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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. I haven't touched the pure_server_whitelist.txt file in quite some time, so it should allow all the same files. I've restarted the servers to make sure.
  2. The worst part is, when I finally managed to successfully compile a Debug build, it's nearly 3MB, versus the Windows debug build which is 640KB. The non-Debug build was 90KB.
  3. I forgot to mention earlier, I got BLU back up and running by copying an earlier version of vphysics.so from the event server, which I updated about an hour before that update. In other news, I'm going to be testing my TFVotes extension this weekend, along with a modified version of Mapchooser (not Extended). Unfortunately, I'm fighting with the Linux compiler right now, which is pissing and moaning about things the Windows compiler thinks is perfectly fine. natives.cpp: In member function "virtual void CTFVoteHandler::OnTFVoteResults(SourceMod::IBaseTFVote*, const SourceMod::tfvote_result_t*)": natives.cpp:183: error: "err" may be used uninitialized in this function
  4. I applied the optional update and restarted BLU... it now crashes on map change even with server addons disabled. Do not, I mean DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES restart RED server (this means you, FireSlash). Right now, SourceMod is running on RED, but all plugins unloaded because it changed maps while I was fixing BLU (which involved renaming the addons directory). All plugins should reload on next map change.
  5. Another TF2 update has been pushed, starting the server updater now.
  6. Speaking of which, here are the update notes. I couldn't post them earlier because I was at work. However, even though I was at work, my information network informed me that this update had happened, and I remotely updated the servers. That was roughly 4 hours ago. P.S. "Fixed bug with SourceTV and Replay causing player count to be off by one." is blatantly wrong and I had to reset sv_maxvisibleplayers shortly after restarting the servers so it'd stop saying 22/25 players when there were 22 players + replay bot on.
  7. The Steam Client has a Servers list... right-click the Steam icon and choose Servers. Click the Favorites tab. Click "Add a server" and enter blu.ocrtf2.com, then click "Add this address to favorites." Repeat this for red.ocrtf2.com. Then you can see the server populations of both servers on the Favorites tab. Click Refresh if it's been a while since you started Steam to show the updated player counts and current server maps/ping times.
  8. You mean other than the maps Valve is adding to it from the Summer Mapping Initiative contest that just finished up?
  9. Right now, Valve Complete pack's $16.50 or so more than Portal 2. However, I wouldn't be surprised to see Portal 2 on a daily sale. Or get new achievements.
  10. It's pretty sad that a TF2 Misc item or Portal 2 hat are the best items on there. Alien Breed 2 is an entire game, but I hate starting a series in the middle like that.
  11. FireSlash only mentioned he was looking into it a few days ago, so... I'll interrogate him about it when I see him on. Also, expect a TF2 update today to add the new Summer Glasses item from the Summer Sale prize booth to the game.
  12. While dead, you can only spec your own teammates or fixed cameras (usually over control points)... unless you switch to Spectator. On an unrelated point, now that RED is on the QuickPlay system, it has a lot of players during the daytime hours in which the server used to be dead. BLU is unaffected, as it's not listed on QuickPlay.
  13. I'm aware of that, which is why I wouldn't put it past Valve to have a sale on them. I'm not sure where you got the impression that I didn't know about them. Personally, I think they're a waste, as the weapons in them tend to be the achievement unlocks.
  14. Well, Winter Crates were crates that had a much higher chance then normal to drop hats... and they gave everyone a free holiday crate key. However, I wouldn't put it past Valve to have a sale for new players to buy starter packs for every class.
  15. There are some new texture files in todays update that have some interesting filenames: 94.88% downloading ./event/orangebox/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/crafting/crate_summer.vmt 94.88% downloading ./event/orangebox/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/crafting/crate_summer_large.vmt 94.89% downloading ./event/orangebox/tf/materials/models/weapons/c_items/c_proto_backpack_blue.vmt 94.89% downloading ./event/orangebox/tf/materials/models/weapons/c_items/c_proto_backpack_red.vmt No idea what the summer crate and backpacks are for. In theory, they could be related to the Steam Summer Sale, which is likely to start Thursday or this weekend.
  16. Valve's updating later than usual tonight. Servers are updating as we speak.
  17. OK, what's with the icon over the Heavy's head at 1:23? Do I need to change the server's whitelist back to stock to block what could possibly be considered a cheat, or is it just a Replay thing?
  18. Both servers have been restarted. Although there does appear to be an issue with RED's Steam ticket (shouldn't affect the server in any way other than the "is this a good server for QuickPlay" stuff).
  19. Updating servers now. However, updating is now really slow on both servers and clients thanks to the F2P update. So, I've disabled autoupdate on the servers, so if you're playing, the server won't just go down on map change when there's an update. This will cause problems if I'm not at home from work to update when an update happens, but that rarely if ever happens, and our servers are usually not busy at those times anyway.
  20. On another subject, FireSlash was on the server earlier today and mentioned that we may move to another server host to see if we can't get rid of these lag issues. This was after he shut down TFStats stats processors and websites, and the TF2 servers were still having lag spikes.
  21. That's what I'm assuming.
  22. The servers were restarted this morning to fix an extra "hidden" slot from being on the server that people could fill by connecting directly to the server via a connect command (even without a reserved slot). That was my bad, I missed one of the 3 things I needed to change yesterday when flipping reserved slots back to the slot-free version.
  23. Whoops, forgot to reply to this post when I posted my last reply. Not as far as I know. FireSlash's. Set up your subscription here, then fire off an email to fireslash@fireslash.net with your in-game name and order number (Google will email you this) If you prefer to pre-pay, you can pay through paypal directly to fireslash@beyondunreal.com (Note this email is DEFUNCT and only used for paypal!) Pre-payments of $12 or more are good for 6 months. You're welcome to donate more, each additional $2 spans another month, or you can just donate out of the kindness of your heart! (note, I copied all that from the first post)
  24. Right now, the only way to do it loses rtv, nominations, and the vote happens exactly 2 minutes before the end of a map (so, if the map ends before then, it doesn't happen). I've spent a lot of time reverse engineering it, but I'm still working on an extension to trick the clients into thinking the server's CVoteController is calling a vote.
  25. I think I've mentioned this before: People don't like large imbalances, and those teams weren't very balanced at all. The points that the team that played BLU first did capture were capped within seconds of the round ending, and after the teams switched, the other team was just mowing them down. Plus, Thunder Mountain is one of those "Meh" maps... I don't know why people voted for it instead of Upward.
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