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Everything posted by zykO

  1. too cluttered. the intro was great - i was digging the awkward pizz... then it got too messy, too cluttered and static. the arrangement idea is neat because it is definetly out of the box. zelda's lullaby is a very relaxing, gentle piece; it is a lullaby, afterall. i can't picture anyone sleeping to this under any circumstance - not even with extreme inebriation. good melodic arrangement ideas but the whole piece is too jarring; not even artistically done, to be honest. mechanical and static NO
  2. simply put, this isn't going anywhere enough to make a case for it. i love some aspects of it, i really do. love the modulation work you do with the synth lead. the rhythm is very doors-inspired. i hear one of manzarek's great basslines in there. but what this needs is a life. it needs something injected into it that will give it the blood and willpower to get up and walk because right now it is laying in a puddle of its own creative juices. incidentally, i'm going to keep this and i urge you to beef up the sound. vary it up just a smidge. the bassline and rhythm is killer but look into not keeping it that steady throughout the piece. it gets monotonous even to the most patient. the lead instrument is edgy enough but needs better positioning in the soundfield. make it more present, more bity... give it a personality. the rhythm guitar thing is very dead and doesnt' help you at all. its contribution to the orchestration is very nice but to the EQ and mixing balance, it is worthless. consider either changing its instrumentation, geting a real guitarist to play it or humanize it somehow. i see a lot more potential in this than my colleagues, it appears. but when all is said and done, this isn't going to be posted. you have to revisit it. dig it? NO
  3. vig nails it. the intro is making me twitch from its stiffness. i had a very hard time getting into it for the first minute. that is too long to be that mechanical incidentally. it would be an entirely different issue if it was intentional but i don't hear that; you can tell from how consistently rigid the attack and release of the whole track is. again, another one of those arrangements that impresses mostly on the merit of the original. so if anything, good taste in music. i like a lot of the arrangement ideas - it is clear to me that you were willing to flex your brain creatively and take it in multiple directions but this is a case of poor execution. so while the blueprints are good, the building is flawed from the foundation up. you have the right idea but i suggest going back and personalizing the piece, giving it more flow, maybe even more you if you know what i mean. but for now NO
  4. i'd likely end up echoing most of what zircon said but in a nutshell, i'm digging the production of this a lot but the synths are a little boring. while the track is engaging, it is doing so mostly on the merits of the original than on anything brought to the table. it is too close to the original for comfort in this regard and would have been helped a great deal had you given us some synthwork that separated it from the tone of the original. this one is definetly a resubmit as far as i'm concerned. i'm still bangin my head to it so i know its good (the ending is very good - love the implication of middle eastern rhtythm) but this is still underdeveloped. NO resubmit.
  5. i'm going to have to disagree with some points, likely sending this, undoubtedly, into a discordant deadlock i think the track's only apparent failure is in the fact that it does not arrange anything in particular. it is truly a tribute to zelda rather than a tribute to specificity. this is obviously turning off a couple of judges but it doesn't turn me off. the zelda theme is apparent to me in the intro and at several different parts throughout the piece. very well arranged, if you ask me... i think the point is that maybe one would prefer something more DIRECT but as cryptic as the arrangement is, it is also quite brilliant... this isn't a repeat of ocarina boogie where there was hardly a trace of zelda in it. there is plenty of zelda here, i'm shocked you can't hear it. as for qualifying the piece itself, the singing is good. i don't hear any green in it... no more than fitting . the song is intelligent. there are timing issues and some funny notes here and there but the arrangement is such candy that i can't help but overlook that. i dig the "autopilot" drums... it is not a flashy rhythm, it serves its purpose in a track whose greater purpose is clearly the witty lyrics; kinda like reggae? perhaps this track will ultimately come down to a matter of preference and how many of the judges end up on one of the sides. but if this is going to fail entirely on account of arrangement, i feel it'll need to be given more attention because there is really nothing wrong with arranging an implied chord progression in what would ultimately become a vocal piece. melody does not always have to be accomodated as a centerpiece this is zelda goodness. YES
  6. i feel like i'm re-popping the cherry. excitement abound! and good thing, too. this track is very nice. it does start off very conservatively and then migrates out. very good idea, too - given the source material, i don't think it would have been easy to swallow, otherwise. the transitions are smooth and do a good job to never give the impression that he was starting to go on a tangent... slick in bringin the original melody back, too. the flute work is beautiful. then again, this is corran and i expect that. the instrumentation is great, the reverse cymbals do their trick. the upbeat section is awesome if i had one criticism it would be the drums. while i am digging the rhythm, i don't like how they sound. they sound almost too big in parts. a reason why it would appear this way to me would be the lack of a bass presence during the upbeat climax and it feels as though there was too much reliance on the kick of the drum to drive your piece. that said, this one still gets my approval. YES
  7. although the sm57 is not traditionally known for recording vocals (it is, afterall, a directional mic), remember that steven tyler recorded the whole eat the rich album through one. the lesson here being that it's what you do with the gear that dictates your sound. the traditional way of recording your vocals would be through a condensor mic much like the Rode NT series. a nice warm tube mic pre and a pop shield and you're well on your way. i noticed you said something about a condensor not being a good fit due to a broad range to your singing. quite the contrary; that's almost precisely why you should get one. of course, i'm not saying to have the thing in your mouth while you're screaming so do record from a reasonable distance but the condensor will do wonders for the fullness of your recorded vocals.
