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Posts posted by AMT

  1. Hey guys! I decided to take a break from work and put together a mix of my favorite song from TWEWY, a catchy J-Pop song called Calling. Instead, I'm doing it like a punk garage band. I'd love feedback on the singing, since I know that's my week spot. Production and arrangement are WIP but criticism and comments of any sort are always appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to listen, let me know what you think!

    Update! Totally re-recorded the vocals and updated the mixing. Take a listen!

    NEW [6/26/10]:stats.png




    Here's the source, for those unfamiliar with the game:

  2. It's been mentioned, but I can't emphasize enough how much of a difference hi-passing and low-passing your tracks makes. Put a hi-pass on anything that isn't a central bass instrument (Kick, bass, etc). Try around 150Hz and increase it (not soloed) until you can hear the difference in the mix, then back off just a hair. Do the same on all of your tracks with a low-pass; You can easily low pass at 12KHz without losing anything on almost every track, and you can push it down to 7.5KHz-9KHz on guitars and other things no problem. Stuff like bass can be way lower, around 1.5KHz or so easily. Recently on my tracks, the only things that aren't hi-passed are the bass and kick drum, and the only things that aren't lowpassed are the hihat and cymbals. This will clean up "junk" frequencies that aren't contributing to the mix, allowing you to push it way louder without sounding as squished or harsh.

  3. That sounds like a pretty decent recording. I also use an SM57 for guitars and monitor on BX5as. I wouldn't worry about how the guitar sounds until you have it sitting in a mix- what sounds perfect solo'd can sound atrocious with the rest of the band, and what sounds great in a mix might sound terrible on its own (That's ok though, because others will only hear it in the mix). Try giving it a hi-pass filter at around 200Hz and a 2-3db boost between 1500Hz to 3000Hz to taste. I think once you have this with some drums and bass behind it, it'll sound great :D If it still doesn't sound good, try recording two performances of the same material and panning it left and right, so each speaker has a guitar assigned to it. You can get a huge amount of stereo width this way, and it's especially common for metal rhythm gutiars. A pan of about 75% to each side or so usually does the trick. If you want examples just let me know.

    As for which speakers to trust, definitely the BX5as, although you want to get it to a point where it sounds good everywhere. Listen to as much music as you can on your monitors and learn how they sound; that's what will help your ears improve the most. I didn't like how they sounded at first, but now I prefer them to pretty much anything else.

  4. I just got done with my second listen-through on real speakers. In general, I think it was a solid album. My main gripe is that there were a lot of tracks where it was either difficult to identify the source or it completely changed the feel of the original. It made it seem like those tracks didn't get fair representation on the album. There were a few on here that I couldn't even link to the source without comparing them side by side, and I know this game really well. The tracks that were great, though, were absolutely amazing. Rare Respite, Dance of the Zinger, and Re-Skewed are probably my favorites. Tetanus, Beneath the Canopy, and A New Place were all fantastic as well. While I wish it were more coherent in places, it was good and I enjoyed it overall. Good work everyone!

  5. Is this the track you're talking about? It sounds like a plucked stringed instrument to me (Maybe a harp of some sort?), but if you want a synth to sound like that I think you might want to try an FM synth. Others around here know way more about that than I do, but it should be somewhere to start.

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