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Everything posted by Chiral

  1. My hand is cramped and sweaty. =_=;; *motors on*
  2. I just found out I some relatives are in town, eating up this whole weekend... I'm boned. :/
  3. I kinda just started last night. >_>; I'm gonna work on it a bunch today, though. I love monsters. <3
  4. You know (this is a bit off topic) I love the little fox in your sig cobalt, but every time I see it while scrolling down there's an uncomfortable moment when I think it's a fortune cookie and I start getting hungry. :/ ...Yeah, I'll go back to drawing now. :s
  5. *Rewards you with Brownie of Bribery* :3 I stared at yours and at the Sakura one for a long time, but ultimately I voted for the Mana thing and Pyro (and myself, fufu.) I really like the motion in yours and the perspective, and mostly just wanted to see it more finished. (HI POT. MY NAME'S KETTLE.)
  6. Hoorayyyy creatures. Nothing I love to draw more than a strange critter. Is it okay to also include a victim about to be devoured by some ravening beast?
  7. Congratulations bonzai! X3 I liked your piece. I got 3rd. *does a dance* I must try again until I can someday decide the next theme. This was a lot of fun. :3 Got any ideas for the next theme yet?
  8. This thread has inspired me to make such a playlist! I also agree with "Beneath the Surface." bLiNd's "Blue Vision" is faster paced, but just as chill, I think. Also Scott Peeples - Requiem for a Green Revolution. Ahhhhhhhhhh. *relaxes*
  9. *delurks* I really liked the music from the SNES game Spindizzy Worlds. It's this odd sort of groove thing. The title track's kind of exhausting, but try listening in around the 6 minute mark here for one of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9i_320DA0Ic Secret of Evermore doesn't get enough credit either. I used to stand around in different areas with the TV turned up just to listen to the songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YMEu9aO8QA
  10. I see you're on a more special time zone than me. >_>; I thought I was sliding in just at deadline. OH WELL. I'm still done, it's 1am here. *snooze*
  11. Okay, cool. *phew* I sent the PM! ..and thanks for the quick reply XD
  12. Waaah, how do I add a file to the PM? Or am I supposed to upload it somewhere and add a link?
  13. Hey all. D: I've been lurking around here a while, but I don't think I've ever posted before. I don't have any remixy talent, sadly. I can draw though, and someone in here gave me an idea, so... SPEED PAINT GOGOGOGO
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