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Everything posted by zykO

  1. the piano intro was nice and while the transition into the vibes was clever, this is decidedly undercooked. it does not develop any idea long enough to engage the listener and its overall length is barely a blink of an eye. to be exact, this is a teaser if anything and even then, the ideas are not developed to a point where it is effective teasing. it simply does not offer much. the idea, however, is fantastic. a chill, smooth, jazzy take on one of the finer themes from wind waker. come again with a little more development to what you are trying to do and somethin a little more than a tease NO
  2. sup tweek great drums. i remember drums and atmosphere being your strengths and you dont' dissappoint here, either. the percussion easily drives the piece. the flutes set a particularly engaging atmosphere. the arrangement is simple, yes, but effective. simplicity was never a sign of a lack of effort. it was successful at changing the mood of the source entirely to something more elusive, and transient. in other words. good shit. YES
  3. this is ridiculous. why are we discussing dale's vocal tuning? even if dale did use auto-tuning, do you think it takes away from the quality of the piece? could you afford to stop listening to most professionally produced and distributed music to satisfy that ridiculously naive stance? you'd have to throw most of your musical library away. furthermore, the song isn't even tuned; heck, somebody as tone-deaf as i am can tell. just listen to the song. ========== which by the way, is beautiful
  4. intro is nice. it caught my attention until the guitars came in. feels too empty for far too long. then when you actually get to the meat of your arrangement, i realize that it isn't going to get any meatier. it was going to stay empty forever; adding a bass may help that. your transitions have very little life, it is as though the track meanders through most of the arrangement. that said, you have a lot of different themes and your arrangement is actually quite good if it weren't for how dead the tone sounds. it makes it very difficult to get into the track. this can be good because the arrangement idea and the performance aren't bad but the encoding, mixing and the total lack of bass and "meat" leaves it too hollow for the genre and the tone you are undoubtedly trying to create. for now, NO
  5. hmm i am pretty familiar with this theme. i worked on it for a long time with kungfuchicken and through that process, became very fond of it. this is a very nice arrangement of it. why? simply it takes the source's strengths and builds upon them. it varies well throughout and while some ideas are treated too short, it has that character where you will rewind to listen to it again. a good thing. musically, this is on point. it grooves nicely despite the breaks and jarring discordant behavior of the track after the halfway point. again, it uses the strengths of the source to drive where the arrangement is going. you know what you're doing, in other words. the major concern everybody is having is clearly with the quality of the synths and on a lesser extent, the muddiness that is, to be honest, a result of the synths. i personally am not distracted by it. i hear a great deal of imagination and intelligence in tihs arrangement. the synths could be better but cookie dough ice cream can have more cookie dough. i'm diggin it. YES
  6. this is killer. the intro is very relaxing and pleasing. this is beautiful. wow, what a change of pace. this track gets really gnarly with the synth. i love the breakbeats but the synth arpeggios don't sit well with me. hahaha but you have a piano break right into it. very clever arrangement. this is pretty entertaining and i normally really despise kirby music - normally too happy for my tastes and this is also shot with a dose of happy but it is clever, entertaining and above all else very clean and professional. the arpeggios are a problem for me but might be a stylistic issue that only not many others will have. especialyl when the rest of this is so entertaining. i dig. YES
  7. haha yea, we'll still be on i'm gonna REALLY give you guys a taste of my prophetic abilities next year. not sure what happened this season
  8. just thought i'd clarify that from my end, my lack of participation had nothing to do with my opinion of unmod - i did not need to be a part of unmod in order to support it and acknowledge how insanely fun it was. i just didnt' have any more time to participate there than anywhere else. i'm seeing a lot of generalization on both sides about where people stand. that ostracizes the few supporters you do have.
  9. bro, since when did your sense of humor tank so profoundly? c'mon - that reaked of sarcasm so badly, you can't even use the internet as an excuse
  10. pitch correction is for pussies real men don't use crutches
  11. haha y'all trippin what about my celeb status? where's the luv?
  12. haha, just screwin with you kitsuka - i understood exactly what you were saying and you're right just havin' a little fun
  13. Stop describing me accurately! I'm surprised at how many people decided to rap this song. I kinda wish there was more variety, but I think that's the "fault" of the vocalists, not the background track. I definitely think we should make everyone sing to the same track, it's much cooler that way. really? fault? are you sure that "singing" intrinsically exhausts more talent and effort? oh, you're one of those! haha
  14. Perspektiv - 2 - The Story Begins this story begins with mary jane, with mary jane this story begins with mary jane she said she'd stay and take my pain, and take my pain she'd leave the pain then be gone again left trapped in vain i'll need her again, need her again alone with my pain idle in refrain MARY JANE, she was my friend she took my hand she said "my boy, i'll make you understand That there is more to what you see! there's more to me!" and these words were uttered as crisply as the sea this story will end with mary jane, with all her fame its all the same to mary jane this story will end with mary jane, with all her fame its all the same no matter my name ====================================== yea, why not? dig it
  15. friends~ i've finally finished my new album. i didn't want to work on this into 2007, as i have other intentions for the new year but i'm probably not gonna be releasing the whole body of work until after the new year passes by a week or so(i also don't have the internet anymore because i'm poor and don't pay my bills) so keep your eyes and ears on point i don't know if you recall the war album i was workin on before but it has transformed into an entirely different project/beast with only a couple of the songs making the transition. the new album is casually referred to as Perspektiv though technically, its official name is zyko's Perspektiv. the album is summarized in a couple of sentences although they serve also as a track listing, both of which i'm revealing right now along with a new version of the first track, Bleeding. zyko's Perspektiv Bleeding, the story begins: Tinmann, follow me into refuge where you will find an offering of rice... a prophet in a funky abaya, a man in a cave. In stop frame animation. Bleeding The Story Begins Tinmann Follow Me Refuge An Offering of Rice Prophet Funky Abaya A Man in a Cave Stop Frame Animation =============EDIT=============== finally decided to release it in its entirety. i was waiting up on the sketches that go with each song but seeing as how i haven't finished that endeavour, i've decided against delaying. dig it. zykO's Perspektiv
  16. is it just me or are entrants droppin like flies?
  17. loving this game thoroughly to echo whats been said... midna has navi trumped heavy. zelda's voice in the little bag was clever in wind waker but midna took that idea (of an actual dynamic, engaging personality) and really made it work. very nice.
  18. i'm curious - what timing issues? you can't be seriously telling me that time is absolute to the point that you can tell me that the flute has bad timing who invented years? months? days? hours? minutes? seconds? the only discernably consistent measure of time is our own heart and i doubt you know the pace of mine this is why the community needs more zyko - some of y'all REALLY are in desperate need of some out-of-the-box.
  19. that's what you said on the last half a dozen tracks, too finally i know who was meta-bombing me. it was you! ================ thanks to everyone for their comments. glad you guys are feelin what i'm doin. there was quite a bit of drama leading up to the posting but i want to make one thing perfectly clear: i respect and honor the process or i would not be a part of it. if i criticize it, i am doing so to see it improve. Insaintan - it isn't so much pomp and pretense as it is an incongruence with an unfamiliar style. i cannot expect everybody to hear a single stretch of music the same way that i hear it. this is the beauty of intepretation. just doin my thing
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