginning.

    For me, it's usually a certain part of the theme that really reaches out and shakes my core. I start there and keep building until I'm satisfied with the result, adding as much of the original theme that fits, often leaving out entire segments and phrases or interpreting them to an extent that I have to spell out to people how it's actually an interpretation of the source (I've had several submissions declined because they were way too liberal).

    I guess the most important thing is to find the part of the song that you want to be your center, your climax, and build everything around that. Doesn't matter if it's the beginning, middle, or end of the source.

  4. in all seriousness though, I think it does help to instill a thread of continuity in my musical portfolio... knowing what "my sound" is keeps me from losing focus on what I love to make

    I agree 100%. In fact, I'm working on something now that I think is very similar to "From Within" as far as feeling and emotion.

    I think it's important to listen to your old work, even if it may make you cringe, just so that you can see how far you've come. To me, seeing how much I've improved over the last ~10 years motivates me to continue improving and pushing myself further and harder to reach the next level.

  5. Pretty often actually.

    Rexy summed it up pretty well, I share her thoughts on the subject. (Psycrow is pretty awesome)

    Once I finish a song I usually don't listen to it for a little while just because my brain is burnt out from listening to it on repeat for the last x days, but usually after a month or two it'll go on my playlist.

  6. I make the arrangements because I love the music.

    I submit them to OC ReMix because I want to give back to the community that got me started. I've been downloading OC ReMixes since I heard Terra in Black by Ailsean back in 2000, when the site was an awful orangish color. I want to share what I create with people like those that came before me did.

    Plus remixing vgm gets you all the ladies............right?

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