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Everything posted by zykO

  1. sorry, this really doesn't go anywhere at all. i'd hate to echo everything larry said but he pretty much nailed it... so much more can be done with this source than what you did here... the percussion was great but outside of that, the synth parts were redundant and boring. the mix is also suffering - your lead instrument is too subdued and doesn't have the presence a lead should have. you're on a good track but you're still not there NO
  2. i listened to this last night and then again this morning before making my decision... there is one glaring problem here; the bass. while i appreciate the live sound approach... it definetly sounds like a live electronica show but i still wanted to hear more of a bass presence, the track definetly asks for it arrangement is spot-on. i love the directino you take the melodies... when you scale it back into a very subdued bridge around the 3 minute mark, you bring out that bass and the whole thing sounds very NICE. then it goes back to the slightly barren mix. ending was fantastic. good shit. as for the instrumentation, its a weird mix for sure but i love it. this is one of those instances where a clearly unrealistic sounding instrument is far more fitting than a real one. i'm not going to NO this on account of the bass. this is too good an arrangement to get hung up on a personal preference. if you choose to submit a version with a more present bass, feel free to and know that i would back it no less than i back it now. awesome work. MOOD=A YES
  3. wow it took me like 5 days of trying to download this and failing each time (it just wouldn't ever finish loading) to finally get it. talk about frustration. and then. wow. release. this was akin to approaching a eye-ripping cute chick and knockin on the door for months and then finally gettin a piece. and what a piece. i had a conversation with shnab about shining force music and we were picking apart what we liked about certain compositions and i hear so much of what we were talking about in this; the way he visualizes the soundfield is very clear to me in this piece. its got that same controlled business... far from chaos... musical ingenuity. i don't think this is accessible at all; at least not from a compositional perspective since this is highly experimental... your instrument placing is just simply unusual. the instrumentation. brilliant, sir. i hear the string phrasing and i hear how they play within the soundfield and i am convinced of what i'm hearing instantly. the percussion is nuts - variety is an understatement. the woodwinds are soothing... most of this sounds very organic altogether... it isn't the most believable sounding mix ever but i have a hard time focusing on shortcomings when the arrangement as a whole is so awesome what a piece indeed. YES
  4. i'm extremely familiar with this soundtrack right off that bat, i can tell you that your sounds destroy this. i'm not a stickler for sample quality, etc but this is awful. especially since your arrangement has merit... its goofy as hell it has this ominous feeling to it (the Evil One has guided you well) and i love how you slow it down to a more grinding pace but seriously, your sounds ruin the credibility of the mood. i feel as though i'm playing a videogame, still. my problem is that your arrangement is fantastic from a storytelling perspective and i don't believe faxanadu can be interpreted in any other way. this is a game that was meant to be told as a story so naturally its music shouldn't be interpreted as "songs" but as musical stories you definetly have the right idea. i want to YES this because i love your technique and style. it reminds me a lot of the process i went through with Sketch of a Potentially Contrived Memory... i'm reliving the faxanadu story vicariously through your piece... but there is too much lacking in the lower register of the mix, there just seems to be too much clutter with too GM of tones. please fix this. please find a way to make your instruments sound more dynamic and realistic. i implore you. NO
  5. starts off wonderfully. absolutely gorgeous. the harmonics are a fantastic touch - the dynamics in the guitar performance is fascinating in this intro. then yea. haha that's some pretty unrealistic guitar "playing" but really, its great that you did this all on your midi keyboard... i've heard some amazing synth guitar and this is pretty decent stuff but when the pace quickens, the credibility plummets... something to look into. remember that the human element (you can even call it error) can make acoustic guitar the most beautiful thing on earth. the oboe sections are the best in the mix, by far. you're a good musician and i'm familiar with your past work and i think you've made much better work than this... i understand that you were experimenting with the acoustic guitar synth but i don't think this mix is passable NO
  6. i don't know about this one. the intro rocked and then when the main groove kicked in, i was letdown by how mundane the mix was... nothing is really going on; just a straightforward mix with unimpressive drums, an undynamic lead instrument and though the arrangement does shift a couple times to keep it from being repetitive, the piece unusually still feels bland. the things that need to be audible, aren't (shnabz mentioned the solo but there are also some accompaniment sections that are lost in the mix). overall, a decent attempt at something that could have been a lot more. restructuring and giving some consideration to making this more dynamic both sonically and compositionally will make this a more entertaining listen. but as it is now, i can't even sit through a second listen NO