  8. the arrangement is awesome but i really don't like the vocals. it is nothing more than personal preference as the rest of the arrangement is fantastic. some notables: the guitar work is energetic and full of character despite the shredding which is not common. the production is raw, the arrangement is very intelligent (link's heartbeat prepping him for his death), and all in all this has great zelda value i'm glad to see you guys back.
  9. ok. so i've come to the conclusion that i'm bias because i have a very special relationship with this song due to various mind-altering experiences involving it... hence distorting my judgement into absolutism. but this really has got to be my favorite music. ever. shit. i think i said it again.
  10. truthfully, that makes absolutely no sense. that said, i'm diggin this track look forward to more of your work
  11. This apparently disappeared. ====================================== Your ReMixer name: Joshua Morse & po! Your real name: Joshua Morse & Posu Yan Your email address: dashvibe@gmail.com / wushuplaya@yahoo.com Your website: http://www.joshuamorse.com / http://www.wushuplaya.com Name of game(s) ReMixed: Breath of Fire 3 Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Casually (Overworld Theme 1) Composer/s: ... System: Sony Playstation Original Soundtrack: http://www.zophar.net/psf/BoF3_psf.rar
  12. i received the message from larry about the size whaddya know, huh encoded just a tad lower and its under 6. boom diggity
  13. this is the sort of stuff navid excels at. breaking my brain. demented, twisted and brilliant. the disenfranchised missing musical ideas are making me feel kinda edgy in the dark right now. functionality maximized. smooth combination of tones and moods. i'm thoroughly impressed by this one. no qualms get your ass to mars! YES
  14. there are several issues here... there is very little energy here. the recording is horribly distant and on those huge hits in the source, you have to bring that out... the wah sounds awful... the arpeggiated runs are sloppy and jarring. your lead tone is very weak, you should bring it out in the mix also... no point in mentioning the drums. i forgot they were there the first two listens. that should tell you enough. the track you should hear is tackle's interpretation of the same theme... give you an idea of how powerful this should come across as... i can tell you were trying to be so telling me you meant it that way isn't going to convince me. i do like your use of effects for the ambient stuff... namely in the beginning. this sounds a lot like my earlier stuff so i know that you're on the right track and that most of this is a matter of what you use and not the creative process behind it.... but you need to solidify your ability to convey your ideas using what you've got because otherwise, you have a piece that sounds and feels empty and dull. keep working on this and visit our remixing forums and soon you'll be able to realize more of your ideas. NO
  15. the intro is nice but this does get particularly cluttered. everything that needs to be said has for the most part. the dynamic of the piece is hindered by the fact that everything is doing something at all times and while that might be a stylistic choice, its very jarring. it also doesn't help that its very loosely mixed together... the mix is half the battle when it comes to credibility and everything is very strained to stay together.... NO
  16. i really like this one, a lot. yeah the soundfonts are gnarly at points, i have to agree with zircon but they really don't take too much from this... but you should definetly consider automating a lot of your sample treatments because you can do quite a bit with cheap samples. this is highly interpretive, actually. even the original sections are playing off of source ideas. i don't like the song structure (it should not have ended the way it did, i believe... the whole dynamic of the piece seems faulty) but i cannot base my judgement on a personal preference. i think the arrangement is sufficient in interpreting the source so in that regard, its good. but just for you own know, you sort of "busted" your climax a bit early and as a result leave the audience kinda hanging later on... just a thought.... the samples(string especially) are campy but its perfect and consistent with your stylistic musings good work. you get a yes from me YES
  17. hmm first off, you sound far too similar to del and i have a slight issue with originality here. that said, its still very good and you have a good rap voice but you should consider using/developing your own style. i don't need to tell you this but rap is one form that requires individuality... its the genre where you really don't want to sound like someone else. the rap verse is far too short. this whole track is, in fact, too short. a minute? that shouldn't even be a full verse. the lyrics are great but its too short and isn't effective as it is. the beat is too minimalistic, there is almost no interpretation of the source at all. like mentioned earlier, you put the downbeat horns and drums and that's just about it. sorry, man nice idea but not enough meat. NO
  18. i liked this but there's no way we're going to say that other "covers" were not allowed and this is. Like Harmony pointed out, the cover section of this repeats itself unassumingly. Solos do not an interpretation make. I'm sorry but anybody can solo over a chord progression and while you do it well, it isn't enough to separate this from any metal interpretation of Castlevania... consider Dracula Battle Perfect 1 and 2, even that said, i really did like this a lot cuz it rocks; i recognize the drums, the guitar tone is solid and the playing is fantastic but you're gonna have to do a little more than this to meet OCR guidelines. NO
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