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Posts posted by Darangen

  1. As far as there being an "elitist group" or hierarchy, it's just not true. If you've ever been to MAGFest (if you haven't you should go at least once) or any of the OCR meetups you'd quickly learn that the community is full of incredibly down to earth and accepting people.

    I think it's an inherent flaw in online communication or any textual communication for that matter where words are too often taken out of context or read in a way that makes the writer interpreted in a wrong way. I think that's what causes people to see others as elitists, separatists, etc. In most cases they're 100% wrong.

  2. I don't think that's the case. If I'm working on a solo album, I don't think anyone really has a right to know about it. It's not like it's a community thing or a big collaborative thing. It's just me working on something by myself. It's not as if what I'm working on by myself has the potential to really clash up with something someone else is working on in any big way.

    That's my view too. A personal album project is a personal album project. You're not getting the community involved, so there's little to no reason to inform the masses.

  3. For months? :dstrbd:

    Then why let Prophecy run his project for nearly 2 weeks (and people work on remixes) before deciding to reveal it?

    Whoever runs this private show just made a mockery out of everyone here, which is pretty rude tbh.

    To be fair to those in charge, MAGfest was last week where the majority of the OCR staff attended and it takes quite a bit of time preparing for events like that. Throw on top of that the fact that they have personal lives, new years was the week before, Christmas the week before that, etc.

    Sure, it sucks. I was on the project and looking forward to being part of it. But to call people douches or to imply that they intended to make a mockery of everyone here is not really called for.

    Just keep working on your track, you obviously chose it because you wanted to do it. It just won't end up on the project.

  4. Seriously? I didn't see any announcement... unless it's a private project run by the elite & friendz, and closed to public?

    That'd be pretty douchey toward Prophecy and everyone here who started working on their tracks already. :whatevaa:

    Not exactly douchey. It's probably been in the works for months if not longer. It was a private project.

    They made a new policy about private projects to keep this from happening again. The game(s) that private projects are working on will now be visible to the public. You won't know who's running it, the theme, who's working on it, etc - just the game(s) involved.

  5. This must've been a tough call, but I can definitely see the reasoning and necessity of making private albums semi-public. The games being revealed will help would-be directors know what their options are and keep people from signing up and working on tracks only to find out that 2 weeks later the album is already being worked on by a completely different group.

    It kills some of the surprise and mystery, but it's for a good reason.

  6. I think I'm actually going to resub this. I like the track, and Killer Instinct is a severely under covered source.

    Only real things I'm going to be changing/fixing is the timing issues they heard and go easier on the production, since it's admittedly over compressed.

    I'm working on a new track right now, but after that I plan on returning to this and cleaning it up for a resub.

  7. Plenty, they're just the only ones who I've seen say something along the lines of:

    "People who remix with vocals should be shot"


    "As soon as I heard the vocals I turned it off and deleted it"

    Of course, to be fair, there are plenty of shizzies that love vocals, they're just not the vocal ones. Irony.

  8. I hate sheet music, tabs, or any other kind of notation in general - I feel it dampens my creativity. I do know how to read music, tabs, and various other notation. I just hate using them. They're incredibly beneficial for some people though.

    The only time I'll reference a midi is if I trust the author/creator. Even then I'll usually solo the track I'm trying to learn and just let the notes swirl in my head for a few hours.

    That said, my melodies aren't always 100% accurate, but I like it that way.

    Most of my stuff is improvised at the beginning of the writing process. I'll usually have the melody playing on loop and just grab my guitar, hit record, and start playing with chords to try and find something unique. When that isn't the case, it's usually that I'm playing around with a chord progression and my brain starts developing a melody that sounds similar to a vg tune.

  9. Everything starts in my head, like a burst of ideas. If I don't get a basic part recorded shortly after that it's usually lost forever.

    Once I start recording I begin with my main guitar track, just playing through the whole idea to start the foundation. Then I add some temporary boring drums, then start building the real instruments around that, usually starting with bass.

    Later I go back and replace the guitar and drums.

  10. It's a lot better than my first few attempts were back when I started!

    Schala is a good place to start, since it's such a captivating source and it's simple musically.

    A few starter points to look into:

    - The drums are repetitive. That said, personally my drums are overhauled 2-3x during my creation process. Try to make the drums accent the music, and inversely make the music accent the drums. Right now it sounds like the drums are just there to keep tempo, when they should be there to give life to the beat of the song.

    - The bell/chime repeating pattern. It's very catchy and is throughout the entirety of the source, but it gets old and stale quickly when it's left alone for 4 minutes, especially since it's slowed down. Try pushing it back in the mix a bit (some reverb and maybe 3-5db lower) so that it's there but not right in front. You could also try blending it with other similar phrasing so that it gives the listener something new to hear.

    - It's slowly building up but doesn't seem like it ever really goes somewhere. This may be your intent, but while I was listening to it I kept thinking "Ok, now he added that.." or "Oh, there's that again.." Try changing up the movement of the song so that it's taking the listener somewhere. You need a big high point of the song to get your listeners to. On a scale of 1 to 10 it probably starts around a 2 and goes up to a 4 by the end. It's fine to start out at a 2, but make sure you're bringing it up to at least a 7 or 8 at some point in the song so that the listener can go back and feel satisfied. Think like a roller-coaster, you don't want that starting ascent to end right before you take the plunge, you want to give them that plunge too.

  11. And that any posted remixer can just come in and claim the track we've been working on for hours?

    Most people are considerate enough that if they know someone is already working on the track they would choose something else. Communication is the key, keep Prophecy updated and he might be able to steer people away from it if he knows you're actually working on it.

    I do think it'd help to mark the tracks in the main post that have been tentatively claimed by unposted remixers so people who don't read the entire thread would be aware that someone is attempting to claim the track. Again, communication is key, and letting people know what tracks are already being worked on might guide them to an uncovered track which would help fill out the list.

    Of course if a posted remixer wants to take a track that's already being worked on by an unposted remixer, that could still happen with the rules of the project. I just like to believe in the goodness of people and think they would choose a different track if they were aware of the situation.

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