  7. nice and dirty yum i love ty's tone, its very real. the arrangement is very entertaining and moving. great question answer work for the solo the arrangement is where this shines. talk about brilliant use of the source... you didnt depend on your guitar to make the arrangement... it was your musical understanding that made it. i was really impressed by the arrangement. i had no problems with this one compositionally i do however have a problem with the drums. i'm not a stickler for quality of percussion cuz it would make me the biggest hypocrite this side of capitol hill but really, the drums are just too far in the back. the thing is, it doesn't take away from the track and that is frightening. i still enjoy it a lot and its still musically full of merit i normally would not yes something with such a distinct lack of bottom in such a distinctly moving piece but this is arrangement at some of its finest YES
  8. in a nutshell... its too busy, its too punchy, too repetitive and i'm just slammed into the ground by one large evil synth. i like the concept and all but this doesn't even qualify as ENERGY - its just MUSH#TQWY#GHASDFHQ#MUSH and that ending is not right since you didn't build up to it... it was one speed the whole way through, anyways... abrupt endings are effective when they're dynamic gotham is this track's only bright spot, in my mind but not enough for a yes NO
  9. too thin. the arrangement is buried underneath the terrible piano and the campy strings... i can tell that its a good arrangement udnerneath but its very difficult to get into... it changes often so it keeps it fresh but then there are just too many different instruments trying to communicate with each other but failing. in a nutshell, chemistry... the instruments are lacking immense chemistry between themselves... there are some good points, though. as shnababulus pointed out, your ending is wicked. i like some of the textures... but all feels so jarring and disjointed. work on the chemistry of the track... get it all to fit together and you'll be there. NO
  10. the idea is fantastic. for the first minute, maybe and then its just the same beat repeating the intro is fantastic because its ethereal and its reminiscent of great gig in the sky. nina's freestyle ad lib is awesome but after a couple minutes of this, it had to be varied up a bit more than it was; the break hardly helped. the main drawback of the piece is the pacing as analoq mentioned. the structure of the song is very jarring... that final metal section doesn't sit well with the whole song. for on, its not very well produced. the lead guitar is neat and i like the modulation but its clearly not a real guitar. that whole section is not particularly credible. and her vocal parts are great but the mixing of all these elements is very lacking. the drums in that section are very frail and overpowered completely by the middle section of the soundfield... leaving no discernable groove, really. the vocals are far too loud in that section... and the reverb near 4:20 is tooo wettt. in fact, only the first part of the piece, and only for about the first couple of times through the phrase, keeps it interesting. definetly has its moments and all in all is an entertaining track but it needs some reworking - please consider revisiting this track and resubmitting it. for now, NO
  11. i'm with my colleagues on this one. fantastic intro, very moody and i love how it brings in subtleties of the title theme as it progresses... there's a lot of things going on here but the arrangement, though brilliant for whatever 2 minutes its warming up, needs more attention and development. i'm not concerned about the clashing harmonies... i think it gives the piece character. i'm just distressed over how under-developed this is. it appears to be a piece of a puzzle that leads into the MEAT. i want the MEAT. right when the thing picks up at the end, i am expecting at least another minute of pwoerful dissonance with maybe some kind of drive... but instead i get drums, a drone, some factory inside my head and FINIT. perhaps this is your artistic preference and choice but sir. don't fucking tease me like this. i'm sorry, this is far too underdeveloped mr. junkimonkey. give us more and this is a YES NO
  12. brilliant synth work here. i am most impressed by how you played to the strengths of the themes; its hard to explain but you can't force a source to do something it isn't cut out to do sometimes... and here you fit a bunch of different shit together by using them in situations and places where they fit perfectly and together form a tapestry of coherence. i know that makes no sense but listening to this, even the cameos by various other videogame themes is fluid within the whole mix. very nice. the production is also solid and very powerful. this is really pleasing to listen to... nothing jumps out at me offensively and the percussion is driving. funtastic i think my only complaint is that its too short... that there are so many different directins that you go in that it feels almost rushed. this is such ADD food... i mean, my brain is loving the short spurts of attention span... arrangement = A+, production = A, accessibility = A all in all, a near flawless arrangement of one of the most beautiful videogame themes ever, the windfish. beautiful work, bud YES!!
