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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/day-27-29-super-mario-world-2-yoshis-island/ Day 27-29: It's over. Now here come the pain.
  2. Got myself stuck at the bottom of some colosseum-looking place with no exits and no way to kill myself, someone wanna pull me out?
  3. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/09/day-23-26-super-mario-world-2-yoshis-island/ Day 23-26: Just moseying along, slowly but surely.
  4. I'd like to join. Been looking for a new multiplayer server. PM'ing my Minecraft name.
  5. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/04/day-22-super-mario-world-2-yoshis-island/ Day 22: Yoshi's Island continues to be enjoyable, predictably enough.
  6. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/03/smite-me-oh-lord-for-i-have-sinned-against-you/ I broke the rules. Now you get to punish me.
  7. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/02/02/day-21-super-mario-world-2-yoshis-island/ Day 21: Yoshi's Island is awesome. As if you needed me to tell you that.
  8. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/29/day-20-haunting-ground/ Day 20: Haunting Ground turns out to be not entirely what I'd hoped for.
  9. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/27/day-18-day-19-shadows-of-the-damned/ Day 18 & Day 19: A short wrap-up on a short game.
  10. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/26/day-17-shadows-of-the-damned/ Day 17: Subtlety goes right out the window, if there was any to begin with.
  11. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/day-16-shadows-of-the-damned/ Day 16: Shadows Of The Damned kicks off with a lot of quirkiness and genitalia-related humor.
  12. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/22/day-15-phoenix-wright-justice-for-all/ Day 15: Phoenix Wright: Justice For All is OVER! FINISHED!
  13. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/day-14-phoenix-wright-justice-for-all/ Day 14: The final case opens with a bang.
  14. Now you know why I don't play RPG's
  15. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/day-12-day-13-phoenix-wright-justice-for-all/ Day 12 & 13: Episode 3 is done. Time for the home stretch.
  16. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/17/day-11-phoenix-wright-justice-for-all/ Day 11: The 2nd Episode is wrapped up. That is all.
  17. I'm already enjoying it How many cases does it have, though? I'm guessing it doesn't have a case added to the DS version like the first game did, so probably 4? I can already see this picture of me being as used as the background for that title card
  18. Already planning on it http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/day-10-phoenix-wright-justice-for-all/ Day 10: the going gets rough.
  19. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/15/day-9-phoenix-wright-justice-for-all/ Day 9: After a brief silence, it's time to get back on track with Phoenix Wright: Justice For All. Also, be sure to check out my Backloggery page to have a look at my collection in case you might want to suggest any games in the near future. http://www.backloggery.com/amayirot_akago
  20. Day 8: Mark Of The Ninja gets marked as completed. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/day-8-mark-of-the-ninja/
  21. Dude, I have 1000+ games and I had to enter them all MANUALLY!! And I did it anyway, because I am a MAYUN!
  22. Heh, glad you guys are liking it so far. Day 7: Mark Of The Ninja continues to be awesome. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/day-7-mark-of-the-ninja/
  23. http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/day-6-mark-of-the-ninja/ Day 6: Mark Of The Ninja kicks off, and by God, I love it.
  24. For the new year, inspired by another devoted gamer, I've decided to try and beat 100 games before buying any new ones in order to thin out my backlog a bit. Follow along with my progress as I tell you of my impressions of each game I play along the way: http://akagos100gameoath.wordpress.com/ So far I've finished one game and ragequitted another, and there will be many more to follow in the near future. Also follow my Twitch.tv channel where I will be playing games live whenever I feel like it: http://www.twitch.tv/amayirot_akago
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