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Everything posted by Powerlord
The Bronies party is running behind schedule because SOMEONE forgot to set the server up for it (was too busy playing TF2).
1. They're new. 2. They require you to both spend real money and get lucky to get. I'm down to just needing two on my list: Strange Minigun and Strange Scattergun.
If you're lucky, the value for them will drop over time as the weeks go on. If you're really lucky, Valve won't swap them out for the Sniper, Medic, and Engineer crates in three weeks... (...wtb Strange Huntsman, Strange Bushwacka, and Strange Jag...)
Don't really need a Blighted Beak... I've already got one. Sadly, the Strange Knife is apparently highly sought after, driving up its value. Particularly since it appears to have a much lower create drop rate than, say, the Strange Ambassador.
My offers for a Strange Knife and Series 24 crates are now rescinded. I have everything I want from a Series #24 crate (unless one manages to drop an unusual). However, I'm still looking for: Strange Minigun Strange Grenade Launcher Strange Stickybomb Launcher Strange Eyelander Strange Scattergun And the stuff I have to trade for it is: Strange Ambassador Strange Knife (yes, I managed to get two while opening crates today) Strange Shotgun On an off topic, the Heavy's Jaws plus the Spine-Chilling Skull look really freaky. I love it!
Yes, exactly. Porn sprays. Harassing users. Ignoring admins.
HLStatsX is now updated to 1.6.14, which means it now has awards for all the weapons added in the last two updates... plus one for extinguishes with Scout's Mad Milk.
Just an FYI to admins: You can't directly play IP bans in the admin menu, but you can change a ban from a Steam ID ban to an IP ban in the SourceBans Web Interface. However, it won't kick players by itself when you do. I changed one of the bans on yesterday's problem user with the multiple Steam accounts to an IP ban. Also, HLStatsX: CE had a new version yesterday. I'll be installing that sometime today.
I'm raising my offer for a Strange Knife. I'm now offering one (1) of the following hats for a Strange Knife: Grenadier's Softcap (Soldier) German Gonzila (Medic) Milkman (Scout) Pyromancer's Mask (Pyro) Ze Goggles (Medic) Fancy Fedora (Spy) The Big Chief (Heavy) Hustler's Hallmark (Demoman) Modest Pile of Hat (All class) plus I'll toss in the extra Strange Shotgun or any of the weapons in the next section, your choice. I'll also trade any one (1) of these for a series #24 crate: The Atomizer (Scout bat) The Splendid Screen (Demoman shield) The Quick Fix (Medic medigun) The Enforcer (Spy gun) Vintage Natascha (you'd better know what this is by now)
Just for funsies, here are some screenshots of me showing off my new-found "I can create custom votes using the built-in system" bit. The question in there is actually from the Left 4 Voting sample on the Allied Mods wiki. The Question Passed Vote Failed Vote Tomorrow, after I rearchitect a bit of it to deal with some changes because of new discoveries I've made, if my extension is still crashing, I'm going to ask some people more familiar with SourceMod Extensions if they can see what I'm doing wrong. Who knows, maybe I'll end up simplifying it so people won't go mad just by looking at the code!
If you've seen me on tonight hanging out on an empty server, I've been exploring the TF2 vote system some more. I now know what all 11 vote failure codes mean. Unfortunately, I still have crashing issues with the actual extension which I need to figure out. Oh, I also figured out how to get it to display a custom Yes/No vote... I have to try custom Multiple Choice vote next.
No, I'm just now bringing it up. I wanted to see Brushfire's response to it.
On a different subject, when is the Bronies party? So, I've already put the files for this on the fast download server, but not the regular server.
I heard crate series 23-25 are dropping (Scout, Spy, and Pyro crates respectively). If anyone gets a Strange Knife from a series 24, I'll trade you a Strange Shotgun or something else for it (I have an extra Enforcer or Splendid Screen iirc). While we're on the subject, I'm also on the lookout for Series 19 crates, Strange Grenade Launcher, Strange Stickybomb Launcher, Strange Minigun, Strange Pistol, Strange Scattergun, Strange Flamethrower, and Strange Flare Gun.
There was a bug in the Name Change Punisher plugin not actually punishing people. Should be fixed now.
I've modified the Name Change Punisher plugin to use SourceBans if it's present. This means anyone banned for it will now show up in the SourceBans web panel.
Running both replays and SourceTV is known to cause disk I/O issues. If you thought the server lag was bad now...
The problem is that these are recurring fees. The reserved slot fees were introduced to help cover this, but it's not really enough.
Servers have been restarted and are now back online.
Patching now.
I bug FireSlash about this approximately every other day, but it hasn't helped. He's said he was looking into moving the server to a new host, but nothing's come of it.
Yes. 10char
The Name Change Punisher plugin went live last night. Right now, it's configured to take action if someone changes their nick 5 times with 10 seconds or less between each change. The action it takes it issuing a 60 minute ban. SourceBans reports no new bans, so it looks like there have been no false positives yet.
Click Login near the top. Log in using your username and password. Once you're logged in, click Bans on the lower of the two menus. Ir should go directly to Add ban. If you see Submit a Ban instead, you're on the wrong screen. Anyway, on another topic, I need to do some testing on my Name Change Punisher plugin to see if it generates false positives. I'll be doing that on my test server tonight and may roll it out to the main OCR server if things appear to be working properly.
Still to admins: On a side note, players are assigned a unique number every time they connect to the server. When you enter the Ban Player menu, it shows you the names and the associated numbers that were in use when the Ban Players menu was opened. Note the numbers of the two people with identical names, exit the admin menu, and as soon as they change names again (and they likely already have), go into the Ban Players menu again, check which number the "old" nick is using (which will be the real player with that nick), then ban the player with the other number. Since SourceMod looks up their Steam ID using their user id (the unique number earlier), this will still ban them even if they've changed nicknames. I'm also going to look into seeing if there's a way to stop this sort of thing. The only problem is it's possible to kick/ban innocent users that just change their nick in Steam a few times in a row. Note: I may actually end up writing this plugin myself, provided I can figure out what fires when a player changes names. Note 2: I just realized I meant to debug my TF Votes extension yesterday or today and totally forgot... found out during testing Saturday that it crashes when the vote actually starts.