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Everything posted by Powerlord

  1. Forgot to mention that I installed the new scramble plugin after I made sure the server was working properly again. It's currently set to only change between rounds. The bad side to this is that it may switch you even on pl and cp assault maps (the non-5cp ones). I think it's set to only move people if there are 12 or more players, too.
  2. SourceMod is showing up as 1.3.0-dev. I'm going to install 1.2.1 over top of it, as the dev version predates 1.2.1 and its security fixes. Edit: This crashed the server, as the server tried to change maps while I was uploading new versions of files it was trying to access. Edit 2: Server should be back now, and reports it's running MetaMod: Source 1.7.1 and Sourcemod 1.2.1.
  3. After the sheer number of steamrolls today, I can guarantee you that this mod is going on the server as soon as I have a chance to install and configure it. Probably Wednesday after I get out of work.
  4. It regens every 15 seconds (or a visit to a resupply closet), and the farther away it is, the more likely it is to miss. Let me make it clear for you: The Sandman's stun effect is not likely to go away, nor is its ability to stun ubers (see: The Big Hurt achievement). It's intended as a counter for part of an uber, if you can time it properly. No, part of the problem is that these 6v6 leagues have fixed teams (2 Scouts, 2 Soldiers, 1 Medic, and 1 Demoman)... and two Scouts means you're twice as likely to get bonked. It seriously never occurred to the people who set up these leagues that some of the weapons added are going to be counters to the things those classes are worst against?
  5. Yes, but CEVO apparently ban it because it stops Ubers. I mean, heaven forbid that an 8 second invulnerability period have some sort of counter!
  6. I saw that plugin the last time I was checking to see if any plugins we have needed to be updated, and was really tempted to install it. I'm not so sure I like that they're looking to change how The Sandman works. :/
  7. We treat it as a spawn door because Valve has clearly intended it as such. On Badwater, RED's spawn has: 1. A locked right exit door. This unlocks after B is taken. 2. A giant arrow sign in front of the staircase just outside the left spawn door, pointing to the door we're discussing. This sign goes away after B is taken. 3. A closed door up the other stairs next to the door we're discussing. This opens after C is taken. 4. A second, lower spawn room. This starts being used after B is taken. 5. The door in question only opens for RED players and is marked No Entry for BLU. This is the only point that actually matters, as these properties are only found in Valve levels on spawn doors*, ergo it's a spawn door, even if BLU can enter the area behind it by going around. *2fort has an unused spawn room near its intel rooms that also has this.
  8. In case anyone wants to know what Rambo is talking about in the MOTD, this is what the MOTD currently says:
  9. The only door I'm aware of in addition to spawn doors is the red door on pl_badwater, as it is essentially Red's outer spawn door up until point B is taken. I just assume the point of contention here is ctf_turbine's doors. However, Turbine only has doors on one of its three exits to the main room. That's been bugging me too. For instance, an admin kicked atmuh a while back for not doing melee only on 2fort. Exactly. It's one thing if we've intentionally switched to an arena map to do something like hide and seek on an arena map, but another if it's a "hey, we should all do melee!" type thing said over voice chat. You'll never get me to agree to melee only, because I hate playing Heavy, and they have a huge advantage in melee only. P.S. The Team Management commands don't appear to work at present, meaning admins can't move players between the 3 teams (including spectator), so we still have to kick people who have gone idle, rather than moving them to spectator.
  10. Current mapcycle is: ctf_hallofdeath pl_frontier cp_gravelpit cp_fastlane plr_pipeline cp_steel ctf_turbine pl_hoodoo_final cp_furnace_b3 cp_granary pl_waste arena_well cp_egypt_final Total: 13 maps; 4xPL (counting pipeline and waste); 2x5CP (not counting Steel, as it's not a traditional 5CP) The actual breakdown is 1xArena, 4xCP (assault), 2xCP (symmetric), 2xCTF, 2xPL, 1xPL (symmetric), 1xPLR For the record, the old mapcycle was: cp_dustbowl cp_granary ctf_turbine pl_badwater arena_sawmill cp_follower cp_steel pl_goldrush ctf_2fort cp_gravelpit cp_well pl_waste cp_badlands Total: 13 maps; 3xPL (counting waste); 4x5CP (not counting Steel, as it's not a traditional 5CP) The actual breakdown is 1xArena, 3xCP (assault), 4xCP (symmetric), 2xCTF, 2xPL, 1xPL (symmetric) As you can see, there is one more PL map and two less 5CP maps in the current mapcycle than in the old mapcycle.
