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  1. Sorry man, I don't really play DS online anymore. :(

  2. By far the best mashup artist I've heard is Sydney-based Wax Audio. There are both streams and full downloads (mp3 320)- two albums and three EPs. There's a relatively small amount of hip-hop in this guy's work, so it's a perfect starting place for you Faustt.
  3. I don't know what you're waffling about, Deathtank.
  4. I want to like this, I really do. The production's top-notch, but most of the melodies just feel too... bright and cheesy. Perhaps I'm just becoming a cynical bastard in my... old age? ( ) Also, is Supersonic a Mega Man remix? EDIT: Okay, I've listened to some more and I'm opening up to it a bit more. Nebula may just have convinced me.
  5. Accepting mine. I've begun working on it and have already learned a thing or two about Reason.
  6. So, he's divorcing his third wife.
  7. C - Took cello lessons for about six years, took music class in high school for four years.
  8. Count me in. I just got a midi/usb cable for my (rather crummy) keyboard, so I'll see if I can put it to use. It's kind of sad that I started composing music five years ago but am yet to truly finish anything... this may well be the kick up the butt I'm due for.
  9. Nice tutorial. I'd definitely like to see some stuff like this for Reason too.
  10. I'm a big fan of Cake- their albums are all quite solid from start to finish. It's too bad they're mostly only recognised for The Distance, Short Skirt/Long Jacket and Sheep Go to Heaven. Pendulum's album Hold Your Colour is also a great example. Slam overshadowed some really great tracks. And then the re-release replaced perhaps the two best songs on the album with two of sheer mediocrity.
  11. Which ones, if I might ask? Printer Jam was cool, but felt totally out of place on Hospital mix 7. I quite enjoyed No Matter What, Damage, Light's Really Bad, Greed, From Memory. Perhaps try them again, if you still don't like 'em, well... not much I can do I guess. Try Logistics' and Danny Byrd's albums from last year! (Uh, do we need a drum & bass-specific thread? )
  12. I really enjoyed White Collar Grime, but Wipe Your Tears was probably the weakest track on the album.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clubbed_to_Death_(song)#.22Clubbed_to_Death.22 I think this might be what you're looking for?
  14. Do you mean the amount of "old skool" 90's techno influence was minimal, or it was old skool 90's minimal techno? (sorry, just to clarify, cos if you meant the former, I'd be inclined to say that the amount of old skool rave influence was fairly outstanding. If you meant the latter, I'm not hearing any minimal techno at all... ) Also, another UK artist with a recent album release well worth mentioning is Mistabishi, of Hospital Records. His debut album Drop was great (reaching #2 on the iTunes download chart behind The Prodigy). Really fresh drum & bass and dubstep, highly recommended. I think it's the hook in Invaders Must Die. It's terrible, as are the vocals on Thunder for that matter. I'd argue that these are the weakest points of the album. Basically in reiteration of my previous post I'm fairly ambivalent about this album. Omen (the Noisia remix in particular) and Warrior's Dance were really enjoyable. All in all though, I'm happy that The Prodigy are back.
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