  13. unfortunately this doesn't go nwhere and sounds like GM there are problems with composition and tone despite some very solid ideas on making this moving but it just doesn't accomplish them yet you're on the right track and through the OCremix remixing forums, you will be sure to learn from a lot of experienced musicians on anything you need improvement on. you have a good idea here but you're not achieving what i believe you set out to do. i'm gonna have to say NO
  14. this is one of the cheesiest songs i've ever heard. when i first heard this during the DoD, i really didn't like it at all. I still think the drumkit sounds thin and the vocals are too in the middle of the soundfield the arrangement is fucking rad, though. i absolutely love this song. your voice rocks... you just need to do something diffrent with how you're recording it or your post=production. it just seems flat in there. of course the "why try" just fucking owned me. completely. much love YES
  15. thick. the bass is almost too thick at first but really, this is driving and powerful - at times the compression is knocking my brain cells loose. i dig its energy (fitting title) you can do a lot more than that with the source material, buddy. and really where is the compositional dynamic? zircon nailed it; there is no discernable climax and the ending is very sputter-ful so i was close to NO-ing it but upon several more listens, i'm impressed by its general presentation... its got plenty of interesting stretches. i loved the breakdown with the flutes and when it picks up again, i'm loving the direction you're taking the piece but it feels and sounds too busy and ends on the reference to the super metroid title... rad. very good work here YES
  16. hahahahahaha god i love you, posu yan. this track is fucking fantastic; ok, i'm admittedly biased. he's only one of my favorite musicians that i've ever met and i'd rap over a beat of his any day of the week. but really, this is quite addictive. this is like a small gel capsule of fun. i feel like i'm dancing around a casino for a music video and i'm doing acid and then i start moving backwards like a jamiroquai video. but really. i'm not sure this passes OCR guidelines; it really does need something else going on with it. man, why do you blow my face off and then make me say no? but i have to because this lacks too much in arrangement and while i love it, my personal bias does not determine my vote. a very painful NO
  17. this definetly got my attention right off the bat. the unusual rain effect is neat because it is not organic and automatically catches my attention the groove is simple and nice and the arrangement is chill - the pads help it out. but i think your lead instrument as it is almost too offensive which is a pity cuz the rest of the arrangement is fairly solid. i like the mellow guitar solo you bring around,... nice touch. all in all, a fairly relaxing remix this is one of those times i do not think adding "meat" to the mix would improve it; its perfect the way it is. that lead instrument is the only thing that bothers me. i love the mood and the chillness of it. i can fall asleep to this for nights on end. i'm goin with my gut on this one. you're good. YES
  18. i really don't want to break anybody's heart but this really shouldn't pass. i mean, this is by far her best work to date and i'm impressed slightly by it but there are several glaring issues with it. the soundfield is too bare. even a solo piano piece can sound more full than this; i know the sample has a lot to do with it but the arrangement also helps to keep this from happening. the arrangement lacks greatly in the left hand when the entire piece is so heavily reliant on being a solo piano piece. frankly, the left hand is uninspired and boring. your right hand is fantastic but it just doesn't make up and can't pull the whole thing's emotiveness out of the cellar. i have to point out that i did, in fact, enjoy the piece a lot. its a great mood-setter but personal preference does not make an OCR mix. the arrangement and overall performance leaves a lot to be desired. remember that solo piano is a tall order... its simply the nature of the beast this is your finest work to date, bev. very soon, it's going to be a YES NO
  19. definetly a cute fun tune; standard happy hardcore fanfare and unsurprisingly fitting for mario paint. i'm going to have to echo some of whats been said in the NO votes; while this is fun and cute, this does not bring enough to the table in terms of arrangement. after the second listen, its lack of arrangement does come back to haunt it. this is a tough one to make a final call on because it is fantastic for happy hardcore and is fitting for the bill but i don't think this meets the bar and if its such a borderline decision, i'm not going to YES it sorry but your other work is far better than this NO
  20. this is very nice work, mike and you know already that i like it but your piano skills are frankly not where your chops on the guitar are and its very obvious. not that its terrible; in fact, there are no glaring mistakes at all however, you really do have to change it up a bit. i may enjoy this a great deal but i can't give it a yes based on that - there is just too much lacking in terms of direction and variety in something as singular as a solo piano piece. doesn't mean it doesn't work - you know that i, of all people, am a proponent of sheer simplicity but some things have different places. sorry bro, more ideas. NO
  21. this one's a tough one because its the actual arrangement idea that makes it bland despite excelling in presentation; in specific, the way the source is used to craft the lead of the track. it essentially took the wind out of the source's sails. one of those funny things. the arrangement, in my mind, is just too boring and that is largely due to the composition - it takes the punch and edge out of the original and murders its dynamic. NO
  22. blastardJMR: Hey z y k o monkey: sup blastardJMR: Can you do me a favour? My brother's song is on "TO BE JUDGED" list on OCR, and we are wondering if the judging process could be put on hold for a short time. z y k o monkey: why, whats the matter z y k o monkey: which track is it blastardJMR: The song (Conker 'Squirrel Outta Hell') has gone through several major fixups/additions since submission. blastardJMR: My brother's wondering if you've heard it... z y k o monkey: yes - random hero blastardJMR: Yeah, that's him ================ there you have it, sirs ================ Let me know if I need to send this to anyone else. Could you please send a confirmation email to cc971751@hotmail.com as soon as soon as possible? Thanx, RR aka RH
  23. boom diggity i finally got around to it, larry - thanks for the suggestion (and the song truly is not about you, oh longevitous one ) pertinent info: zyko www.zykomusik.com The Guardian Legend (with a little bit of that ninja gaiden goodness) NES 1988 Miyamo Shant
  24. don't know what y'all are talkin about - this rocks. that said, i dunno if this works, ty the intro grabs me right off the bat so there are mucho kudos points for you there, son. then comes the rock and its aggressive and its a dirty tone and it isn't pretty and packaged like all the little beautiful people, its just grungy and rude and uninhabitable and venomous now the bad. very jarring, disoriented and just in your face, slapping you with a large uncooked tri-tip. very aggressive track (if it werent' for the immensely lame percussion) but you just confuse the living shit out of me with that solo - i love that you're interpreting that theme in a rather unconventional manner but it loses coherence further on the track starts off rockin in the first section, then the listener is introduced to a fantastic ethereal transition into what is a deliberate chugchug section with an erratic and manic solo. don't know. if you stuck with the first section and elaborated on it, you would have a winner. but as it stands, this punched me in the face early on and then poured water on me rather than stomp me into the ground. sorry, bro NO
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