  11. I like going on ridiculous killing spreeds; ergo I use... the Butterfly Knife. Wait, did you think I was referring to Pyro?
  12. That's why I said "but if they miss..." because chances are, particularly if they aim at the medic, that they will miss.
  13. Scout's Sandman stun (preferably on the medic) is the best, but if they miss...
  14. That's my fault. I was experimenting with the tf_arena_use_queue cvar. I'd forgotten I'd changed it, actually. Should be back to normal now.
  15. I did a few other map updates: Updated pl_dbheights to b5 now that fpsbanana is working again. Section 3 point 1 has been changed quite a bit... the spawn room appears to have been moved and rotated 90 degrees left so that the cart takes a Waluigi L shape to where point A usually is on cp_dustbowl: pic. This section used to have the spawn where it normally is, but did a U shape through a new area to where point A was. There's been a few other changes, such as the cart now routing down the tunnel near the end of section 2 (pic), and defense getting a shorter respawn time. If you don't download it in advance, it's an 11.9 MB download. Added cp_waste to the server. It's the control point version of pl_waste. If you don't download it in advance, it's an 18.1 MB download. Also, if you opt not to download cp_furnace_b3 in advance, it's a 20.8 MB download.
  16. So, we tried a new map tonight: cp_furnace_b3. It's a Gravelpit style A and B, then C map. It was actually pretty fun! It's currently replaced arena_storm_b1c (which has been rtved every time it's come up or votenextmapped when people notice it's coming up) on the rotation. Tomorrow when no one's on, I need to move it to a different spot. Right now, it directly follows Gravelpit, and the two of them are a bit too similar to be next to each other.
  17. I just ignored that, because Soldiers always get lots of crits. I'm convinced that the rocket launcher has a higher crit rate because of its slow speed. No, I just got critted quite a bit on turbine, and literally half the time (6/12) on fastlane earlier. I rage quit after three single-hit crit kills in a row... by single-hit I mean literally 3 shots were taken at me to kill me 3 times: 2 with a Fire Axe and one with a rocket.
  18. Is there something wrong with the crit rates on the server right now? I seem to be dying an obscene amount of times from single-hit crit kills.
  19. Hoodoo is included in TF2 as of the Spy/Sniper update... wait, maybe the version in the mapcycle has the wrong name... Yup, that was it. We had two versions of hoodoo on the server, and the mapcycle was using the wrong one. I've deleted the old one, fixed the mapcycle, and restarted the server.
  20. I was going to update some maps tonight that have new versions, but it turns out that fpsbanana is down, and certain maps with new versions (coughpl_dbheightscough) don't have them accessible anywhere else without needing some u/p bullshit. pl_cashworks was updated to rc2. I *highly* suggest you download this in advance, as cashworks is huge (41.1MB compressed). Also, just to churn things up a bit, I implemented the mapcycle Clefairy suggested a few pages back.
  21. Since people have expressed interest in who is currently an admin, as of right now the admins consist of: Bahamut Darkesword zircon Hemophiliac Dhsu Powerlord garian Fireslash Rambo Brushfire
  22. I would think that would take a lot of extra server power recording anywhere up to 32 demos at once (1 per player).
  23. OK, I'm going to note that the auto-tune voice is getting really old, really quick.
  24. I remember being part of a 2 Spy/demoman uber set that took down 4 sentries on Dustbowl 2-2 before. So no, it's not impossible. To my knowledge, this wasn't coordinated as much as it was being in the right place at the right time.
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