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Posts posted by AMT

  1. It'd be great if the Workshop Discussion board could get more exposure. Maybe have a board rotation on the front page that switches between Workshop / WIP / Competitions? I'm not sure how to go about it, but the board is really dead and it'd be great to get more people over there. I'm not sure many people even know it's there D:

  2. I did listen to the whole thing, I just said that particular comment when I was two minutes in. If you want to improve as a musician and artist, you have to be able to accept critiques about your work and honestly consider them. Don't blame the listener for "not getting it." It's not a personal attack or anything like that. My critiques are probably flawed too, so I'm not saying I'm 100% right. Still, you can always improve and realizing how far you have to go is the first step of getting there. We're all still learning and progressing.

  3. The synth in the beginning starts out well enough. I'm two minutes into the song and it's basically been the same thing over and over. The soundscape is really empty and it doesn't draw you in at all; there's nothing interesting going on, specifically in the percussion. If this had some sort of driving rhythm behind it it would be improved substantially. Keep working on it and post again!

  4. Starting right off, that bass sound makes it sound like this is just playing back on an actual DS. Actually, the whole song is like that, which usually doesn't fly for OCRs. Your drums sound like they're interesting, but they are really hard to hear over the synths. By 3:00 I feel like I've heard the same thing over and over; the song has no dynamics. It's just in your face pounding the whole time, and not in a good way. Your actual synths weren't too bad- you definitely have promise. Practice your drums / beats / percussion and this will come out a lot better. Definitely keep posting your material!

  5. AMT:

    On top of being a fucking great OST, several of my friends say that Contra Hard Corps is easily the best of the Contra series. I've never played it myself, but if we judge by OST alone I certainly could believe it.

    It really, really is. A lot of people don't like it because they say it was just boss battles, but that's WHY I like it- the game is intense battle after intense battle. After playing it, all other Contra games just feel slow in comparison (With maybe the exception of Shattered Soldier). It's such a great game. Also, that Batman game looks amazing, I need to try this.

  6. There's a free VSTi synth out there called Oatmeal that has a randomization function in it, which basically leads to near-infinite presets. It's got some decent sounds and I've used it to make Metroid-y synths to pretty good effect. Check it out, although I really would recommend learning some stuff about synthesis. 99% of the sounds you are trying to recreate weren't made with samples, but were synthesized from scratch, so you'll have better results learning how that was done.

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